Monday Morning Breakfast For The Brain

Damn, it’s already Monday…

After Impeachment TV Bombs, the Media Vomit Hot Propaganda All Weekend

Via American Greatness

Media kick in to overdrive to resuscitate failed ImpeachmentTV performance

After ImpeachmentTV flopped, the media pounced into action on Friday and over the weekend to spew HOT VOMIT PROPAGANDA all over the news cycle. I try not to watch the news on the weekend or look at/engage on social media but it was hard to avoid their efforts because the damage control was so obvious.

After CNN reported some hearsay that Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) met with former Ukrainian prosecutor Victor Shokin in Vienna last year, the Democrats want to open an ethics investigation. “Quite likely, without question,” House Armed Services Committee chairman Rep. Adam Smith (D-Wash) said when asked by MSNBC’s Joy Reid whether Nunes (R-Calif.), the House Intelligence Committee’s top Republican could be investigated. Good grief they keep trying to get Nunes sidelined from their impeachment process, very strange. They must feel threatend by Nunes which makes no sense because I repeatedly am told by these clowns that they have an iron clad case to impeach Trump. You can read Nunes response to these allegations and his intention to sue the garbage tabloids that reported the hearsay at Breitbart.

“These demonstrably false and scandalous stories published by the Daily Beast and CNN are the perfect example of defamation and reckless disregard for the truth,” Nunes told Breitbart News late Friday night. “Some political operative offered these fake stories to at least five different media outlets before finding someone irresponsible enough to publish them. I look forward to prosecuting these cases, including the media outlets, as well as the sources of their fake stories, to the fullest extent of the law. I intend to hold the Daily Beast and CNN accountable for their actions. They will find themselves in court soon after Thanksgiving.”

Read the entire article HERE.

The Surveillance Century 

Via PJ Media

One of the most useful defenses against surveillance is countersurveillance,  “the process of detecting surveillance devices, including covert listening devices, visual surveillance devices as well as countersurveillance software to thwart unwanted” monitoring by someone else. The best way to prevent spying on people is to spy on the spies and spot them first.

Ever since Microsoft won the national defense cloud computing contract they’ve had an implicit brief to watch all the major hacking threats to that system. The “Big Four” are apparently China, Russia, Iran and North Korea.  Though most of the media attention has been focused on Russia even the smaller players pose a threat. “A hacking group that appears to be linked to the Iranian government attempted to break into U.S. President Donald Trump’s re-election campaign but were unsuccessful, sources familiar with the operation told” Reuters.  To stop them Microsoft has to spot them first.  They’ve been outposting millions of computers to detect the first faint probes of the enemy.

Microsoft’s products already had Windows Error Report systems built in to try to understand general bugs and malfunctions by means of telemetry, or collecting data from any of the company’s hardware or software in use. But it was Lambert and the security teams who turned the telemetry systems into powerful security tools, transforming what was once a slow and arduous task. Previously, security teams often had to physically go around the world, find specific targeted machines, copy their hard drives, and dive into the incidents slowly. Now those machines simply reach out to Microsoft. Virtually every crash and unexpected behavior is reported to the company, which sorts through the mass of data and, often, finds malware before anyone else. …

“Microsoft sees stuff that just nobody else does,” says Williams, who founded the cybersecurity firm Rendition Infosec.

You may object that this and many other forms of security come at the expense of individual privacy but this has been going on for a long time.  Back in 2013 the Washington Post reported that “both the National Security Agency and the Federal Bureau of Investigation are said to have been secretly mining data directly from the servers of at least nine top U.S.-based technology companies …  this was all done since 2007 under a highly-classified program dubbed ‘PRISM‘”.

Read the entire article HERE.

‘ARREST BY ALGORITHM’: China Uses Artificial Intelligence To Flag Entire Groups Of People For Arrest, Report Says

Via The Daily Wire

A new trove of highly classified leaked documents from the Chinese communist government shows how Beijing operates their widespread concentration camps where they reportedly have millions of Muslims and other minorities locked-up.

The International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) reports that the leaked documents reveal that “Chinese police are guided by a massive data collection and analysis system that uses artificial intelligence to select entire categories of Xinjiang residents for detention.”

The manual obtained by ICIJ gives detailed instructions on everything from deciding when to let detainees use the toilet to how to keep the camps’ existence totally secret.

