President Trump Roasts Communist Bernie And Crazy Joe

In the Age of Trump, stand-up comedy and late night TV are boring as hell because so-called comedians only bitch and moan about the President, with no actual jokes. Ironically, the object of their TDS, President Trump, is actually pretty fricken hilarious. At a town hall Trump roasted Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden like a master, marking the first funny thing on TV in almost 4 years.

Fox hosted a town hall with President Trump because CNN and MSNBC never would. At some point the President was asked who he wanted to face in the general election: Comrade Bernie or Crazy Joe.

“Okay, I was all set for Bernie because I thought it was going to happen. You know, we get ready for things so mentally I’m all set for Bernie. Communist, I have everything down, he’s a communist,” started Trump.

This great set-up already had the audience in stitches.

“i was all set and then we had this crazy thing that happened, right? On Tuesday, which he thought was Thursday,” said Trump of Biden.

Fact check: Joe Biden did say Super Tuesday was Super Thursday. Solid joke, but there was more.

“But he also said that 150 million people were killed with guns and he was running for the United Sates Senate,” continued Trump.

Fact check: Biden did claim 150 million Americans were killed by gunshots since 2007.

Fact check: Biden did say he was running for the U.S. Senate and even said if you don’t like him, “vote for the other Biden.”

Two more killer jokes.

“‘Support me, I’m running for the United States [Senate],’” said Trump mocking Biden.

Trump’s Biden impersonation was leaps and bounds better than Alec Baldwin’s Trump impersonation. And Trump’s not even a member of the Film Actor’s Guild.

“There’s something going on there. I was all set [to take on Bernie],” said Trump.

That entire exchange was less than a minute and Trump landed several hilarious jokes. All of late night TV, including SNL, hasn’t collectively been this funny in 4 years. Maybe they should ask President Trump to write some of their material. They would have to abandon their TDS fainting spell, but at least they would be entertaining.

The best comedy comes from the truth and that’s why President Trump killed it in this town hall. Bernie Sanders is a communist. Joe Biden doesn’t have any idea what the hell he’s talking about. Comedians should take a cue from the President: democrats are ridiculous people and if you simply point out what they say, do, and stand for the laughs flow naturally.

This expert roasting of Bernie and Joe should also be eliciting a sense of doom in democrats. Both these men are walking jokes and President Trump won’t hesitate to rip them to shreds. There is no plan C as they ran off all the rest of the candidates. They are stuck with a socialist kook and a scatterbrained pervert, ripe for mockery.

While the liberal media and other democrats have been taking it easy on Sanders and Biden, Trump has no problem calling out and making fun of everything that’s wrong with them and there’s almost too much material for him to work with.