Friday Morning Breakfast For The Brain

Thank God It’s FRIDAY!

The Berning Man

By Ben Garrison

Was Castro a Bernie Bro?

Bernie Sanders has momentum on his side. His promise of free stuff is just too tempting for many who have not learned the lessons of history.

Bernie calls it socialism, but rest assured he is still well rooted in Marxism. Whatever nomenclature the old hippie prefers, socialism is asking for trouble. It always ends in failure, poverty, tyranny, and suffering. It’s a lesson of history his supporters seem to have forgotten or never bothered to learn.

Some Trump supporters want Bernie to win the nomination because they know that he and his socialist platform will be easily defeated. Many in the Democratic establishment abhor the thought of Bernie as their nominee because they also know he can’t win. They’ve already concocted a variation in their Russia conspiracy theory. They say Putin is now pulling strings to get Sanders is nominated, thus assuring the reelection of his puppet, Trump. The Swamp just won’t give up on the ‘Russia Russia Russia!’ conspiracy claptrap no matter how many times it has thoroughly been debunked.

I don’t want Bernie nominated. Such an event will only make future socialists seem more acceptable. The ongoing drift toward socialism is just too darned dangerous. We need smaller and less obtrusive government, not socialists bureaucrats micro managing every aspect of our lives. Can’t have anyone hurting B Control freaks such as Bernie want to steal our labor via taxes and then redistribute it as he and his functionaries see fit. You can bet he will still have his three houses, though—and perhaps more. Yes, he’ll want to live in a luxurious dacha while sending those who resist into gulags.

Free speech would end in order to achieve Bernie’s ’social justice.’ During the debate in South Carolina, Bernie was actually booed and he didn’t like it! If he had his way, booing socialism would be against the law. He would make sure hate speech laws got enacted and enforced. Guns would be confiscated. Can’t have citizens fighting back when private property is outlawed.

Bernie offers us a terrible conflagration that will be fueled by the loss of our freedom. Millions of people died due to communist tyranny in the 20th Century. The cold ashes of history should not be forgotten.

Check out all of Ben’s great cartoons and commentary HERE

The Necessary (Temporary) Democratic Party Suicide

Via American Greatness

The Democrats and the United States need a Sanders candidacy, so the existing party can be completely defeated, humiliated, and rebirthed.

The “Gong Show” of a Democratic presidential primary debate Tuesday night just made it clear how desperately this intellectually bankrupt rag-tag team of harpies and hustlers truly is. They are the heirs of the Clinton-Obama place men who mismanaged America, corrupted the Justice Department and the intelligence services, and created such a scarcity of serious candidates for the presidency.

The former mayor of New York City announced he was seeking the nomination because the 20 declared candidates were inadequate. He was correct—but so, on the face of things, is he inadequate. The debate in Charleston on Tuesday was like a scene from Lord of the Flies as a disorderly, screechy group of misbehaving superannuated juveniles spoke and shouted over each other, waving their arms in the air and exchanging epithets. Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), her hopes withered by her mendacity, robotic uniforms, and humorless righteousness, is reduced to hurling vitriol at Mike Bloomberg.

Bloomberg was more responsive than in his first debate, but still exuded a presumption that everyone in America is enviously fixated on the Big Apple, and his attempts at humor bombed somewhat embarrassingly. It is hard to believe that more than $400 million has already been spent trying to promote the idea that this is the redeemer of Trump’s (increasingly well-satisfied) America.

Senator Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), finally targeted as the frontrunner, was querulous and belligerent, shouting back at the audience and more demonstrative and short-tempered than ever. He is almost majestic, barricading himself into his praise of Fidel Castro and not budging an inch on the authoritarian extravagance of his compulsory medical care plan that would sweep away the satisfactory arrangements that 180 million Americans have already made with their physicians of choice.

It is the majesty of a persevering and cranky old man, but it is also acoustically irritating nonsense and anyone who imagines that the American electorate is going to put this raving, neo-Marxist, charmless, cantankerous old dervish into the White House is in the same fantasyland as the candidates.

Read the entire article HERE.

Russiagate II: Return Of The Low Intelligence Zombies

By Peter Van Buren

The Russians are back, alongside the American intelligence agencies playing deep inside our elections. Who should we fear more? Hint: not the Russians.

On February 13, the election security czar in the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) briefed the House Intelligence Committee that the Russians were meddling again and that they favored Donald Trump. A few weeks earlier, the ODNI briefed Bernie Sanders that the Russians were also meddling in the Democratic primaries, this time in his favor. Both briefings remained secret until this past week, when the former was leaked to the New York Times in time to smear Trump for replacing his DNI, and the latter leaked to the Washington Post ahead of the Nevada caucuses to try and damage Sanders.

Russiagate is back, baby. Everyone welcome Russiagate II.

You didn’t think after 2016 the bad boys of the intel “community” (which makes it sound like they all live together down in Florida somewhere) weren’t going to play their games again, and that they wouldn’t learn from their mistakes? Those errors were in retrospect amateurish. A salacious dossier built around a pee tape? Nefarious academics befriending minor Trump campaign staffers who would tell all to an Aussie ambassador trolling London’s pubs looking for young, fit Americans? Falsified FISA applications when it was all too obvious even Trumpkin greenhorns weren’t dumb enough to sleep with FBI honeypots? You’d think after influencing 85 elections across the globe since World War II, they’d be better at it. But you also knew that after failing to whomp a bumpkin like Trump once, they would keep trying.

