I reported this incident almost exactly one year ago.
Here’s the jist of what I wrote then, including a video of the incident:
“A black New York woman, Jazmine Headley who took a seat on the floor while waiting in a food stamp center and was told to stand but refused to do so, then became “disorderly,” “loud,” “irate” and used her baby as a “shield,” when police were called, will face no charges for resisting arrest, which she clearly did.
WARNING! This video contains loud shrieking and wailing and unintelligible gibberish. Adjust your speakers appropriately.”
Now, almost a year later this criminal has been awarded $625,000 from the City of New York. For what?!?!?
Jazmine Headley’s attorney said that Headley was simply standing up for “young women of color.”

Actually, she was sitting down and refusing to obey commands.
New York, NY – The woman who bit a security officer and used her one-year-old son as a human shield as police attempted to remove her from a social services office in 2018 will receive a $625,000 payday from New York taxpayers.
Jazmine Headley, then 23, was wanted on an outstanding New Jersey warrant for failing to appear in connection with credit card theft when she went to the Human Resources Administration (HRA) office on Bergen Street on Dec. 7, 2018, to find out why her daycare vouchers had ceased, ABC News reported.
Headley’s mother, Jacqueline Jenkins, said that her daughter sat down on the floor inside the office because there were not enough chairs.
HRA security officers then told Headley she was blocking the hallway and that she could not sit there, but Headley refused to move, according to Jenkins.
“I’m not f–king moving from here,” she responded, according to witness accounts published by the New York Post.
Nice language to be using, especially in the presence of your child. What a classy broad!
“At that point I went over to client Headley to see if I can persuade her to get up and have a seat. As I approached her, she was saying, ‘Don’t f–king get close to me get out of my f–king face bitch,’” one incident report read. “Client Headley continued to her irate behavior and creating more scene.”
At that point, an HRA supervisor contacted New York Police Department (NYPD) for assistance.
When Headley saw the NYPD officers coming, she grabbed her son out of his stroller and used the toddler as a human shield, the New York Post reported.
The officers repeatedly asked Headley to leave the facility, “but she insisted on getting service” before she would go outside, according to an incident report.
“After a few more minutes of pleading with the female client to put the baby down and leave the facility, necessary actions were taken by the uniformed officers to detain her,” the report read.
Cell phone footage did not capture the events that led up to the altercation, but did show Headley lying on the floor with her son held to her chest.
“They’re hurting my son!” she screamed repeatedly, as a crowd of onlookers quickly assembled.
The officers tried to get the wailing baby to safety, but Headley refused to let go.
“As the NYPD officers were picking her up she began to flare up her arms. While resisting she put the baby between her legs in a tight grip. NYPD officers tried to get the baby off her but she was putting up a fight,” the report read.
Headley then kicked one of the security officers in the shoulder, and bit a second security officer on her left arm, the New York Post reported.
So not only did she face no charges for assault, but now she gets more than half a million dollars for behaving like animal.
The officer who was bitten was subsequently transported to Methodist Hospital for treatment.
And hopefully treated for rabies.
“She’s got her f–kin’ baby in her hands!” one bystander yelled at the officers, as Headley laid on her back and raised her boots into the air.
One officer pulled out a Taser as the irate crowd moved in, although it was never deployed, police said.
Police were able to get the child away from Headley, and he was ultimately turned over to Jenkins by Child Protective Services, ABC News reported.
Headley was arrested and charged with committing an act in a manner injurious to a child, resisting arrest, obstruction of governmental administration, and criminal trespass.
A judge also issued a protection order against her, and barred her from having contact with her child.
Outrage spread throughout the community after the video was posted to social media.
“She Made The Security Guard Feel Dumb So She Called The Cops On Her & This Was The Outcome,” the video caption read. “Mind You She Had Her Baby In Her Hands The Whole Time…I’m So F–king Disgusted with The NYPD.”
Yes, a baby in her hands! Just like a Muslim terrorist. What a gal!
Then-NYPD Commissioner James O’Neill defended his officers, but the same couldn’t be said for the HRA officers.
HRA Commissioner Steven Banks said he was “deeply troubled” by the video, and that he had placed two HRA security officers involved in the altercation on a 30-day unpaid suspension before the investigation into the incident was complete.
Banks said that HRA staff needs to be better trained to de-escalate situations on their own before they contact NYPD for assistance.
I think children should be better trained before they grow up and behave like this criminal.
“HRA centers must be safe havens for New Yorkers needing to access benefits to improve their lives,” he added.
In the months that followed, 22 HRA security officers either resigned or were fired, The New York Times reported.
Brooklyn District Attorney Eric Gonzalez later said he dismissed all charges against Headley “in the interest of justice,” according to the Associated Press.
“The consequences this young and desperate mother has already suffered as a result of this arrest far outweigh any conduct that may have led to it: she and her baby have been traumatized, she was jailed on an unrelated warrant and may face additional collateral consequences,” Gonzalez explained.
Despite the fact that the charges were dropped and her public assistance benefits were restored, Headley pushed for more by filing a federal lawsuit against the city.
“By the end of the day, Ms. Headley had been humiliated, assaulted, physically injured, threatened with a Taser, brutally separated from her son, handcuffed, arrested, and jailed — all by employees of the City of New York,” the lawsuit read, according to The New York Times.
And who do you think stabbed the cops in the back, and gave this bitch her lotto payout?
On Dec. 13, New York Mayor Bill de Blasio’s office confirmed that the city has agreed to fork over $625,000 to Headley to settle the suit, The New York Times reported.
Absolutely disgusting. But this what you get in Democrat cities. This thugette should have had her child taken away from her and be sitting in a prison cell. Instead, she’s a little over half-way to being a millionaire.
Not to worry though. Undoubtedly she’ll blow it all on weaves, crack, and Mad Dog 2020 . . . probably before the year is over.
Merry Christmas! So much for Santa knowing who’s been naughty and who’s been nice.
Black privilege strikes again!