Sure, you've heard the conclusion. What's in the other 400-odd pages? "They unleashed a full-spectrum spying campaign against a presidential candidate in order to influence an election, and when that failed, they tried to delegitimize a president."
— The American Conservative (@amconmag) December 13, 2019
Can We Impeach The FBI Now?
Via The American Conservative
Read the Horowitz Report. It proves the bureau unleashed an abusive, full-spectrum spying campaign to destroy Trump before and after his election.
The release of Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz’s report, which shows that the Democrats, media, and FBI lied about not interfering in an election, will be a historian’s marker for how a decent nation fooled itself into self-harm. Forget about foreigners influencing our elections; it was us.
The Horowitz Report is being played by the media for its conclusion: that the FBI’s intel op run against the Trump campaign was not politically motivated and thus “legal.” That covers one page of the 476-page document, but because it fits with the Democratic/mainstream media narrative that Trump is a liar, the rest has been ignored. “The rest,” of course, is a detailed description of America’s domestic intelligence apparatus, aided by its overseas intelligence apparatus, and assisted by its Five Eyes allies’ intelligence apparatuses. And the conclusion is that they unleashed a full-spectrum spying campaign against a presidential candidate in order to influence an election, and when that failed, they tried to delegitimize a president.
We learn from the Horowitz Report that it was an Australian diplomat, Alexander Downer, a man with ties to his own nation’s intel services and the Clinton Foundation, who set up a meeting with Trump staffer George Papadopoulos, creating the necessary first bit of info to set the plan in motion. We find the FBI exaggerating, falsifying, and committing wicked sins of omission to buffalo the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) courts into approving electronic surveillance on Team Trump to overtly or inadvertently monitor the communications of Paul Manafort, Michael Cohen, Jared Kushner, Michael Flynn, Jeff Sessions, Steve Bannon, Rick Gates, Trump transition staffers, and likely Trump himself. Trump officials were also monitored by British GCHQ, the information shared with their NSA partners, a piece of all this still not fully public.
We learn that the FBI greedily consumed the Steele Dossier, opposition “research” bought by the Clinton campaign to smear Trump with allegations of sex parties and pee tapes. Most notoriously, the dossier claims he was a Russian plant, a Manchurian Candidate, owned by Kremlin intelligence through a combination of treats (land deals in Moscow) and threats (kompromat over Trump’s evil sexual appetites). The Horowitz Report makes clear the FBI knew the Dossier was bunk, hid that conclusion from the FISA court, and purposefully lied to the FISA court in claiming that the Dossier was backed up by investigative news reports, which themselves were secretly based on the Dossier. The FBI knew Steele had created a classic intel officer’s information loop, secretly becoming his own corroborating source, and gleefully looked the other way because it supported his goals.
Read the entire article HERE.
Where Are the ‘High Crimes’?
— Patrick J. Buchanan (@PatrickBuchanan) December 13, 2019
Where Are the ‘High Crimes’?
By Patrick J. Buchanan
Nowhere in the articles of impeachment is “treason” mentioned. Nor is “bribery” or “extortion,” the other crimes alleged. Where are the “high crimes” in this impeachment resolution? There are none.
“Quid pro quo” was the accusatory Latin phrase most often used to describe President Donald Trump’s July 25 phone call asking for a “favor” from the president of Ukraine.
New Year’s prediction: The Roman poet Horace’s Latin depiction: “Parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus” — “The mountains went into labor, and brought forth a mouse” — will be used to describe the articles of impeachment drawn up by Nancy Pelosi’s House.
Article II is titled “Obstruction of Congress.” What does it allege?
That Trump “directed the unprecedented, categorical, and indiscriminate defiance of subpoenas issued by the House of Representatives pursuant to its ‘sole power of Impeachment.’”
Undeniably, there is truth here.
