Pandering Pocahontas Wants A ‘Full-Blown National Conversation’ On Reparations

Top 2020 Democrat calls for outright theft…

Democrat presidential contender Elizabeth Warren is getting behind a push for taxpayers to be shaken down for slavery reparations as a sick ploy to nail down the critical black vote.

Now that the Iowa caucuses are only a little more than two months away, the remaining members of the most radical field of candidates ever fielded by Dems are jockeying for position and Warren is looking to get a leg up on the others.

The senator from Massachusetts has been surprisingly resilient and has defied those who predicted that her national political career was over after a catastrophic DNA test last year.

But the woman who is fondly referred to as “Pocahontas” by President Trump for her fibs about her Native American heritage has managed to bounce back and thanks to the senility of frontrunner Joe Biden, has a real shot at the nomination.

But in order to get it, she needs to lure enough of that critical demographic and there is nothing like the promises of free stuff that could do the trick.

On Thursday in a speech given to an adoring crowd at the predominantly black Clark Atlanta University, Warren called for a “full-blown national conversation” on reparations.

According to Pocahontas:

Let’s be clear: It’s time for our government to have a full-blown national conversation about reparations.

America was founded on principles of liberty and built on the backs of enslaved people. It’s time to adopt H.R. 40, Sheila Jackson Lee’s reparations plan. It’s time to do what’s right, so that our nation can begin to heal.

The commission, according to the summary, would examine slavery and discrimination from 1619 to the modern era and “recommend appropriate remedies.”

While Warren said that would be a “big step,” she suggested that more must be done.

“This is a big step but slavery is not the only history we must confront. Jim Crow was the lived reality in American up through the 1960s,”


Government redlining meant that too often, toxic waste dumps and polluting factories were located far away from white communities and right next to black communities. The 1994 crime bill exacerbated the mass incarceration that locked up millions of black men and women. So don’t talk about race-neutral laws. T

he federal government helped create the racial divide in this country through decades of active state-sponsored discrimination, and that means the federal government has a responsibility to fix it.

Not only is the idea of reparations a sure loser on a national level but the very idea is unfair and un-American.

The concept that white people who have never owned a slave would be forced to cough up their hard-earned money and property to make payments to people who have never been slaves is pure socialism with a racial accelerant.

Not to mention that millions of Americans who Warren is seeking to steal from to pander to black voters have families that were still in Europe during the short period that slavery was practiced.

Warren has frequently sought to appeal to the lowest common denominator and has championed reparations in the past.

She has even called for gay reparations – if you can believe such nonsense.

Warren is counting on the misconception among Democrats that black people are stupid – they aren’t.

There is no level to which Democrats won’t stoop when it comes to exploiting racial differences for political gain and Warren and her ilk are truly picking up right where the divider in chief Barack Obama left off.