Wednesday Morning Breakfast For The Brain

Good morning Deplorables and Merry Impeachment Day.

10 Self-Evident Truths That ‘We, The People’ Have Spontaneously Come To Realize…

Via Zero Hedge

We have a lot to thank Trump for, but among the most important is the idea that Trump has caused the corrupt, fraudulent, lying specter of “Big Government” to fully reveal itself for what it truly is.

Does anyone trust the FBI after reading the shocking findings of the Horowitz (IG) report? Not on your life.

Does anyone believe the Democrats are pursuing legitimate “impeachment” based on legitimate “high crimes?” Not a chance.

Does any rational person think that high-level lawmakers and bureaucrats aren’t on the take, receiving kickbacks from billions in foreign aid?

It’s quite stunning, actually, how the mass awakening has accelerated over the last three years as Trump has succeeded as President. In their desperate attempt to destroy Trump, the deep state swamp creatures and corrupt, lawless Democrats have been forced to reveal the truth about their corruption, fraud and malicious abuse of power.

Because of all this, there are many self-evident truths that have now become obvious to the American people. Read from the point of view of the People talking to the political swamp in Washington D.C.:

  1. We don’t believe you.
  2. You are all dishonest crooks and horrible people who should never be trusted again.
  3. The intelligence community is the enemy of the people and must be dismantled if any American is to ever be truly free.
  4. We are not going to voluntarily hand over our guns. You may come try to take them by force, but we will shoot you if you try.
  5. We are withdrawing our consent. You are now a rogue enemy government that we finally recognize as the ENEMY.
  6. We are never going to vote for establishment candidates ever again.
  7. We will not live as slaves, suffering under your tyranny. We would rather die as Americans, defending our liberty and our republic.
  8. If we ever get the chance, we will arrest all of you and throw you in prison for as long as you live.
  9. We will no longer cooperate with your sham court system, your corrupt FBI and your lawless federal regulators. They are all fraudulent, criminal cartels that have no legitimate authority. You have lost the consent of “the governed.”
  10. Your fiat currency financial system and debt Ponzi scheme is a criminal fraud that steals money from the working class. We will no longer hold your dollars and will seek alternatives at every opportunity.

I’m sure you can think of dozens more, but that short list sums up the highlights.

The bottom line should be crystal clear: The United States federal government is run by illegitimate, corrupt, fraudulent swamp creatures and the very future of freedom for America depends on completely dismantling the very concept of a “government” that rules over the people.

Read the entire article HERE.

Trump Sends Letter To Pelosi On Eve Of Impeachment: ‘You Are Declaring War On American Democracy’

Via The Federalist

President Donald Trump chastised House Speaker Nancy Pelosi Tuesday in a 6-page letter to the Democratic leader condemning the chamber’s partisan impeachment resolution expected to pass on Wednesday.

“By proceeding with your invalid impeachment, you are violating your oaths of office, you are breaking your allegiance to the Constitution, and you are declaring open war on American Democracy,” Trump said. “There is nothing I would rather do than stop referring to your party as the Do-Nothing Democrats. Unfortunately, I don’t know that you will ever give me a chance to do so.”

The president also challenged Pelosi to launch a thorough investigation into the origins of grand Russian collusion conspiracy theory where deep-state operatives in the FBI launched a covert investigation on the Trump campaign to oust the president before he was even elected. The undercover operation, named “Crossfire Hurricane,” was based on junk intelligence from the famously discredited Steele Dossier that led to a two-year investigation by Special Counsel Robert Mueller that ultimately exonerated Trump of any wrongdoing.

Earlier this month, the Department of Justice inspector general released a more than 400-page report documenting FBI FISA abuses in obtaining warrants to spy on the Trump campaign. Among the shocking revelations from the report include knowledge from officials in the FBI that the Steele dossier was unreliable intelligence while still relying on its sources to obtain permission from the FISA courts to continue its surveillance.

“If you truly cared about freedom and liberty for our nation, then you would be devoting your vast investigative resources to exposing the full truth concerning the FBI’s horrifying abuses of power before, during, and after the election,” Trump wrote.

The letter comes as House Democrats prepare to kick impeachment over to the Senate for a trial next year landing Democrats a major step closer to accomplishing the top item on their policy agenda since Trump’s inauguration: the reversal of the 2016 election results.

Read the entire article HERE.

Dianne Feinstein’s China Syndrome

Via American Greatness

The San Francisco Democrat has an enduring romance with Communist China.

Since the election of Donald Trump in 2016, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, 79, has spearheaded the Democrats’ surge to impeach the president. As that campaign unfolds, observers of all parties have reason to cast their eyes upon Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.). The San Francisco Democrat, 86, has a curious take on recent revelations from Department of Justice Inspector General Michael Horowitz.

“This was not a politically motivated investigation,” Feinstein announced during the Senate Judiciary Committee’s hearing last week. “There is no deep state.”

