Ron Perlman Claims Nobody Dies In Canada Because They Don’t Allow ‘Automatic’ Weapons Like The U.S.

Resistance Hollywood troglodyte Ron Perlman took a break crying about the results of a free and fair election to cry about the contents of the Bill of Rights. The marginally-employed Geico Caveman weighed in on gun control with the single most ignorant take yet. According to Perlman, Canadians have more guns per capita than Americans, but don’t have any firearms-related deaths because Canada doesn’t allow “automatic” weapons like the U.S. does. It takes a lot of work to be that wrong, but Perlman pulled it off. If only he could act as well as he lies.

Get ready for a shock. Ron Perlman isn’t staring in a big-budget Hollywood blockbuster:

Wow. He wrote that, read that, and then still hit send. His point, which is 100% wrong, is that Canadians have more guns than Americans but is a much safer country with no gun deaths because they don’t allow automatic weapons. Maybe we should debunk some of this garbage.

Let’s start with the fact that Perlman doesn’t know what “per capita” means. For his benefit, it means per person. The difference in population between the U.S. and Canada is factored into his lie. Americans have more people, more guns, and more guns per people.

The United States tops the list with 120.5 firearms per 100 people. Canada is in 7th place with 34.7 firearms per 100 people. Canada doesn’t have more guns than the U.S. and they definitely don’t have more guns per capita.

Next Perlman claims that Canada has a zero “human death rate.” That’s not a real thing, but since he’s talking about guns, let’s assume he meant a zero percent firearms death rate, meaning no homicides or suicides by guns.

Canada had 130 murders committed by people using firearms in 2016. That’s a rate of 0.6 gun homicides per 100,000 people. Canada also has a gun suicide rate of 2.2 per 100,000 people. The country doesn’t have zero gun-related deaths.

Finally, Perlman attributes Canada’s lack of gun-related deaths to his “fact” that the country doesn’t have automatic weapons like we have here in the U.S. The truth of the matter is, thanks to the National Firearms Act, automatic weapons in the U.S. are highly regulated and out of reach for the average person.

By implication, Perlman is saying that the U.S. has more gun-related deaths because everyone here is getting killed by automatic gunfire. Here’s another fun fact: the number crimes committed in the U.S. in which the perpetrator uses an automatic weapon is zero. America truly has a zero automatic weapons human death rate.

Besides Perlman bragging that his career is in the dumps, nothing he wrote in that tweet is remotely true. He even spelled “motherf*ckers” wrong.

Because Perlman is a super-douche, he followed up with this tweet:

What does he know? Nothing apparently. He just got done saying that Canada doesn’t have “automatic” weapons and now he’s saying people shoot off “automatic rounds” in Canada. How is that even possible? The answer is because Perlman is completely full of shit.