Joe Biden Thinks There Are Seaports In Nevada (Which He Thinks Is Really California)

When Joe Biden confuses the state he’s in, that is not news, because it happens so often. But if Joe Biden correctly identifies his location, that is news. Joey Atlas did it again, saying he was in California when he was actually in Nevada, but that’s not the story. The true insanity comes because he implied that there are solar-powered seaports in land-locked Nevada. I’m going to miss this when he drops out of the race next month.

Here’s Crazy Joe’s latest “Where’s Waldo” moment as he spoke to a smattering of people in Nevada.

“But the new technologies are capable of being able to do so much more. For example, there’s no reason why, at our ports, we don’t have solar capacity to be able to make sure that we save a whole hell of a lot of energy, create a lot of new jobs for people out there just like here in California,” Biden said.

Again, Biden was in Nevada. He did correct himself, which he doesn’t always do, but seriously, he’s saying that there are solar-powered seaports in Nevada. I know Joe is as bad with geography as he he is with honesty or lucidity, but come on. This is a land-locked state that borders California, Oregon, Idaho, Utah, and Arizona.

There are a few marinas on Lake Mead, but they are for smaller water craft. Plus thanks to the non-solar power-generating Hoover Dam, ocean access is impossible.

The airport in Phoenix is called “The Sky Harbor” but that’s in Arizona, not Nevada or California. Also, it’s not really a harbor or port, they just call it that.

Because Joe’s insanity knows no bounds, even if he was talking about California, the state doesn’t have any solar-powered ports either. California passed a law that docking ships have to hook up to the port power system instead of running their diesel engines, but it’s still good old fashioned fossil fuel power they are drawing.

And the Port of Long Beach, California recently automated so technology isn’t creating new jobs, it’s eliminating them. When Joe Biden doesn’t know what the hell he’s talking about, he really has no idea what he’s talking about.

I’m keeping a running tally on all of the places Joe doesn’t know because I feel it’s an unravelling mystery that will eventually lead to a universal truth:

Joe Thinks California is Nevada but…

…he thinks Nevada is New Hampshire but…

…he thinks New Hampshire is Iowa but…

…he thinks Iowa is Ohio but…

…he thinks Ohio is Michigan.

I’m from Michigan but live in California, so maybe this is all about me somehow.

All of the states Joe confuses are places he was campaigning in so as Super Tuesday approaches and 14 states hold their primaries, we can expect some serious confusion. Then, when Biden fails miserably he will drop out of the race and I won’t have as much crazy crap to write about.