Democrat Al Green Is Ready To Impeach President Trump Several Times More

The democrats decided to impeach President Trump somewhere around late January 2017 but they haven’t actually got around to it yet. Texas Rep. Al Green, who has been introducing articles of impeachment for about as long, isn’t happy with the impending impeachment vote and thinks the democrats should impeach Trump several times more. Clearly he believes impeachments are like a Subway Rewards card: after 5 impeachments you get a free one.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced on Thursday that democrats are pushing forward with their sham impeachment and will draft articles of impeachment. That’s not good enough for Al Green, who has tried to impeach President Trump for racism and tweeting. He took to the House floor to let democrats know they can impeach Trump multiple times:

Green took the podium and threw out big words like “schadenfreude” and “recalcitrance” backed by a poster board that said Trump has been above the law for 232 days. Green then said he took no pleasure in impeaching Trump right before taking pleasure in the prospect of impeaching Trump.

“The Constitution allows a president to be impeached more than once. If we impeach now, or at some time in the near future, for one issue that we dearly should, then we find later that the president has other issues that merit impeachment, we can impeach again. There is no limit on the number of times,” said Green.

So it’s like double secret probation only with impeachment?

“Every time I call it to the attention of this House, there was purpose and reason behind it, and I believe that we can do it more than once if it becomes necessary,” continued Green.

No really, Green has introduced articles of impeachment because Trump said mean things. Technically that’s a purpose, but not a legitimate purpose.

“I think the Senate ought to act. I think the Senate ought to convict. But if the Senate does not convict, it does not mean that the House is now hamstrung and cannot move forward again with impeachment,” proclaimed Green.

There’’s been all kinds of indicators that even the democrats know they have a weak case for impeachment, but Green saying that they should start preparing to re-impeach Trump is the biggest tell of all.

This is the world’s saddest pep talk. Green is saying that yes, this impeachment is going to crap out, but let’s keep impeaching and maybe something will stick.

Democrats have school of logic that says if they repeat a lie enough times it will become truth. Green is applying this principal to impeachment, arguing that if they frivolously impeach President Trump enough times, sooner or later he’ll be removed from office. Sorry, Captain Caveman, that’s not how it works.

As the democrats are poised to vote on impeachment, they still don’t have a crime or impeachable offense to justify it. This is their money shot and they are shooting blanks. What are the chances they will have a better impeachment case when this one fails?

In The Boy Who Cried Wolf, eventually the villagers stopped paying attention to the liar. The American people are already at that point with the democrats raising a false alarm. This impeachment is doomed and any further efforts will be ignored by even the liberal media.