Breakfast For The Brain Weekend Edition

Have a great weekend Deplorables!

Hillary’s 2020 Makeover

By Ben Garrison

For a long while I’ve predicted that Hillary Clinton would run again in 2020.

I’m surprised she didn’t announce late last year, but she did have some sort of ‘procedure’ to remove many of her wrinkles. She did this to make herself appear more youthful for her next run. The left praised her new look while others, including myself, thought she looked terrifying. He smooth, plump cheeks are now even more bulging. The missing bags under her eyes have somehow given her a maniacal stare. It’s truly frightening—Hillary is scarier than the Medusa herself.

I still expect Hillary to run, but it might not occur until the convention. Hillary is lazy—she wants things rigged. She wants things done automatically behind the scenes. She hates mingling with common people. She’s too aloof and above it all. She’s not good at speeches due to her cough. She would never want to conduct a lot of rallies similar to what Trump has done. For one thing, Trump genuinely enjoys speaking to packed crowds. Hillary would never be able to attract such crowds unless she paid them.

She rigged her nomination the last time—why would anyone be surprised if she didn’t do it again? There will probably be some sort of deadlock that will occur among the delegates. The compromise and solution? Why, draft Hillary—of course! She will be demurring as she is begged to become their nominee. Finally and reluctantly, she will agree. It will be promoted as a miraculous and exciting event among the fake news media. She will have avoided all the hard work of campaigning while collecting the reward. She will simply snatch the nomination amid cheers and the claim that she’s the only one capable of defeating Trump.

If this happens she will lose again because she’s fundamentally unlikeable. She’s ugly inside and out.

Check out all of Ben’s great cartoons and commentary HERE.

Have the Democrats Reached Their Stalingrad?

Via The American Thinker

In a recent article, journalist and historian Mark Ellis wrote that the Democrats are experiencing a “Stalingrad.”  The article convincingly argues that the current political battle for impeachment resembles a real battle — the Battle of Stalingrad.  This refers to the fact that the Democrats, in their battle with Trump, seem to have “reached their Stalingrad.”

As it is known, the Battle of Stalingrad — the largest battle of the Second World War — served as a point that can be called the beginning of the end of the Third Reich.  According to Ellis, Trump’s impeachment will mark the beginning of the end of the Democrat Party.

Let us leave aside a question that has a purely academic interest: is it possible to compare a real battle with a political one?  Most likely, such direct comparisons are incorrect, but Ellis does not raise such a question — he considers only some characteristics of these events, which have much in common and allow comparison of the theoretically incomparable.

Developing this interesting analogy, the following can be added to the conclusions and analogies of Ellis.

In December 2019, the Democrats impeached President Trump.  This resembles the Wehrmacht’s capture of a bridgehead on the banks of the Volga river in 1942, near the city of Stalingrad.  At the same time, the losses of the German invaders grew to an unprecedented, unacceptable level, an analogue to the shocking loss of financial support for the Democrats in 2019.  At the same time, financial contributions to the Trump campaign after impeachment have reached a record level both in absolute terms and relative to fundraising by his Democratic opponents.

The American people are not waiting for the presidential election in November 2020; their revenge for the shameful and unconvincing half-impeachment was to cast their votes in cash right now.

Following other analogies, the German blitzkrieg — the quick seizure of foreign territory with the effective suppression of any resistance — resembles the way the Democrats held shameful hearings on the impeachment of Trump.  Hearings of Democrats in the House of Representatives were amazingly fast, just three months.  For comparison, the preparation of the impeachment of Nixon (which did not take place) took three years, and the impeachment of Clinton (which took place) lasted two years.

The Democratic blitzkrieg — the hearings in the House of Representatives — was held so Trump was not even given the opportunity to defend himself in any way.  His lawyers were denied attendance to the hearings, and not a single witness to the defense was allowed.

Despite the fact that a significant part of Stalingrad was captured by the Nazis (and this seemed like a victory), the prestige of the German army did not increase; rather, it fell.  As a result of impeachment, Trump’s ratings increased, and the Democrats’ ratings fell.  In particular, as a result of impeachment, Trump has been beating all of his potential Democrat rivals in the polls.

Another distinguishing feature of these two battles is that in both cases, the attacking forces were a motley conglomerate.  The main contingent of occupying forces in Stalingrad was not German, but Russian, Romanian, and Italian units of the Wehrmacht.  The main contingent of modern American Democrats is not the Democrats of World War II, but a bunch of socialists, Social Democrats, communists, Trotskyists, Stalinists, and other leftists.

At the end of winter in 1943, the German command threw its troops surrounded at Stalingrad to their own devices.  Similarly, the leaders of the Democratic Party abandoned 31 members of Congress, who were forced to impeach Trump.

