Trump Drops Bomb On Greasy Gavin; Could Intervene On CA Homeless Explosion

Like a BOSS!

President Trump has put California on notice that if state Democrats don’t address their horrific homeless problem, that he is prepared to intervene if something isn’t done and done soon.

In a Christmas Day tweet, the leader of the free world admonished far-left Governor Gavin Newsom over the Golden State’s inability to deal with homelessness and put the onus on him to solve the problem or face federal intervention.

Per the POTUS:

“Governor Gavin N has done a really bad job on taking care of the homeless population in California. If he can’t fix the problem, the Federal Govt. will get involved!”

Trump’s tweet comes in the aftermath of a U.S. Department Of Housing And Urban Development (HUD) report that attributed the nation’s uptick in homelessness is being driven by California’s inaction.

Newsom, who has made opposition to Trump’s presidency the defining mission of his governorship is presiding over a mess that while not being his fault for creating, it is his job to fix the problem.

President Trump made that perfectly clear.

Via Fox News, “Trump warns Newsom: If California homeless crisis persists, feds ‘will get involved'”:

President Trump issued a warning to California Gov. Gavin Newsom on Wednesday, threatening federal intervention if Newsom is unable to solve his state’s homeless crisis.

“Governor Gavin N has done a really bad job on taking care of the homeless population in California. If he can’t fix the problem, the Federal Govt. will get involved!” Trump tweeted.

The Golden State has led the nation in the number of homeless people with an estimated total of over 129,972 in January 2018, according to a Department of Housing and Urban Development [HUD] report. Just over 68 percent of the homeless population in California, the most populous U.S. state, is also categorized as unsheltered.

Earlier this month, Newsom blamed the Trump administration over rising homelessness in cities like Los Angeles and San Francisco, saying the White House was taking no action on “Housing First,” the governor’s approach to solving homelessness. The proposal would involve getting people in homes first, and potentially adding job-skills training or addiction services later.

“They’re not serious about this issue,” Newsom said. “They’re playing politics with it… expect nothing but division coming from the folks at HUD and the Trump administration.”

Newsom’s office is incredibly boasting about how well that greasy Gavin is doing in regard to the exploding homeless population.

Trump also ripped Speaker Nancy Pelosi whose home district in San Francisco is a disgrace, ignored by the top congressional Democrat while she feathers her nest in Washington. It is truly an American shithole.

The president tweeted:

“Nancy Pelosi’s District in California has rapidly become one of the worst anywhere in the U.S. when it come to the homeless & crime. It has gotten so bad, so fast – she has lost total control and, along with her equally incompetent governor, Gavin Newsom, it is a very sad sight!”

It has been under one party rule that a state that was once among the finest in the nation has descended into a hellish dystopia courtesy of liberal policies taken to the extreme.

Great American cities like San Francisco and Los Angeles are plagued by homelessness, disease, crime, overpopulation and in the case of the city by the bay, streets that are so filled with used drug needles and human feces that the squalor is reminiscent of the third world.