Trump Calls For GOP To Grow A Spine, Fight Back Against Dem Fascists

The best defense is a strong offense.

President Trump has gone on offense over the Democrats’ sham impeachment inquiry and has dropped a list of demands on chief inquisitor Adam Schiff.

The serial liar who heads up the House Intel Committee has been put in charge of the lynching by dementia-addled Nancy Pelosi and he has taken the ball and run with it.

Schiff has done his best to mimic the old Soviet Union with his secret hearings in a basement room in the U.S. Capitol as he interviews “whistleblowers” and “witnesses” to frame Trump while most Republicans remain paralyzed in fear.

Not one to worry about being called mean things on Twitter like the cowardly GOP members of Congress, the commander in chief and leader of the free world took the bull by the horns and drilled shifty Schiff.

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According to the POTUS:

This Scam going on right now by the Democrats against the Republican Party, and me, was all about a perfect phone call I had with the Ukrainian President. He’s already stated, NO PRESSURE! Where is the Whistleblower, or the 2nd Whistleblower, or the “informant?” All gone…..

….because their so-called story didn’t come even close to matching up with the exact transcript of the phone call. Was it a Corrupt Adam Schiff con? Why didn’t the IG see this? When do we depose Shifty Schiff to find out why he fraudulently made up my phone call and read this…

…fiction to Congress and the American People? I demand his deposition. He is a fraud, just like the Russia Hoax was, and the Ukraine Hoax is now. When do the Do Nothing Democrats pay a price for what they are doing to our Country, & when do the Republicans finally fight back?

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Trump also threw his support behind the censure of Schiff which was just blocked by Democrats.

The president shouldn’t hold his breath waiting for the “whistleblower” because there is no whistleblower. It was all a setup by a CIA White House mole, possibly with an assist from fired national security advisor John Bolton.

As for Republicans fighting back, on Wednesday, there were baby steps by a number of Trump allies who stormed Schiff’s secret star chamber and demanded transparency.

Via Fox News:

House Republicans led by Rep. Matt Gaetz, R-Fla., on Wednesday essentially stormed a closed-door session connected to the impeachment investigation of President Trump, prompting House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff to suspend the proceedings in a remarkable scene.

The standoff happened Wednesday morning after lawmakers held a press conference in which they accused House Democrats of lack of transparency.

“We’re going to try and go in there, and we’re going to try to figure out what’s going on, on behalf of the millions of Americans that we represent that want to see this Congress working for them and not obsess with attacking a president who we believe has not done anything to deserve impeachment,” Gaetz said.

The Republicans specifically called out Schiff, D-Calif., who is leading the investigation.

“What is Adam Schiff trying to hide?” asked House Minority Whip Steve Scalise, R-La. “I think that’s the question so many people have, so many of my colleagues have, so many people in the press should have.”

“Voting members of Congress are being denied access from being able to see what’s happening behind these closed doors where they’re trying to impeach the president of the United States with a one-sided set of rules,” Scalise continued. “They call the witnesses. They don’t let anybody else call the witnesses.”

True to form, Schiff skittered away like a cockroach rather than reveal his “evidence” against Trump – now where have we seen this before.

Whether more Republicans will be emboldened remains to be seen.

One of the greatest travesties of the three years of darkness, lies and conspiracy theories from the media and Democrats has been that Republicans have nearly completely failed their president and the rest of the nation by tolerating this fascist bullshit.