This German Mass Shooting Must Not Have Happened Because Democrats Said So

Democrats have a lot of horrible narratives for mass shootings like: “thoughts and prayers are insulting” and “the actions of a criminal means good people should lose their rights.” One of their biggest is that mass shootings don’t happen in other countries. There was a mass shooting in Germany, which is another country, but democrats say they don’t happen outside of the U.S. so apparently it never happened. Either that or democrats are full of crap.

Here’s the NY Post with a report that seems to contradict the official democratic party position:

A man gunned down his parents and four other people who are also believed to be relatives Friday at a hotel in southwest Germany, according to authorities and reports.

A 26-year-old German national called police just after 12:45 p.m. local time and told them he had killed several people, regional police chief Reiner Moeller said at a news conference.
Authorities kept the man on the line and arrested him when they arrived at the hotel, near the train station at Rot Am See, a town of about 5,200 residents, Moeller said.

Investigators also found six bodies — three men ages 36, 65 und 69, and three women ages 36, 56 und 62, in and around the hotel, where the victims were together for a family gathering…

In addition to those killed, two other people were hurt — one with life-threatening injuries, according to Moeller. The gunman is also accused of threatening two children, ages 12 and 14.

Authorities believe the gunman, whose name was not immediately confirmed, used a semi-automatic pistol in the shooting. Police could not immediately confirm his exact relationship to each of the victims.

6 people shot to death qualifies as a mass shooting and Germany is a different country than the U.S. So what explains this statement Barack Obama made after the Charlston, South Carolina church shooting?

“But let’s be clear:  At some point, we as a country will have to reckon with the fact that this type of mass violence does not happen in other advanced countries,” wrote Obama on a post that is still on the White House website.

Maybe Obama doesn’t consider Germany to be an advanced nation. As it turns out, neither does former Senate majority leader Harry Reid, who said almost the same thing on the Senate floor:

“The United States is the only advanced country where this kind of mass violence occurs,” said Reid.

Connecticut Senator Chris Murphy doesn’t think Germany is a third-world nation like Obama and Reid, but he does believe it’s impossible for mass shootings to occur outside of America. Following the mass shooting at a Parkland, Florida high school in 2018, he made this point:

“This happens nowhere else other than the United States of America, this epidemic of mass slaughter,” said Murphy.

Obviously these democrats are wrong because there really was a mass shooting in another country. Luckily the liberal media is on the case to preserve the narrative. Here’s CBS News reluctantly reporting on the German mass shooting, making sure you know that this type of thing almost never happens:

Gunman kills six people in rare mass-shooting in Germany

Not only does ABC go out of its way to say how rare mass shootings in Germany are, as an added bonus they they make it seem like this one was related to right-wing extremism:

Multiple-victim shootings are rare in Germany, which has strict gun control laws like most of Europe. The last major incident was an attack by a far-right extremist who attacked a synagogue in the town of Halle in October.

How’s that for objective reporting? Also, multiple-victim shootings? I guess if they don’t call it a mass shooting it isn’t a mass shooting at the democrats’ bullshit remains intact.

This mass shooting in Germany busts so many of the democrats’ narratives. Yes, mass shootings do happen in other industrialized nations. No, gun control doesn’t stop mass shootings as Germany has very strict gun ownership laws. No, the 2nd Amendment doesn’t enable mass shootings as the German people don’t have a constitutional right to keep and bear arms. No, the NRA doesn’t cause mass shootings because Germany has no equivalent gun rights group.

The moral of this story is that whatever democrats claim, the opposite is true but you already knew that.