Elizabeth Warren Confirms She Will Give Free Health Care To Illegal Aliens

Heap big trouble for taxpayers…

In a miraculous reversal of fortunes, Senator Elizabeth Warren has emerged as the candidate to beat for the 2020 Democrat nomination.

The shrill fake Indian survived last year’s disastrous DNA test video that backfired on her attempts to prove that she had Native American heritage and at the time, was left for politically dead.

But a year is an eternity in politics and Warren has taken advantage of the senility of former vice president Joe Biden who is now plagued by issues of his son’s corruption to elbow herself into pole position.

And in a speech before a Hispanic activist organization on Friday, the woman who is warmly referred to as Pocahontas by President Trump confirmed that if she is elected, that American taxpayers will be footing the bill for free health care for illegal immigrants.

Via The Washington Free Beacon, “Warren Proposes Free Taxpayer-Funded Health Care for Illegal Immigrants”:

Presidential candidate Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D., Mass.) said her Medicare for All plan covers “everyone regardless of immigration status.”

“Medicare for All, as I put this together, covers everyone regardless of immigration status,” Warren told a crowd of liberal activists on Friday. “And that’s it. We get Medicare for All, and you don’t need the subsidies because Medicare for All is fully paid for, and that’s the starting place.”

The senator delivered the remarks at an event sponsored by Mijente, a “pro-Latinx” activist group. Warren said she believes health coverage is a basic human right. She added that granting access to illegal immigrants would help justify amnesty in the future.

“I believe health care is a basic human right, and we fight for basic human rights,” she said. “But let me tell you another reason why I do it. It fits with my immigration plan, and that is—my immigration plan is to put the people who are here to stay on a path to citizenship.”

Also, according to Pocahontas who was in full pander mode, she is “open to” suspending deportations of criminal illegals cut from the same cloth as the cartel gangs who brutally murdered three American women and six children outside of Mexico City last week.

This may play very well with the true believers of the cult of the woke, but sure as hell is a deal killer for a Warren candidacy in the heartland and those “flyover states” that are sneered down at by the liberal elite.

Senator Warren’s increasingly extreme policy positions, her strident attacks on productive members of society and job creators and her budget-busting Medicare for all promise is for the first time, resulting in pushback from establishment Democrats.

The fear with the party’s corporate funders is that a Warren presidency would be catastrophic for them as well as a loser with moderates and swing voters – this is largely why former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg is getting ready to jump into the race.

It is unlikely that Warren could close the deal with voters anyway, most Americans don’t really tune into politics until the months before a presidential election and when they do, they will find that Pocahontas is possibly the only woman in America who is more unlikable than Hillary Clinton.