Trump Calls Dems’ Bluff On Impeachment: They Know They Can’t Beat Him In 2020

House Democrats were quick to usher in their new majority by quickly revealing what has long been an open secret: that they will be impeaching President Trump at some point in the near future.

Unable to get over the humiliation of 2016 when the Hillary Clinton campaign vastly overestimated her appeal in the Rust Belt and forced to accept that the majority of America doesn’t share the same “values” as California, the calls for impeachment began well before Trump was even sworn in.

The Dems managed to keep the loonies quieted down about impeachment for long enough to bamboozle enough moderates to vote for them but now that the election is over, many are already clamoring for what would essentially be an anti-American overthrow of a legitimately elected president through an abuse of power rather than through the traditional means which would be at the ballot box in 2020.

The oaths of office had barely been taken when Rep. Brad Sherman who is one of the California crazies who has been persecuting Trump quickly moved to introduce articles of impeachment before even one of the dozens of inquisitions investigations has even begun.

But Trump sees through the myriad scams and the Mueller investigation which will likely be delivered to Dems in the next two months and has pointed out the truth behind those seeking to impeach and remove him under the pretense of ginned-up charges and a media propaganda blitz.

They want him out because their candidates all stink and the only way that they can “beat” Trump is by rigging the game.

On Friday, the POTUS unleashed the following tweets calling BS on their wicked plan.

Trump’s also comments come as a response to newly-minted Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib who wasted no time in sullying her achievement of becoming the first Muslim woman elected to the House with her vulgar outburst that “We’re going to go in and impeach the motherf*cker!“ before a crowd of far-left activists.

While Nancy Pelosi defended her freshman loose cannon during a fawning MSNBC sit-down with homophobic bigot Joy Reid, Trump quickly seized on Tlaib’s foul language to castigate Tlaib and to point out that she disgraced her family as well as the country.

Spoken like a BOSS!