Trump did direct the Executive branch not to provide witnesses and documents subpoenaed by the House Intelligence and Judiciary Committees, both of which are partisan, pro-impeachment and chaired by unapologetic Trump-haters Jerrold Nadler and Adam Schiff.
But what the substance of Article II is really about is the eternal conflict between the first and second branches of the government over their respective rights and powers.
Such clashes are usually decided by the third branch, the Supreme Court. But Pelosi, Nadler and Schiff are unwilling to wait for the court to decide. They are declaring the issue decided and settled in the House’s favor, and treating Trump’s recourse to the courts as a new impeachable offense: “Obstruction of Congress.”
Can Pelosi seriously expect a Republican Senate to convict and remove a Republican president for defending what that president is claiming in open court are the constitutional rights of the Executive Branch that he, as its present occupant and leader, is obligated to defend?
Trump would be derelict in his duty if he allowed a rogue House to run roughshod over the White House.
Read the entire article HERE.
Who Are The Globalists And What Do They Want?
— zerohedge (@zerohedge) December 13, 2019
Who Are The Globalists And What Do They Want?
Via Zero Hedge
These are the beliefs and arguments of your run-of-the-mill globalist:
A globalist believes everything must be centralized, from finance to money to social access to production to government. They argue that centralization makes the system “more fair” for everyone, but in reality they desire a system in which they have total control over every aspect of life. Globalists, more than anything, want to dominate and micro-manage every detail of civilization and socially engineer humanity in the image they prefer.
One World Currency System And Cashless Society
As an extension of centralization, globalists want a single currency system for the world. Not only this, but they want it digitized and easy to track. Meaning, a cashless society in which every act of trade by every person can be watched and scrutinized. If trade is no longer private, preparation for rebellion becomes rather difficult. When all resources can be manged and restricted to a high degree at the local level, rebellion would become unthinkable because the system becomes the parent and provider and the source of life. A one world currency and cashless system would be the bedrock of one world governance. You cannot have one without the other.
One World Government
Globalists want to erase all national borders and sovereignty and create a single elite bureaucracy, a one world empire in which they are the “philosopher kings” as described in Plato’s Republic.
As Richard N. Gardner, former deputy assistant Secretary of State for International Organizations under Kennedy and Johnson, and a member of the Trilateral Commission, wrote in the April, 1974 issue of the Council on Foreign Relation’s (CFR) journal Foreign Affairs (pg. 558) in an article titled ‘The Hard Road To World Order’:
“In short, the ‘house of world order’ will have to be built from the bottom up rather than from the top down. It will look like a great ‘booming, buzzing confusion,’ to use William James’ famous description of reality, but an end run around national sovereignty, eroding it piece by piece, will accomplish much more than the old-fashioned frontal assault.”
This system would be highly inbred, though they may continue to give the masses the illusion of public participation and “democracy” for a time. Ultimately, the globalists desire a faceless and unaccountable round table government, a seat of power which acts as an institution with limited liability, much like a corporation, and run in the same sociopathic manner without legitimate public oversight. In the globalist world, there will be no redress of grievances.
Sustainability As Religion
Globalists often use the word “sustainability” in their white papers and agendas, from Agenda 21 to Agenda 2030. Environmentalism is the facade they employ to guilt the population into supporting global governance, among other things. As I noted in my recent article ‘Why Is The Elitist Establishment So Obsessed With Meat’, fake environmentalism and fraudulent global warming “science” is being exploited by globalists to demand control over everything from how much electricity you can use in your home, to how many children you can have, to how much our society is allowed to manufacture or produce, to what you are allowed to eat.
The so-called carbon pollution threat, perhaps the biggest scam in history, is a key component of the globalist agenda. As the globalist organization The Club Of Rome, a sub-institution attached to the United Nations, stated in their book ‘The First Global Revolution’:
“In searching for a common enemy against whom we can unite, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like, would fit the bill. In their totality and their interactions these phenomena do constitute a common threat which must be confronted by everyone together. But in designating these dangers as the enemy, we fall into the trap, which we have already warned readers about, namely mistaking symptoms for causes. All these dangers are caused by human intervention in natural processes. and it is only through changed attitudes and behaviour that they can be overcome. The real enemy then is humanity itself.”
