Hillary Clinton Is The Last Person Who Should Be Talking About Impeachment So Of Course She Is

Technically Hillary Clinton is the second to last person who she be talking about presidential impeachment, but she’s married to the first person so it still counts. Democrats wrapped up their sham impeachment inquiry this week and Hillary is convinced President Trump is guilty. Like the House democrats, she believes Trump is guilty of a an impeachable crime, she just doesn’t know what that is. Due to her crippling self-awareness deficiency, she naturally forgot that her own husband was impeached for an actual crime.

From time to time Hillary likes to send out ridiculous tweets like the time she wrote that sexual assault victims have a right to be believed, blocking out all memories of her husband Bill’s sexual assaults. Today she blocked out all memory of Husband Bill’s impeachment and tweeted this:

Really? There’s no question that President Trump committed impeachable crimes? Because I have a few: What are these impeachable crimes? Where is the evidence of these impeachable crimes? Which witnesses gave testimony supporting that these impeachable crimes were committed?

The democrats in Congress can’t even say what crimes Trump is accused of and the witnesses they rolled out only gave their opinions on secondhand information. Somehow from this disaster, Hillary Clinton is convinced Trump has not only committed crimes (plural) but they are also impeachable offenses.

In reality, President Trump hasn’t been accused of a specific crime, nor has been convicted of or even charged with a specific crime.

Hillary has suffered a traumatic brain injury and she’s not getting any younger, so maybe contrasting the partisan sham impeachment effort against President Trump with the real bipartisan impeachment of her husband will help her understand the difference.

Then-President Bill Clinton lied under oath during a deposition. It was proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that he lied and he was convicted of felony perjury and disbarred. Perjury is an actual crime and an impeachable offense so the House of Representatives, Republicans and democrats, voted to impeach Clinton.

Current President Donald Trump conducted foreign policy, which is one of his Constitutional powers, that democrats didn’t like. It hasn’t been proven, even anecdotally, that Trump committed a crime and he hasn’t been convicted, charged, or even accused of anything. Being disliked by democrats is not an actual crime or an impeachable offense but the House of Representatives, democrats only, are pursuing impeachment because they know they can’t beat him in 2020.

See the difference? I hope that clears things up for Hillary. I know she’s an avid Def-Con News reader so she’ll definitely see this.

If she wants, I can also tell her the difference between her husband raping Jaunita Broaddrick and that “rape is sexy” lady claiming she had sex in a department store fitting room with Donald Trump.

Easily the least self-aware thing about Hillary’s tweet is that she’s all bent out of shape that an American president may be “above the law.” Has she met the Clintons? She and her husband have committed fraud, espionage, treason, and murder but have never been held accountable for any of it.

Technically she is not an American president, but she is married to a former one who is above the law so it still counts.