Goofy Joe Biden Says Mickey Mouse Can Beat President Trump

This sounds more like a concession speech than anything else. With Joe Biden’s presidential hopes all but gone, he is saying that even Mickey Mouse could defeat President Trump in November. What he’s actually suggesting is that he will not be the democratic party nominee and he’s offering up a more palatable alternative. If one cartoon character (Biden) can’t win, surely a more beloved cartoon mouse can.

The New Hampshire primaries are under way as we speak, but Biden has already admitted defeat and is leaving the state:

Before his sudden departure, Biden went on MSNBC to explain his poor showing in the first 2 democratic caucuses/primaries. He also took a swipe at frontrunner Bernie Sanders.

“Talk about baggage, man, you know, you’re going into all the states as a democratic socialist. How does somebody run and not have that label attached to them?” Biden said.

Right after calling Sanders an unelectable communist, Biden then said Sanders or perhaps an animated mouse would beat the stuffing out of Trump in the general election.

“I refuse to suggest any Democrat can lose. I think we could run Mickey Mouse against this president and have a shot,” said Biden.

And because when people with dementia get caught in a loop they stay there for a while, he repeated this line to NBC’s Andrea Mitchell:

There’s actually quite a few layers in this latest bit of insanity. Biden is saying that Bernie Sanders is on par with Mickey Mouse. Biden is saying that Hillary Clinton is a worse candidate than Mickey Mouse because, of course, she was unable to beat Trump. Biden is saying that he is worse than someone who is worse than Mickey Mouse because he finished worse than Hillary in the 2008 primaries.

Most of all however, Biden is saying that he’s not going to win the democratic party nomination so the party should find someone a little more competent to run against Trump; in this case, Mickey Mouse.

Biden is usually off his rocker, but this is some surprisingly good advice considering what a sad collection of losers are currently running for the chance to lose to Trump. The democratic party is a Mickey Mouse operation, so why not actually run Mickey as their candidate? The should consider adding a “diverse” Disney character to the ticket as VP to pander the minority vote however. Maybe Cobra Bubbles from Lilo and Stitch or the Tar Baby from Song of the South.

What Joe Biden was trying and failing to do here was come off as a tough guy. He was dismissing President Trump as a lightweight who will crumble against anyone. He’s puffing out his chest and bragging that he can kick Trump’s ass in the general election.

It should be noted that Trump has won a party nomination and a presidential election while Biden has never even made it out of the primaries. Seriously Biden has already lost twice and he’s headed for another early exit. Win something and then talk shit.