Friday Morning Breakfast For The Brain

Thank God It’s FRIDAY!!!

Schumer, The Abortion Loving Bully

By Ben Garrison

During a speech delivered on the steps of the Supreme Court, Senator Chuck Schumer threatened conservative Supreme Court justices Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh. Both were appointed by President Trump. He warned them not to attack a woman’s ‘right to choose.’ In other words abortion. Here is his quote:

“You have released the whirlwind, and you will pay the price. You will not know what hit you if you go forward with these awful decisions.”

Trump asked that Schumer be impeached for making such a blatantly violent threat. Chief Justice Roberts also denounced Schumer. I doubt anything will happen to him. Democrats such as Schumer are above the law, but even CNN condemned his threat. Of course, they immediately said Trump has said similar things. The president hasn’t—otherwise CNN would have stated them.

Abortion is at the center of such violent emotionalism on the part of the Senator. Any talk of lessening abortion prompts instant anger from the Democrats, Hollywood, and the mass media. They have been extolling abortion as ‘health care.’ To them, it’s a virtue. Something to be celebrated. Some celebrities have proudly bragged about getting abortions. Elizabeth Warren compared an abortion with having one’s tonsils removed. Hillary Clinton said a child isn’t a human being until the second it is born. A few seconds before birth? Well, the baby is not legally human, according to her. Now some are even saying infanticide, or ‘post birth abortion’ should be legal.

What they’re really saying is an unborn baby is nothing more than a mass of cells. Mere matter. An unborn baby has no self-awareness, therefore it is not human. Just a blob of matter. That’s what some in the pro-abortion camp say, but some adult humans aren’t self-aware, either. Dementia patients, those in comas, and the mentally ill may not be self aware, either. Does that mean they’re no longer human as well? It’s dangerous thinking and it plays into the hands of the eugenicists.

The Democrats and pro-abortion cheerleaders shouldn’t get to decide these things, but I also realize a woman will get an abortion no matter what if she’s determined. No law will stop her. We don’t need new laws, but many need to stop celebrating the death of millions of humans that didn’t get a chance to reach their potential. Abortion should be seen as a tragic thing regardless of the circumstances.

Check out all of Ben’s great cartoons and commentary HERE.

Rigged: Inside the 72 Hours Establishment Democrats Took it from Bernie, Gave it to Biden

Via Breitbart News

In the time of span of 72 hours, between the South Carolina primary and Super Tuesday, establishment Democrats rushed to consolidate behind former Vice President Joe Biden in a transparent effort to thwart the candidacy of Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT).

The machinations started on Saturday, only minutes after polls closed in the Palmetto State. Biden, who had flopped in the first three nominating contests, was declared the instantaneous winner after exit polls showed a rout, thanks to strong support from black voters.

Even though the margin of victory remained unknown for hours, many in the media and pundit class jumped to claim South Carolina had resuscitated the former vice president’s hopes for the nomination. None espoused that argument more so than Terry McAullife, a former governor of Virginia and one time chairman of the Democratic National Committee (DNC). Shortly after South Carolina was called, McAullife appeared on CNN, where he serves as a political commentator, to discuss the results. Instead of offering insight, however, the former governor took the opportunity to endorse Biden live on the air.

“I’ve thought long and hard about this,” McAullife told CNN’s Anderson Cooper. “For me it’s an electability issue … I’m going all in on Joe Biden, I think he has the best shot of beating [President] Donald Trump.”

Obama’s Role?

While the endorsements were flooding in for Biden, something strange was happening among the candidates themselves. Buttigieg, who had shown every indication of remaining in the race through Super Tuesday, shocked many by exiting the race.

“Tonight I am making the difficult decision to suspend my campaign for the presidency,” Buttigieg told supporters on Sunday. “I will do everything in my power to ensure that we have a new Democratic president come January.”

The move came only hours after Buttigieg had spoken with two of the Democrat Party’s prior White House occupants. Earlier on Sunday, Buttigieg met with former President Jimmy Carter in Georgia. Although the confines of that meeting have not been made public, the former mayor was reportedly seeking counsel about whether he should stay in the race.

Later that same evening, Buttigieg took part in a phone call with former President Barack Obama. Also on the line was Biden, who lobbied for the former mayor’s endorsement, according to The New York Times.

