Joy Behar: Hillary Clinton Is Right About Most Things

I thought about adding some context to that headline, but it would have been much too long and I figured enough people would read the article after they stopped laughing. The proper context is that View cohost Joy Behar said that Tulsi Gabbard must be a Russian asset because Hillary Clinton said so and Hillary has been right about most things. Before joining the daytime squawk show, Behar was an unfunny comedian, but she finally landed a solid punchline.

A quick review: Hillary Clinton said in an interview that Hawaii Rep. and democratic party candidate Tulsi Gabbard was being groomed by the Russians for a 3rd party run in 2020 to siphon off votes and deliver the election to President Trump. This is part of a liberal media campaign to promote Gabbard as a Russian asset or even a Russian agent. There is absolutely no evidence to support this weird smear campaign, but apparently Hillary Clinton has a personal beef with Tulsi Gabbard and we all know what happens when you cross a Clinton.

Speaking of personal beef, heifer Joy Behar was fulfilling her contractual obligation as a democratic party asset by defending Hillary for her irresponsible and vindictive conspiracy theories.

Sonny Hostin got the BS flowing:

“For me honestly, Hillary’s been dead on with so many things,” said Hostin. “I thought, where’s the lie? I’ve often said that Tulsi is sort of the Trojan horse in this.”

Really? Can Sonny Hostin provide video of her accusing Tulsi Gabbard of being a Russian mole, prior to this shameless defense of Hillary Clinton’s spiteful lies?

Hostin furthered her “evidence” that Hillary is right to call Gabbard a Russian asset because Gabbard went on Fox News and claimed she’s been endorsed by the Russians and former KKK grand wizard David Duke. Yeah, she’s a Russian agent and an undercover white supremacist. For the record, Gabbard isn’t entirely white, but whatever.

Joy Behar chimed in and said that Gabbard calling Hillary a “warmonger” proves she’s a Russian asset. Behar also falsely claimed that Gabbard never denied being a Russian asset (she has) so therefore she must be one.

Then, there was this:

“Hillary was right about almost everything,” proclaimed Behar.

Oh yeah? Like what?

Was Hillary right about Benghazi?

Was Hillary right about private e-mail servers?

Was Hillary right about the Russian reset?

Was Hillary right about Paula Jones, Kathleen Willey, and Jaunita Broddrick?

Was Hillary right about Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania?

Was Hillary right about pantsuits?

Was Hillary right about pretending to be black?

Remember when Hillary sent out this tweet:

Was Hillary right about the 2016 election?

I could go on like this all day, but I have things to do. Please use the comments section below to inform me of anything Hillary has ever been right about.

Behar said that her real problem with Gabbard is that “she’s going after Hillary” and then called the Hawaii Air National Guard Major a “useful idiot” for the Russians. If only everyone could sacrifice for America the way Joy Behar has.

Tulsi Gabbard should sue the crap out of Hillary Clinton, The View, and everyone in the liberal media propaganda machine who is slandering her as a Russian agent. All she has to do is prove this is a baseless allegation, which it is, and Cha-ching!