Read the entire article HERE.

Democrats Hate Trump More Than They Hate Terrorists Who Kill Americans

Via The Federalist

A U.S. airstrike killed the world’s most violent and deadliest terrorist of the last 20 years on Thursday night, but in the eyes of 2020 Democratic candidates and lefty celebrities, the only important takeaway from this American victory is that President Trump is bad.

Trump’s authorization of the killing of Iranian Revolutionary Guard terrorist leader Qasem Soleimani is a vindication for the thousands of wounded veterans, many with missing limbs from Soleimani’s IED attacks, and the families of U.S. servicemembers Soleimani killed. Soleimani approved the Tuesday attack on the U.S. embassy in Baghdad and was plotting to kill more Americans. He was a central connection between Iran and terrorist organizations, including Lebanon’s Hezbollah and Palestinian Hamas. Yet some Democrats find it difficult to celebrate his death.

Despite the fact that Soleimani’s death will save American lives, Sen. Cory Booker said on MSNBC it is Trump who is “making the world less of a safe place.” Within an hour of the news of Soleimani’s death on Thursday, Booker appeared on CNN asserting that Trump, “has had really a failure in his Iranian policy.”

Although it was President Obama who shipped $150 billion in cash to Iran, emboldening terrorists like Soleimani, Booker is convinced that under the Trump administration, “Iran has become more influential and more dangerous.”

Democratic presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg, the former mayor of South Bend, Indiana, released a statement bemoaning the “serious questions about how this decision was made.”

From the sound of Buttigieg’s promise to “ask the hard questions” as president, it seems as if he might have bypassed killing Soleimani given the chance, thus allowing the potential deaths of more Americans at Soleimani’s hands.

Additionally, Buttigieg insinuates that Trump’s decision without congressional authority was unlawful. This is false. As David French pointed out on Twitter, because American troops are lawfully in Iraq, the airstrike was duly authorized, justified, and in no need of congressional authorization.

Democratic presidential candidates and Sens. Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders also bypassed this opportunity to praise Trump for the successful take-out of the world’s most dangerous terrorist, and instead focused only on ginning up concern that Trump has started World War III in Iran.

Read the entire article HERE.

Joe Biden Wants to Ban Plastic Bags

Via PJ Media

Former Vice President Joe Biden has told a voter at a campaign stop that he agrees completely with her statement that plastic bags should be banned. Apparently in Biden’s mind, cutting down millions of trees every year to make paper bags is much, much better.

Isn’t he brilliant?

“I agree with you 100 percent,” Biden said. “We should not be allowing plastic. What we should do is phasing [sic] it out.”

Now, please note that President Trump just ordered the U.S. military to carry out a strike against Iranian General Soleimani, one of the world’s most influential terror masterminds. That’s serious business. It shows us what difficult decisions the leader of the free world, so to speak, has to make.

But what does Biden focus on? That’s right: plastic bags. To him and his fellow radical-leftist Democrats, that is one of the major issues demanding the president’s attention and intervention.

“Make American Great Again, one plastic bag at a time.” It’s catchy, isn’t it?

It goes to show how sad it is that the Democratic Party has been hijacked by the radical left.

Read the entire article HERE.

Disturbing number of young Americans favor communism, poll finds

Via Campus Reform

According to a poll commissioned by the Washington, D.C. area nonprofit Victims of Communism, 70 percent of Millennials say they are likely to vote for a socialist while one in three view communism favorably.

The same poll also reported that 27 percent of people believe President Donald Trump is the biggest threat to world peace. The survey placed the U.S. president over North Korea dictator Kim Jong Un, Russian President Vladimir Putin, Chinese President Xi Jinping, and Venezuelan dictator Nicolas Maduro.

According to YouGov, 36 percent of millennials say they approve of communism. That percentage is up almost 10 percent from 2018.

While most college students today are not technically “millennials,” since Pew Research identifies members of that generation as those who were between the ages of 23 and 38 in 2019, more than one-third of the millennial generation is college-educated, the most ever for a single generation, according to City Lab.

The majority of students in college today are considered Generation Z, or those who fall between the ages of 7 and 22.

The report also included other jarring statistics, including how 22 percent of millennials believe “society would be better if all private property was abolished.” In addition, 45 percent of Generation Z and millennials agree that “all higher education should be free.”

The Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation Executive Director Marion Smith describes this shift as the “historical amnesia” about the dangers of communism and socialism. In a statement, Smith said, “When we don’t educate our youngest generations about the historical truth of 100 million victims murdered at the hands of communist regimes over the past century, we shouldn’t be surprised at their willingness to embrace Marxist ideas.”

Read the entire article HERE.

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