In other words, by presenting human beings as a species as the great danger, the globalists hope to convince humanity to sublimate itself before the mother earth goddess and beg to be kept in line. And, as the self designated “guardians” of the Earth, the elites become the high priests of the new religion of sustainability. They and they alone would determine who is a loyal servant and who is a heretic. Carbon pollution becomes the new “original sin”; everyone is a sinner against the Earth, for everyone breaths and uses resources, and we must all do our part to appease the Earth by sacrificing as much as possible, even ourselves.
The elites don’t believe in this farce, they created it. The sustainability cult is merely a weapon to be used to dominate mass psychology and make the populace more malleable.
Population Control
Globalists come from an ideological background which worships eugenics – the belief that genetics must be controlled and regulated, and those people they deem to be undesirables must be sterilized or exterminated.
The modern eugenics movement was launched by the Rockefeller Foundation in the early 1900’s in America, and was treated a a legitimate scientific endeavor for decades. Eugenics was taught in schools and even celebrated at the World’s Fair. States like California that adopted eugenics legislation forcefully sterilized tens of thousands of people and denied thousands of marriage certificates based on genetics. The system was transferred to Germany in the 1930’s were it gained world renown for its inherent brutality.
This ideology holds that 4% or less of the population is genetically worthy of leadership, and the elites conveniently assert that they represent part of that genetic purity.
After WWII the public developed a distaste for the idea of eugenics and population control, but under the guise of environmentalism the agenda is making a comeback, as population reduction in the name of “saving the Earth” is in the mainstream media once again. The Question then arises – Who gets to decide who lives and who dies? Who gets to decide who is never born? And, how will they come to their decisions? No doubt a modern form of eugenics will be presented as the “science” used to “fairly” determine the content of the population if the elites get their way.
Narcissistic Sociopathy
It is interesting that the globalists used to present the 4% leadership argument in their eugenics publications, because 4% of the population is also consistent with the number of people who have inherent sociopathy or narcissistic sociopathy, either in latent or full-blown form, with 1% of people identified as full blown psychopaths and the rest as latent. Coincidence?
The behavior of the globalists is consistent with the common diagnosis of full-blown narcopaths, a condition which is believed to be inborn and incurable. Narcopaths (pyschopaths) are devoid of empathy and are often self obsessed. They suffer from delusions of grandeur and see themselves as “gods” among men. They believe other lowly people are tools to be used for their pleasure or to further their ascendance to godhood. They lie incessantly as a survival mechanism and are good at determining what people want to hear. Narcopaths feel no compassion towards those they harm or murder, yet crave attention and adoration from the same people they see as inferior. More than anything, they seek the power to micro-manage the lives of everyone around them and to feed off those people like a parasite feeds off a host victim.
It is often argued by skeptics that psychopaths cannot organize cohesively, because such organizations would self destruct. These people simply don’t know what they’re talking about. Psychopaths throughout history organize ALL THE TIME, from tyrannical governments to organized crime and religious cults. The globalists have their own binding ideologies and methods for organization. One method is to ensure benefits to those who serve the group (as well as punishments for those who stray). Predators often work together as long as there is ample prey. Another method is the use of religious or ideological superiority; making adherents feel like they are part of an exclusive and chosen few destined for greatness.
This is a highly complicated issue which requires its own essay to examine in full. I believe I did this effectively in my article ‘Luciferians: A Secular Look At A Destructive Globalist Belief System’. Needless to say, this agenda is NOT one that globalists are willing to admit to openly very often, but I have outlined extensive evidence that luciferianism is indeed the underlying globalist cult religion. It is essentially an ideology which promotes moral relativism, the worship of the self and the attainment of godhood by any means necessary – which fits perfectly with globalism and globalist behavior.
