Deep State “Whistleblower” Refuses To Testify After Being Outed

Who would have guessed that the “whistleblower” is an Obama holdover and partisan hack?

There is more trickery afoot with the Democrats and their underhanded impeachment inquiry as their star “whistleblower” has abruptly refused to testify.

While Adam Schiff and a veritable army of Deep State lawyers have been busy with their transformation of the USA into the old Soviet Union for Trump’s show trial, the entire sham becomes more disgusting by the day.

With Nancy Pelosi and Schiff announcing their rigged “rules” for the upcoming lynching of a legitimately elected president, an interesting new development could prove to be a problem for Democrats.

The “whistleblower” who the entire fraudulent process has been built upon was previously outed as a CIA snitch who was working as a mole in the Trump White House but after a bombshell report by Real Clear Investigations was detonated, it is now clear that it was a setup from the get-go.

The “whistleblower” has been outed as likely being longtime Dem operative Eric Ciaramella who in addition to being a registered Democrat who worked for both Barack Obama and Joe Biden but also helped to initiate the Russia “collusion” hoax.

He was also fired from the National Security Council for leaks and is on record as being an avowed Trump hater.

He has now backed out of testifying rather than being faced with having to answer any questions regarding his involvement in the coup as will as his history.

Via The Washington Examiner, “‘No further discussion’: Talks halt between whistleblower lawyers and Schiff staff amid expectation he won’t testify”:

The whistleblower whose complaint launched impeachment proceedings against President Trump is unlikely to testify to Congress, as talks have ceased between his legal team and committee leaders.

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff, who has overseen depositions in Democrats’ impeachment proceeding, was initially eager for the whistleblower to testify before citing concern about the person being identified.

Republicans accuse Schiff, a California Democrat, of changing course to prevent inquiries into his staff’s dealings with the whistleblower before he filed his Aug. 12 complaint to the Intelligence Community inspector general.

A source familiar with the discussions told the Washington Examiner that talks halted over potential testimony from the whistleblower and there is no discussion of testimony from a second whistleblower, who supported the first’s claims.


It would appear that the unmasking of Ciaramella has caused a major disruption in the force and it doesn’t take a genius to see how problematic that this guy is to Schiff and his network of fellow traitors.

According to Real Clear Investigations:

More than two months after the official filed his complaint, pretty much all that’s known publicly about him is that he is a CIA analyst who at one point was detailed to the White House and is now back working at the CIA.

But the name of a government official fitting that description — Eric Ciaramella — has been raised privately in impeachment depositions, according to officials with direct knowledge of the proceedings, as well as in at least one open hearing held by a House committee not involved in the impeachment inquiry. Fearing their anonymous witness could be exposed, Democrats this week blocked Republicans from asking more questions about him and intend to redact his name from all deposition transcripts.

RealClearInvestigations is disclosing the name because of the public’s interest in learning details of an effort to remove a sitting president from office. Further, the official’s status as a “whistleblower” is complicated by his being a hearsay reporter of accusations against the president, one who has “some indicia of an arguable political bias … in favor of a rival political candidate” — as the Intelligence Community Inspector General phrased it circumspectly in originally fielding his complaint.

Federal documents reveal that the 33-year-old Ciaramella, a registered Democrat-held over from the Obama White House, previously worked with former Vice President Joe Biden and former CIA Director John Brennan, a vocal critic of Trump who helped initiate the Russia “collusion” investigation of the Trump campaign during the 2016 election.

This is not good news for the impeachment mob – especially if the long-awaited DOJ Inspector General report and/or the investigation by AG William Barr and his bulldog prosecutor John Dunham have similarly involved Mr. Ciaramella.

Not to mention that once the impeachment train pulls into the Republican-controlled Senate, it is unlikely that Trump will be severely restricted in his defense and just imagine what pretty songs that this guy will sing to save his own hide.

Could it be that the Democrats are now caught in a trap of their own making?