On the other hand, according to the inspector general’s report, a cabal of Justice Department and FBI bosses faked evidence to trick the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court and mounted illegal investigations first on candidate and then on President Trump. While Peter Strzok, Lisa Page and others at the FBI were up to their eyeballs spying on the Republican presidential campaign, it emerged that Senator Feinstein employed a Communist Chinese spy as her driver for almost 20 years.

This multitasking chap also served in Feinstein’s San Francisco office and even attended Chinese Consulate functions on the senator’s behalf. The FBI warned Feinstein about the spy, but the role of FISA in his discovery remains obscure. The spy had been in place for three election cycles but Feinstein never faced high-volume charges of channeling foreign influence in American elections.

“Feinstein, Husband Hold Strong China Connections,” headlined a March 28, 1997, Los Angeles Times story. Feinstein “has emerged as one of the staunchest proponents of closer U.S. relations with China, fighting for permanent most-favored-nation trading status for Beijing,” the Times reported. Feinstein’s husband Richard Blum, the story explained, “is now a prominent investor inside the communist nation,” and “such closely coinciding interests are highly unusual for major figures in public life in Washington.”

Communist China received favored trade status thanks largely to Feinstein, who played down China’s human rights violations by comparing Tiananmen Square with Kent State. In 1999, Feinstein spearheaded efforts to bring China into the World Trade Organization, which removed annual review of the regime’s record on human rights and weapons proliferation.

As the Los Angeles Times reported on October 20, 2000, Feinstein’s husband, “continues to manage a partnership that has invested in China.”

“I’ve been coming to China for 31 years, so I’m not a newcomer,” Feinstein told the Wall Street Journal during a visit to Shanghai in 2006. In Beijing “we spent time with Zhu Rongji, the former premier who was a mayor of Shanghai” and “a good friend.”

Feinstein, along with then-Senators Kay Hagan (D-N.C.) and Mark Udall (D-Colo.), met with Wu Bangguo, chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress. Feinstein went on record that Tiananmen Square was “a setback for China” but admitted “we did not discuss it.”

In 2014, on the 25th anniversary of the massacre, Feinstein issued a statement recalling “perhaps even thousands” of demonstrators killed. “I know of no other country that has made as much economic and industrial progress in the last 25 years than China,” the senator said. “But what this anniversary reminds us is that progress still must be made in the areas of human rights, rule of law and governance.”

Feinstein did not chart any actual progress the Communist regime had made on those fronts. This year, on the 30th anniversary of the massacre, no statement appeared, and Feinstein does not stand out as a champion of democratic protesters in Hong Kong. Like Nancy Pelosi and Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.), the San Francisco Democrat reserves her wrath for Trump and those he appoints.

Read the entire article HERE.

Disgusting: San Francisco man defecates in grocery store aisle

Via The American Mirror

It’s no secret that San Francisco has literally become a crappy city to live in, with sidewalks littered with human feces left behind by the homeless, drug-addicted vagrants who call the sidewalks home.

City officials have spent millions to address the homelessness problem, including the addition of 25 public restrooms at a cost of $200,000, but it seems the poop problem is only getting worse.

“.@LondonBreed here’s a pic of a man on drugs taking a poo in aisle 10 of @Safeway Marina Sunday morning in #SF,” health journalist Deborah Kan posted to Twitter.

The picture shows a disheveled gentleman in a man-bun with his pants around his knees, feces clearly visible on the floor near a chip display as he prepared to wipe.

“Just curious, are the bathrooms locked for non-customer use?” Randy Treibel posted in response to the image.

“Bathrooms are open!” Kan wrote. “The guy high as a kite.”

Several others who commented noticed that while the man didn’t bother to take his business in the bathroom, he did manage to find toilet paper.

“Had plenty of time to find the toilet paper aisle but not the actual bathroom,” Matt Estrada posted.

Read the entire article HERE.

Lisa Page To Teach College Course On How To Make Yourself Out To Be A Victim

Via The Babylon Bee (Satire)

CAMBRIDGE, MA—After Lisa Page finally spoke out against President Trump, masterfully painting herself as the target of Trump’s oppression and misogyny, Harvard University quickly hired the former FBI lawyer to teach an upper-level course on how to turn yourself into the victim in any situation.

The course will cover various situations, from getting caught having an affair with a co-worker to conspiring to overthrow a republic, and teach students how to make themselves out to be the victim in any of these scenarios.

“The way Page had an affair and then conspired with her lover to sabotage a democratic election and THEN made herself out to be the victim — that’s the kind of expertise we look for here at our prestigious university,” said a spokesperson. “This is the sort of 4D chess we need to teach our students.”

Harvard staff praised Page for harnessing the left’s hate against Trump and using it to generate sympathy for herself.

“See how she didn’t take any responsibility for her wrongdoings, but instead managed to blame patriarchy, misogyny, and President Trump for everything? She’s clearly a pro.”

Disgraced congresswoman Katie Hill will co-teach the class.

Check out all of the Bee’s great takes on politics and culture HERE.

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