Breakfast For The Brain Weekend Edition

Have a nice weekend Deplorables.

The Culture War Comes to the Old Dominion

By Patrick J. Buchanan

First-term Congresswoman Jennifer Wexton, from the D.C. suburbs, has denounced Virginia’s representation in the U.S. Capitol by statues of George Washington in the Rotunda and Robert E. Lee in the crypt a floor below. Both statues have represented Virginia for more than a century.

Wexton wants Lee replaced by an African American hero from a list that she and Rep. A. Donald McEachin reportedly submitted.

Two names on their list are unfamiliar figures from the desegregation days of the 1950s. The third is better known: Nat Turner.

In “The Americans: A Social History of the United States,” published in 1969, author J. C. Furnas describes the deeds of the man Wexton and McEachin would be pleased to see replace Robert E. Lee:

“In August 1831, Nat Turner, paranoid slave preacher and cunjur man, led his superstition-fuddled followers to kill fifty-five whites of all sexes and ages in an aimless terrorizing of Southhampton County in the southeastern corner of Virginia.

“The poor twisted creature could hardly have found a worse time to sharpen Southern fears of a slave rising.” Turner was tried and hanged and, that winter, writes Furnas, “The Virginia legislature voted down by a narrow margin a bill for gradual extinction of slavery.”

Nat Turner’s terrorism had set back emancipation.

Let me go out on a limb: If the Virginia General Assembly votes to replace Robert E. Lee in the U.S. Capitol with a statue of Nat Turner, it will not be the unifying event Wexton imagines.

But the Assembly will be dealing soon with measures even more volatile.

Read the entire article HERE.

One Minnesota county stands for its taxpayers and rejects refugee resettlement racket

Via The Conservative Review

With nearly every GOP and Democrat governor thus far supporting open borders and even more refugees at a time of record legal and illegal immigration, the fight now moves on to the counties. This is the opportunity for the grassroots to be heard and to demand of county officials that they take a pause from lining the pockets of taxpayer-funded resettlement groups for a year. Beltrami County, Minnesota, is showing the way.

Earlier this week, the county in far north Minnesota became only the second jurisdiction in the nation to formally reject refugee resettlement. Pursuant to Trump’s order, an affirmative vote of support is needed in order to greenlight State Department funding for resettlement contractors in a given county, so simply doing nothing has the same result as a rejection. Nonetheless, it’s important that county governments be prodded to make a statement of rejection.

When the people are actually informed of what is happening to their communities, they overwhelmingly reject this racket. During the Tuesday night meeting at Beltrami County’s administration building, over 200 people turned out to watch the vote. At one point, Commissioner Craig Gaasvig asked for a show of hands from the crowd if they opposed resettlement. According to the Twin Cities Pioneer Press, “A clear majority of the crowd raised their hands.” The resolution to reject resettlement passed 3-2, with commissioners Richard Anderson, Craig Gaasvig, and Jim Lucachick voting in favor and Reed Olson and Tim Sumner voting against it.

Trump carried Beltrami County by 10 points in 2016, and it’s very much the sort of swing county he needs to hold in order to win re-election. Historically, it has voted overwhelmingly Democratic. Trump shifted the electoral balance by about 21 points from the 2012 election.

Minnesota is a very important state in the battle over fundamental transformation of our communities. Although Beltrami is far north of the population centers in the Twin Cities and hasn’t taken refugees in recent years, those who showed up at the meeting are undoubtedly aware of the cultural, social, and financial problems the state has had from the influx of tens of thousands of Somali refugees and thousands more as derivatives of chain migration. Not only has there been a terror-recruiting problem among Somalis in Minnesota, there is a lot of street crime, as some of the same clans who fought each other in Somalia are dividing along the same lines on the streets of the Cedar-Riverside neighborhood of Minneapolis. Violent incidents spiked 60 percent from 2010 to 2017 in the Cedar-Riverside neighborhood, a trend authorities blame on a “simmering rivalry between St. Paul and Minneapolis East African gangs as a cause of much of the violence.”

Read the entire article HERE.

For that Person Who Has Everything… Gwyneth Paltrow Is Peddling a $75 Candle That Smells Like her Vagina

Via Business Insider

Goop — Gwyneth Paltrow’s alternative wellness company — is currently selling a candle called “This Smells Like My Vagina” for $75.

According to the Goop website, the candle started as a joke between Paltrow and professional perfumer Douglas Little and has notes of geranium, citrusy bergamot, and cedar. The website says the candle is perfect for putting “fantasy, seduction, and a sophisticated warmth” into the atmosphere.

Known for its vagina-themed antics, like vaginal jade eggs doctors strongly recommend against, the company has received criticism in the past for making false health claims about its products and spreading general medical misinformation.

In fact, Twitter users were outraged earlier this week when Netflix announced the company and Paltrow will be producing an upcoming “holistic wellness” series called “The Goop Lab,” which will premiere January 24.

Read the entire article HERE.

Maggie Haberman, Ana Navarro And Shaun King Among A Massive List Of Activist Journalists Named On Covington’s Lawsuit

Via The Daily Caller

Multiple prominent journalists and lawmakers have been slapped with a lawsuit by lawyer Robert E. Barnes, who represents numerous Covington Catholic students.

The lawsuit was filed Aug. 14, 2019, and ten people are being sued for defamation. Among those being sued include 2020 Democratic presidential candidate and Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren, CNN political commentator Ana Navarro, New York Times journalist Maggie Haberman, writer Shaun King and six others, according to a court filing obtained by the Daily Caller.

The others named in the lawsuit are Democratic New Mexico Rep. Deb Haaland, political consultant Matthew John Dowd, comedian Kathy Griffin, ABC analyst Matthew Dowd, former CNN commentator Reza Aslan, Princeton University professor Kevin M. Kruse, editor of Mother Jones Clara Jeffery and author Jodi Jacobson.

Aslan received backlash after a January 2019 tweet asking Twitter users if they had “ever seen a more punchable face than” Covington Catholic student Nick Sandmann. The tweet was deleted Wednesday evening.

Read the entire article HERE.

Democrats Slam Trump For Booming Economy

Via The Babylon Bee (Satire)

U.S.—Reacting with disgust to the 4.1% second-quarter GDP growth figure released Friday, the nation’s Democrats united to slam President Donald Trump for America’s booming economy.

“The U.S. economy is on fire. This is totally unacceptable and, wouldn’t you know, typical of Republican policy,” Nancy Pelosi said at a press conference. “What happened to the good ol’ days, when decent Americans couldn’t find a job for the life of them? Drive down Main Street in small-town America these days and all you see are ‘Now Hiring’ signs. I’ve got one word for you, Donald Trump: despicable.” Pelosi’s staff also confirmed the dangerous booming economy would likely result in millions of deaths.

Another thought leader of the left, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, tweeted her disdain in response to the GDP figure, and reminded her followers of the perilously low unemployment at present. “3.9% unemployment and record-low joblessness across several minority demographics is dangerous, dangerous territory,” she warned. “What’s next? Upward mobility? Fewer people relying on the government for their well-being? We simply can’t let that happen.”

“Besides, unemployment is only low because people are working two jobs. They’re working 60, 70, 80 hours a week. This makes sense if you think about long enough. #ShameOnTrump,” she added in a second tweet.

At publishing time, Democrats were deeply engaged in planning their 2020 challenge to Trump, desperately hoping to get someone in the White House who could turn the prosperous economy around.

Check out all of the Bee’s takes on politics and culture HERE.

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