Like any good intel op, you start with a tickle, make it seem like the targets are figuring it out for themselves. Get it out there that Trump offered Wikileaks’ Julian Assange a pardon if he would state publicly that Russia wasn’t involved in the 2016 DNC leaks. The story was all garbage, not the least of which because Assange has been clear for years that it wasn’t the Russians. And there was no offer of a pardon from the White House. And conveniently Assange is locked in a foreign prison and can’t comment.

Then, only a day after the Assange story (why be subtle?), the sequel hit the theaters with timed leaks to the NYT and WaPo. The mainstream media went Code Red (the CIA has a long history of working with the media to influence elections).

Read the entire article HERE.

How Much Will the Green New Deal Cost Your Family?

Via PJ Media

The Green New Deal, a proposal to overhaul the entire economy in the name of fighting climate disaster, has driven the policy agenda for 2020 Democrats and the Democratic Party in general. These Democrats do not tell Americans exactly how much the hair-brained green scheme will cost the average American family, however. A new study from the Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI) and Power the Future (PTF) estimated exactly how much this proposal will cost the average American family in terms of energy in eleven key battleground states.

“At a minimum, the Green New Deal would impose large and recurring costs on American households. We conclude that among the 11 states analyzed, the GND would cost a typical household a minimum of $74,287 in the first year of implementation. Among 10 of the states, excluding Alaska at $84,584, the average household burden of the GND in its first year is $75,168. For the subsequent four years, the average annual costs per household for 10 of the 11 states is $47,755, decreasing to $40,706 for ever after. The expenses in Alaska are more than $10,000 more per year per household,” Kent Lassman and Daniel Turner reported.

The study focused on eleven states, most of which are considered pivotal “swing states” in the 2020 election: Alaska, Colorado, Florida, Iowa, Michigan, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.

Read the entire article HERE.

KU to host art contest for students to express ‘anger’ over campus Chick-fil-A

Via Campus Reform

The University of Kansas announced an art contest titled “But the Chicken’s good…?”

The Sexuality and Gender Diversity Faculty & Staff Council and the KU Department of Visual Art are hosting the contest in March.

“In light of the controversy over the installation of Chick-fil-A in the Kansas memorial union, the SGDFS council would like to open up a campus conversation about the meaning of the brand” flyers said.

The “guiding theme” of the contest is “But the chickens good…?” and both undergraduate and graduate students are invited to submit submissions that “explore…what the presence of Chick-fil-A on campus signifies to them.” The flyer also advertises prizes.

Read the entire article HERE.

Tulane University removes ‘Victory Bell’ after learning of its plantation origins


Tulane University’s “Victory Bell” has been removed from its pedestal on the school’s Uptown campus after officials learned it was originally used as a plantation bell.

In a letter emailed to the Tulane community, President Mike Fitts and Board Chairman Doug Hertz said they were informed last week that the bell was originally used to direct the movements of enslaved people on a plantation.

“It is terribly disheartening to learn that it is, in fact, a vestige of a horrific part of our nation’s past,” the letter said. “Now that we understand its history as an instrument of slavery, continuing to use this bell in a celebratory manner would run counter to our values.”

In the letter, Fitts said the bell was moved to storage Thursday while the university conducts an investigation into its origins. The school plans to form a special committee to recommend what will replace the bell in front of McAlister Auditorium, near the center of the campus, where it has stood since 2011.

“As an academic institution, we believe it is important to find a way to use this bell to further our knowledge and understanding of slavery and pursue a more just society,” the statement added.

Read the entire article HERE.

Planned Parenthood Endorses Bloomberg After Learning He Told Pregnant Woman To ‘Kill It’

Via The Babylon Bee (Satire)

NEW YORK, NY—Planned Parenthood has endorsed Mike Bloomberg for president after learning he encouraged a pregnant woman to “kill it.”

The “health care but actually abortion” provider has reportedly been waiting for just the right candidate who would be willing to stand up bravely for women’s rights. When Bloomberg came under fire last night for his alleged suggestion that a woman “kill it,” Planned Parenthood leadership knew they had found their candidate.

“Mike Bloomberg is a true champion of women’s rights,” said Planned Parenthood’s acting president, Alexis McGill Johnson. “On that debate stage last night, all the other candidates were ripping into him for suggesting a woman should kill the life inside of her, but Bloomberg stood strong in the face of these heartless attacks. He was the only candidate up there who truly supports a woman’s right to choose.”

“This is the kind of leadership we need in our country as women’s rights to snuff out the life of their children are under attack by evil men like Mike Pence and callous critics of abortion like Elizabeth Warren.”

Warren has apologized for suggesting that “killing it” was wrong, but the damage to her campaign was done. “She’s finished,” said one debate commentator. “You can’t just come out in the Democratic debates and acknowledge that a preborn baby is a human life that can be killed and expect to still win the primaries. Stick a fork in her — this campaign trail is gonna end in tears.”

Check out all of the Bee’s great takes on politics and culture HERE.

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