Dumb Tweets From Dumber Democrats

Democrats count on people being stupid to keep them in power, which would seem like the plan of evil geniuses, but the fact is they are just as dumb as the people who vote for them. In just one day I’ve assembled completely idiotic tweets from democratic leaders showing they are truly the party of dipshits.

Let’s start with the leader of the morons, Joe Biden:

If he’s going to make the vaccine available to all Americans, why does it need to be “equitably” distributed? Doesn’t giving it to everyone already mean it’s going to be equitably distributed? Are some people more equal than others?

Next we go to dumbest guy in Congress, Ted Lieu, who doesn’t understand how photo IDs work:

See, there’s more than just a photo on photo IDs to help differentiate between people. There’s a name, address, ID number, etc… The chances that similar looking people would have all of the same information are very remote.

Now let’s see what the dumbest-looking guy in Congress, Eric Swalwell, is up to:

Wait, more people died of COVID-19 yesterday than on any day since? Is Swalwell aware that there haven’t been any days since yesterday? There are literally zero days wedged in between Wednesday and Thursday. You could make this statement about any day since the coronavirus pandemic started: more people died yesterday than on a day that doesn’t exist.

Elizabeth Warren pitched in on the Dumb-fest by demonstrating her sheer ignorance of who she is:

The democratic party was built on a foundation of glorifying slavery, white supremacy, and domestic terror. If it’s good enough for Elizabeth Warren’s party, why not our military bases? Warren get’s bonus dumbass points here because she’s complaining about racism after a lifetime of pretending she was a different race to advance her career.

This just couldn’t be a review of dumb democrat tweets without AOC, the Queen of the dipshits. She was taking shit on Twitter for being a socialist who embraced capitalism to sell $59 commie sweatshirts. This was her attempt at a dunk on her critics:

She doesn’t use slave labor but is looking for volunteers? How much do volunteers make? Well, I guess they get a t-shirt, but is still seems a little slave laborish to me.

As you can see by the dates and times on these tweets, they were all sent out in the same 24-hour period. It’s not a coincidence that that this many democrats are idiots, nor is it an anomaly that they all tweeted something dumb today. It should be terribly alarming that there is this much stupid going on with people who have the kind of power they do.