It is also the only ideological institution adopted by the UN, through the UN’s relationship with Lucis Trust, also originally called Lucifer Publishing Company. Lucis Trust still has a private library within the UN building today.
So, now that we know the various agendas and identifiers of globalists, we can now ask “Who are the globalists?”
Read the entire article HERE.
IRS forms show the Chick-fil-A Foundation has switched from financially supporting antipoverty and other charitable organizations to underwriting pro-abortion and pro-LGBT groups.
— The Federalist (@FDRLST) December 12, 2019
Yes, Chick-Fil-A Really Is Funding A Group That Hosts Drag Queen Story Hour
Via The Federalist
IRS forms show the Chick-fil-A Foundation has switched from financially supporting antipoverty and other charitable organizations to underwriting pro-abortion and pro-LGBT groups.
Fast-food giant Chick-fil-A is sinking deeper into the controversy it created when it announced the Chick-fil-A Foundation would no longer donate to organizations that uphold a Christian ethic regarding sex and marriage.
As LifeSiteNews reported, the Chick-fil-A Foundation has given money to Covenant House, an organization that aims to address youth homelessness. While its overall objective is virtuous, Covenant House New York’s affiliate is listed as one of the “community partners” that has provided “community space” to host Drag Queen Story Hour, according to’s NYC page.
Chick-fil-A Donates to Drag Queen Host’s Partner
Drag Queen Story Hours have been cropping up in libraries and other public spaces across the country. These events consist of men dressing up as women to read or tell stories based in gender ideology to children. “DQSH captures the imagination and play of the gender fluidity of childhood and gives kids glamorous, positive, and unabashedly queer role models,” according to the Drag Queen Story Hour website. The site encourages visitors to #STANDWITHSTORYHOUR and help raise $35,000 by the end of the year to “fight back against anti-LGBTQ censorship and attacks.”
Covenant House, the recipient of at least $230,000 of Chick-fil-A’s donations, bills itself as “the largest provider of services to youth facing homelessness in the Americas” and provides shelter to about 400 kids between 16 and 21 years old. Its website says it seeks to provide houses that are “welcoming, affirming, and safe for LGBTQ youth.” New York-based Covenant House has nearly two dozen affiliates all over the United States and South America, but the parent organization and its New York affiliate in particular have indeed put a focus on LGBT politics.
Read the entire article HERE.
Georgia Man Who Played Mall Santa for 50 YEARS Fired After He Posted Photo on Facebook Wearing Trump Hat @CassandraRules via @gatewaypundit
— The Gateway Pundit (@gatewaypundit) December 13, 2019
Georgia Man Who Played Mall Santa for 50 YEARS Fired After He Posted Photo on Facebook Wearing Trump Hat
Via The Gateway Pundit
A Georgia man who has played a mall Santa Claus for the last 50 years was fired earlier this week for posting a photograph in a Trump hat on his personal Facebook account.
Frank Skinner’s decades long career playing Father Christmas includes 14 years at the Mall of Waycross, the mall that just fired him after receiving a complaint about his post.
The photo in question was taken as the mall was closing, when no children were around, and just meant for his friends and family.
“It really was an innocent thing. It really was,” Skinner told First Coast News. He explained that he felt as though his constitutional rights were violated when they told him he could not return to his job.
In a Facebook post about the firing, Skinner stated that he did not mean to “create a firestorm by doing that but simply intended to post the photo on my page for a little humor, as I have many friends and family who, like me, support our president.”
“I in no way meant to cause anyone discomfort,” Skinner said. “At the time I thought it was harmless fun. Now I realize in this day and age that I should not have posted it. Obviously it did offend some folks. I can assure everyone that was not my intent. I have learned a lot from this. Going forward I will keep this in mind.”
Read the entire article HERE.
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