Kamala Harris’ Failed Campaign Has Liberals Accusing Themselves Of Racism

Woman of color Kamala Harris announced she is dropping out of the 2020 race and the general consensus on the left is that she was forced out by racism. Keep in mind that Harris had only been participating in the democratic party primary, so if she’s done because of racism it’s the democrats who are racist. “Racist” Republicans didn’t force her out. “Racist” Independents didn’t force her out. All of Liberaldom is accusing themselves of racism and they don’t even know it, which is the absolute funniest thing about Harris’ hilarious failure.

Let’s get started with the left’s complete lack of self-awareness by checking out MSNBC:

Al Sharpton thinks something is racist? I am shocked. I guess this means he will be launching a shakedown of the democratic party, which I honestly want to see. Did Sharpton ever endorse Harris or is he also guilty of this racism?

CNN anchor Brianna Keilar concurred by noting the absence of Harris makes the 2020 democrats, “an older and whiter field for the top tier candidates.”

Next, let’s see what Teen Vogue idiot extraordinaire Lauren Duca thinks:

She may be the first liberal to finally acknowledge that the democratic party is and has always been the party of white supremacy. It’s weird that she chose this to finally be right about something.

Progressive doctor Eugene Gu also agrees that democrats are racist AF:

Where’s the racism on the Republican side of things, Eugene?

LA Times liberal Melissa Gomez can’t believe the democrats’ racism:

Joe Biden has liver spots that give him a little color. Does that count as diversity?

Black podcaster Xavier Pope does not give this his blessing:

And yet this black guy continues to support the democrats party.

The best has to be from fellow person of color and current 2020 democratic party candidate Julian Castro:

As an added bonus, Castro also calls the liberal media racist.

Well, if the democratic party is so damn racist, he has to know his days are numbered too. Also his complete lack of support or name recognition should clue him in that “President Castro” ain’t going to happen.

This is liberals eating their own at its finest. They are pointing to each other saying, “you’re racist” without a hint that they are pointing at themselves too.

Hey, at least the 2020 field still has woman of color Tulsi Gabbard. Too bad all of the democrats think she’s a Russian asset, which is apparently not racist. Besides that, Joe Biden knows a black guy so diversity is still strong in the democratic party.