The Absurdity Continues—What’s wrong with this photo?

Do you see what’s wrong in this photo of Kamala and children at the White House yesterday?

This from

Seriously, the absurdity continues in D.C. Why are these children forced to wear masks when the older, more vulnerable [adult] in the room is completely mask free? It makes zero sense.

This is one reason to note that DeSantis did the right thing when he made clear to the children in the photos with him that wearing masks was completely unnecessary for them.

Notice [also] that every one of the masks the children are wearing [is] black. In fact, they all look identical.

Did the White House hand these out to the children to wear when on stage? It’s one thing if parents choose that their children should wear these masks, but that’s not what this looks like at all.

This nation is off course and must be set back on a proper path as quickly as possible.

Further, the treasonous parties lined up against the legitimate government—to include the democrat-communist party, DOJ, and the mass propaganda media—must be dealt with most severely. Swift justice by way of Military Tribunals for all.

God speed to the powers of right and true.