Berkeley Renames Manholes Because They Are Too Gendered

When you think of all the problems facing Berkeley, CA, excessively gendered manholes probably isn’t one. That’s because you’re not a liberal nutcase, but thankfully all of the kooks are in charge and will start calling manholes “maintenance holes.” Homelessness? A lack of affordable housing? An absence of plastic drinking straws? All of that stuff can go f*ck itself, because several people were personally offended by the name of sewer access points.

Here’s the funniest thing I’ve read in a while from NBC Bay Area:

Berkeley is always leading the way when it comes to progressive laws and Wednesday it added another to the list.

So wasting time and money to rename innocuous things is leading? I guess for progressives it is and here’s what that leadership has provided:

Berkeley, California, a city with a long history of progressivism, is moving forward with a plan to remove all gendered language from its city code as part of an effort to recognize its nonbinary residents.

Soon, in the Bay Area city just east of San Francisco, all instances of “he” and “she” in the city code will replaced by the gender-neutral “they.”

With the change, “manholes” will be called “maintenance holes,” “firemen” will become “firefighters,” “man-made” will be “artificial” and all instances of “men and women” will be replaced by “people.”

Gee, I can’t wait for this to happen:

“Can you describe your attacker?” Asked the Berkeley PD.

“They was a people,” replied the victim.

‘Put out an APB on people,” said the Berkeley PD.

City Council People Rigel Robinson, who spearheaded this important initiative, explained the urgency of the matter:

“It is Berkeley being Berkeley, and what that means is it’s Berkeley being inclusive. A male-centric municipal code doesn’t reflect the reality of the city of Berkeley,” said Robinson.

Inclusive? Stupid? It’s all the same thing in Berkeley.

And speaking of stupid, the entire reason behind this is because of trannies:

Berkeley’s efforts aligns with California’s broader effort to include people who don’t identify as men or women into state policy.

So a man who puts on a dress can be called a “woman” but a manhole can’t be called a manhole? That may be the craziest thing I’ve ever heard. It sure as shit isn’t inclusive.

I think the biggest question here is: what happens to the thriving gay bar scene in the area? There has to be at least a dozen gay bars called “The Manhole” in the Bay Area. What is to become of them? What self-respecting gay guy is going to go to a gay bar called the “Maintenance Hole”? That sounds more like a place one would go to treat severe rectal trauma.

The Berkeley City Council will pick up this nonsense next month and I have a few suggestions for them if they truly want to call themselves progressive:

Charlie Sheen is banned from Berkeley until he changes his name to Charlie Theyen.

No more Manfred Mann songs on the radio.

Batman is not welcome, but the Joker is.

In case liberals ever wonder why everyone laughs at them and no one takes them seriously, this is a great example. Of course they don’t wonder about this stuff, which is what makes them liberals.