Liberal Lawyer Doesn’t Think Law-Abiding White People Should Be Allowed To Own Guns

Monday’s pro-gun rally in Richmond, VA really brought out the stupid on the left. Because these are liberals, the stupidity wasn’t even really about gun but rather racism. NY Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez couldn’t understand why cops show when black people riot but didn’t crack the skulls of the peaceful white people in Richmond. Along those same lines, a liberal lawyer from NY thinks it’s a shame all those law-abiding people in Richmond were “allowed” to walk around with guns while black teenagers illegally possessing firearms are tossed in jail.

Scott Hechinger is a public defender in Brooklyn and yes, he’s white. Or maybe he’s a WINO (white in name only) because this was his take on the Richmond 2nd Amendment rally:

As a public defender, presumably that makes Hechinger a lawyer and yet here he is not knowing a damn thing about the law. First of all, black teenagers in NYC are not old enough to legally possess a firearm, which means if they have one they are breaking the law. The white people in Virginia were old enough to possess firearms and hence were not breaking the law. Secondly, carrying a concealed weapon is banned for people of all races in NYC while Virginia is an open carry state for people of all races.

These simple legal facts would explain why black teenagers caught with guns are jailed in NYC and law-abiding white people in Virginia were not arrested for exercising their Constitutional rights.

This is certainly not something that is race-specific as white teenagers can’t legally carry guns in NYC either. They too face a mandatory minimum sentence of 3.5 years for illegal possession of a firearm. Also, in Virginia, law-abiding black people are free to openly carry their firearms. In fact, here’s a couple of black guys who participated in the Richmond pro-gun rally:

That second guy is my new favorite person.

When the ridiculousness of Hechinger’s race-based argument was pointed out, he doubled-down on the idiocy:

Wow, just wow. Remember, this guy is a lawyer. My guess is he isn’t a very good one as public defenders tend to be the worst of the worst.

He is however an exceptional liberal. He doesn’t think black people should be jailed for crimes they were convicted of, but does think law-abiding white people should be arrested for exercising their Constitutionally protected rights. If he could find a way to make his twisted beliefs cost the American taxpayers $50 billion, he’d be the democratic party frontrunner in 2020.