Joy Behar Forgets The Internet Exists And Denies She Ever Wore Blackface

Donald Trump Jr. and his girlfriend Kimberly Guilfoyle went on The View Thursday to promote his new book. As you can imagine the hostile leftist hens clucked incessantly at the First Son, mainly about his father saying mean things. Junior hit back at a couple of the cohosts, bringing up Joy Behar’s blackface incident as well as Whoopi Goldberg’s “not rape-rape” defense of child rapist Roman Polanski. Despite overwhelming evidence and a personal admission, Behar actually tried to claim she’s never done blackface.

Whoopi Goldberg was claiming that the liberal media was harder on Barack Obama than Donald Trump, when Trump Jr. brought up the fact that no sitting President has taken more heat than his father. Joy Behar proved his point by reeling off a list of liberal media manufactured lies against Trump that she believes justifies the hostility towards the President.

“He also called Mexicans rapists,  some Mexicans are rapists, he attacked the handicapped, he bragged about the [Access Hollywood] tape, we heard bragging about grabbing women by their genitalia,” screeched Behar.

So no Mexicans are rapists?

“[Trump is] lowering the discourse to his level, which is horrible for this country even if people are working, we don’t want to have a country like that, do you understand that?” Behar said.

So Behar would rather have a shitty economy and massive unemployment than a president who says things she doesn’t like?

That’s when things got truly hilarious.

“We’ve all done things that we regret, I mean for talking about bringing the discourse down, Joy, you’ve worn blackface. Whoopi, you said…Roman Polanski, it wasn’t “rape-rape” when he raped a child,” said Trump Jr.


“No I didn’t,” replied Behar. “I did not wear black face, please.”

“No she was not in black face. Listen, being black, I recognize black face, this I can say, okay.”

That’s their defense? Whoopi and Joy are just going to claim Behar never wore blackface? If only there were something like an information superhighway in which one could easily and quickly factcheck this claim. Oh wait, I just found something called “The Internet” and it turns out Behar is completely full of shit.

That’s a segment from The View in which Behar shows a picture of a Halloween costumer she wore when she was in her late 20’s. The custom is supposed to be a “beautiful African woman” and she admitted to darkening her skin for full effect. Hey, guess what? That’s called blackface.

Even Jezebel called it “blackface.”

Not only is Behar lying about the blackface, the idea that she dressed up as a beautiful woman of any race is a major stretch of the truth.

This is how liberals maintain their fantasy world: anything that is inconvenient to their lie, they just pretend it doesn’t exist. Their positions are indefensible and facts are their enemy so they close their eyes and wish it all away.