Biden Swings At Bernie But Punches Himself And Obama Instead

Bernie Sanders is a socialist kook who thinks orgasms cure cervical cancer and that “free” stuff for illegal aliens is a Constitutional right. He is literally the easiest politician in America to criticize, make fun of, and attack unless you’re Joe Biden. Crazy Joe tried to save his failing presidential campaign by going after frontrunner Sanders, but he really sucks at this and ended up punching himself in the nuts while delivering a roundhouse kick to Barack Obama’s neck.

In failed attack #1, Biden went after Bernie Sanders’ love affair with communist dictator Fidel Castro:

“Make no mistake, Bernie Sanders’ comments on Fidel Castro are part of a larger pattern throughout his life to embrace autocratic leaders and governments across the globe. He seems to have found more inspiration in the Soviets, Sandinistas, Chavistas, and Castro then in America. His admiration for elements of Castro’s dictatorship or at least willingness to look past Cuba’s human rights violations is not juts dangerous, it is deeply offensive to the many people in Florida, New jersey, and across the country that have fled political persecution and sought refuge in the United States. Bernie’s comments indicate he either fails to understand the pain and suffering the Fidel Castro, Nicolas Madura, and daniel Ortega have cause to so many people, including Americans no living here, or worse, that his ideology blinds him to the realities of these countries,” wrote Biden.

Biden added, “Joe Biden will stand up on the global stage against tyrants and fight for freedom and democracy.

Praising Fidel Castro is bad says Joe, forgetting that his former boss Barack Obama not only praised Castro but removed sanctions on Cuba and travel restrictions to the communist country, giving a major economic boost. Since Biden claims he was in lockstep with Obama and takes credit for everything the former president did, Crazy Joe is guilty of giving the brutal communist regime material support.

If Bernie is guilty of saying nice thing about Castro, and he is, Biden metaphorically gave the commie dictator a lap dance and a reach-around.

In Bernie attack fail #2, Biden outs himself as a racist:

“Bernie Sanders was seriously considering challenging our first African American president,” says the video.

The implication here from Joe Biden is that it was terribly racist for Bernie Sanders to consider a primary challenge to Obama in 2012. That the act of running against Obama was in fact a hate crime according to Biden rules.

Well, Biden ran against Obama in the 2008 democratic primaries. So did Hillary Clinton. Surly that must be racist too, right? And while Bernie never actually did run against Obama, Biden did.

Even worse, Biden said some really racist things against Obama as he was getting his ass kicked in the primaries.

“I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that’s a storybook, man,” said Biden of Obama.

Being shocked at an articulate, smart, clean black guy seems pretty damn racist. Obama however didn’t think that or Biden running against him was all that racist and picked Crazy Joe to be his VP.

With all the material to work with, Biden’s attacks on Bernie Sanders only landed on himself. His plan is to promote Sanders as an unAmerican racist by highlighting unAmerican and racist things that Biden has done way worse.