Enthusiasm Gap Widens: Only 2 People Showed Up For Joe Biden Debate Watch Party

Two men walk into a Joe Biden debate watch party…No that’s not the beginning of a joke, it’s the end of Biden’s presidential campaign because there is literally no enthusiasm for his run. Elizabeth Warren draws huge crowds as does Bernie Sanders. Even slacker doofus 2 percenter Beto O’Rourke can fill an auditorium, but Biden is never seen talking to more than a handful of people. His poll numbers are sinking and he’s getting out-fundraised by nearly everyone in the democratic primary field. He’s dunzo and this is just more proof.

Last week the democrats held another debate and The Philadelphia Inquirer sent out some reporters to cover local debate watch parties. Here’s something that would be really sad if it were about anyone likable or sympathetic:

David Bradford set up a bowl of chips, salsa, and some grapes in the common room of his Center City apartment building.

He was hosting a presidential debate-watching party for Joe Biden supporters just blocks from the former vice president’s national campaign headquarters. He didn’t expect a big crowd, but in the end only one other person showed up.

The two men watched in silence and both left before the three-hour debate ended. A reporter turned off the TV on her way out.

That would be a metaphor for Biden’s failing campaign if it wasn’t actually and literally his campaign failing. The Biden watch parties weren’t just impromptu affairs thrown by random weirdos but rather officially sanctioned events of his campaign. I could tell people on the street that I had free chips and salsa at my house and get more than one person to show up.

There was more sadness for Joey:

“No, he’s not exciting,” said Marilyn Silberstein, 74, a Biden supporter who hosted a watch party at her apartment in East Falls. “But haven’t we had enough excitement for the last three years? And you know what? That makes me more excited about him.”

Silberstein’s party drew only three people. Two supported other candidates.

I’m sure Biden is as bad as math as he is at speaking, thinking, and running for president, so I’ll add this up for him: 2 official campaign watch parties attracted a total of 6 people, only one of whom actually supports Joe Biden. That averages out to .5 supporter per party, which wouldn’t be bad if there were a million watch parties, but there weren’t.

If at all possible this story gets worse for Biden. The Philadelphia Enquirer wanted to interview some Biden supports to get their take on the lack of excitement for him, but this is the only guy they could find:

“He’s kind of the shoe we know,” said Bradford, a registered Republican considering changing his affiliation to vote for Biden. “The comfortable shoe that fits. I see people going, ‘Oh he’s not the brand new shiny toy that others see and find appealing right away’ … I think as we narrow the field … that energy will pick up.”

He’s a registered Republican who is considering becoming a democrat to vote for Biden? What’s stopping him? My guess would be that this guy or the reporter is lying.

In any case, the two people who claim to support Biden in this story describe him as an unexciting old shoe who is not appealing. That sounds about right, but it sure as hell doesn’t sound like something that would tend to get him elected.

The liberal media has picked Joe Biden as the democratic party nominee, which is why they defend him so vigorously and constantly declare him the “frontrunner,” but where’s the evidence? Even their fake news polls struggle to show him leading the pack but all other metrics point to him losing his 3rd bid for the White House. Gay Alfred E. Newman is raising more money than him, a pretend Indian princess draws more scalps than him, and even the communist can throw a party with more than 2 people.