“The classified intelligence briefings reveal the scope and ambition of the government’s artificial-intelligence-powered policing platform, which purports to predict crimes based on these computer-generated findings alone,” ICIJ reported. “The China Cables reveal how the system is able to amass vast amounts of intimate personal data through warrantless manual searches, facial recognition cameras, and other means to identify candidates for detention, flagging for investigation hundreds of thousands merely for using certain popular mobile phone apps.

Read the entire article HERE.

Barr Ends All Conspiracy Theories Forever By Saying Epstein Died Via A Series Of Coincidences

By Caitlin Johnstone

In an interview with Associated Press, US Attorney General William Barr put all conspiracy theories to rest once and for all by assuring the world that alleged sex trafficker and alleged billionaire Jeffrey Epstein’s death was simply the result of a very, very, very long series of unfortunate coincidences.

“I can understand people who immediately, whose minds went to sort of the worst-case scenario because it was a perfect storm of screw-ups,” Barr told AP on Thursday.

This perfect storm of unlucky oopsies include Epstein being taken off suicide watch not long after a previous suicide attempt and shortly before his successful suicide, suggestions that the first attempt may have actually been an assault via attempted strangulation inflicted by someone else, two security guards simultaneously falling asleep on the job when they were supposed to be checking on Epstein, one of those guards not even being an actual security guard, security footage of two cameras outside Epstein’s cell being unusable due to a mysterious technical glitch, at least eight Bureau of Prisons officials knowing Epstein wasn’t meant to be left alone in his cell and leaving him alone in his cell anyway, Epstein’s cellmate being transferred out of their shared space the day before Epstein’s death, Epstein signing a will two days before his death, unexplained injuries on Epstein’s wrists and shoulder reported by his family after the autopsy, and a forensic expert who examined Epstein’s body claiming that his injuries were more consistent with homicide than suicide.

So there you have it. The US government says that an intelligence asset with damning information on many powerful individuals did in fact kill himself due to an admittedly bizarre and wildly unlikely series of strange coincidences. I for one have no more questions. Checkmate, conspiracy theorists.

Read the entire article HERE.

Sprite Transgender Ad Proves There Is A War On For Children’s Hearts, Minds, & Bodies

Via Zero Hedge

How many people remember the days when the purpose of television commercials was to sell audiences some new-fangled product they didn’t even realize they needed as opposed to some dangerous agenda? It seems we’re losing those memories fast.

The world of corporate advertising has finally crossed the cultural Rubicon. In a newly released advertisement, yet another major corporation has idolized a lifestyle choice, which, naturally, has absolutely no connection to the traditional nuclear family that has guided Western civilization through thick and thin over two millennia. The controversial ad in question focuses all of its fervid attention not on the product, but rather on promoting transgender attitudes among the impressionable pubescent teen population.

This latest creation borne out of the Cultural Marxist laboratory, which just happens to be a commercial for Sprite, a beverage produced by the Coca-Cola Company, features several adolescents preparing for their attendance at some rainbow-festooned event on the streets of a soulless urban jungle. If the ad feels more like a documentary than a promotional for carbonated sugar water that’s because no actor is ever seen quenching their thirst with the drink. Instead, the product has become a vehicle – a veritable Trojan horse – for driving home a hugely controversial issue into the living rooms of millions of Americans.

In the Sprite TV ad, an apparent mother [the word ‘apparent’ is necessary since the term ‘gender’ has become an entirely fluid concept defined solely by a person’s feelings, which may change at a whim] opens the action to the sound of melodramatic melodies as she applies eyeliner on her apparent biological son. Cut away to scene two. Yet another apparent mother helps her apparent daughter wrap herself into a corset to conceal the fact that ‘she’ has breasts. Heaven forbid! Whether a mastectomy is on the horizon for the ‘girl’, together with a lifetime commitment to testosterone injections, the audience is none the wiser.

Next, an apparent grandmother dotes over her apparent cross-dressing grandson as he dons a mauve wig before wiggling in uncontained excitement, together with Baba, at their reflection in the mirror. I’m struggling to imagine a grandmother that would ungrudgingly accept such a scenario, but in the fizzy pop reality world of the Coca-Cola Company anything is possible.

What’s missing in this corporate-sponsored trip to the far side of insanity?

Read the entire article HERE.

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