“Obama did not specifically encourage Buttigieg to endorse Biden,” the Times reported. “But Obama did note that Buttigieg has considerable leverage at the moment and should think about how best to use it.”

Obama allegedly implored Buttigieg to consider that his endorsement “could reshape the Democratic primary … creating a more formidable centrist challenge to Mr. Sanders’ progressive movement.”

Read the entire article HERE.

Market Meltdown is No Black Swan, It’s Chickens Coming Home to Roost

Via American Greatness

Like the Lenape Indians who traded Manhattan island for glass beads, Americans got cheaper stuff here today, gone tomorrow; China got industrial and technological capabilities good for the long term.

American corporations bet big on China then the bug bit and the bet didn’t quite pay off.

The bug is the coronavirus and we see its symptoms in the stock market swoon.

Corporate America bet they could profit by replacing well-paid American labor with Communist China’s cheap regimented workforce.

The MBA whiz kids must have known by closing American factories they were laying off their customers as well as their workers.

But they figured sales to China’s managerial class—large in number though a small percentage of total population—would more than make up for lost sales to what was once a prosperous middle class in America.

It was a cold, spreadsheet-driven bottom-line calculation stripped of any attachment to nationality, culture, or human values.

The calculation had certain premises packed into it.

One was the international specialization of labor: Countries should specialize in entire industries the same way workers in a factory specialize in a particular production task, i.e. metal punching, lathe operations. All manufacturing should be done in China, data entry in Ghana, garment production in Haiti, computer programming in India, etc.

This assumes all people in a given country are uniform in their inclinations and skills, which on its face is ridiculous if not racist. More likely and perhaps more disturbing is the assumption human beings are infinitely mutable and can be molded into whatever central planners (or “the market”) demands.

In reality, some individuals are more inclined to be mechanics and others accountants, and every country will have some of each. This is what led Alexander Hamilton to argue for developing domestic manufacturing industries in the new republic in order to “[furnish] greater scope for the diversity of talents and dispositions which discriminate men from each other.” He believed not everyone would make a good farmer in a Jeffersonian Arcadia.

The cover story for the international division of labor is that it’s determined by the inherent, immutable strengths each nation and its populace possess.

The absurdity of the proposition as well as its shortcoming is apparent when one suggests country X is inherently predisposed to produce concert pianists and that’s what it should specialize in.

The world doesn’t need as many concert pianists as it does iPhones or even keyboards and poor indeed would be the nation that focuses exclusively on tickling the ivories leaving it to others to make them.

But in truth, we know it’s the hand of Man not the hand of God that decides who does what and where.

It was one man who decided iPhones would be made in China.

Apple CEO Tim Cook took the production of Apple’s gadgets out of the United States and built the archipelago of factories inside Communist China that supplies the world.

He is quite proud of the world he built and like so many who cannot admit when he’s made a mistake he refuses to remake it.

Read the entire article HERE.

Criminals in San Francisco act with impunity, knowing there are no consequences

Via The American Thinker

A criminal justice system exists to protect people and property.  We already noted that in San Francisco, the criminal justice system no longer protects people.  However, it’s not just San Francisco that has a problem.  The whole of California does, and there’s a video making the rounds now showing what happens when the government withdraws its protection from law-abiding citizens.

In 2014, California voters approved Proposition 47, which downgraded certain felonies to misdemeanors.  Significantly, the new measure mandated that any theft below $950 would be a misdemeanor.

A year after the law passed, Stanford University’s Justice Advocacy Project put out a report — with one of its authors having co-written Prop. 47 — stating that there were now 13,000 fewer people in California’s prisons and that the state had already saved $150 million.  The study, though, forgot to look at the cost to California’s citizens.

The reality is that civic law enforcement seldom tries to investigate or prosecute misdemeanors.  It’s too much effort for too small an ultimate consequence for the malefactor.  This is especially true, as we’ll see, when the prosecutor has leftist ideas about what constitutes justice.

Already in 2016, California retailers were complaining about the new law’s effect on their businesses:

Anything below $950 keeps the crime a misdemeanor — and likely means the thieves face no pursuit and no punishment, say retailers and law enforcement officials. Large retailers including Safeway, Target, Rite Aid and CVS pharmacies say shoplifting increased at least 15 percent, and in some cases, doubled since voters approved Proposition 47 and ended the possibility of charging shoplifting as a felony with the potential for a prison sentence.

Shoplifting reports to the Los Angeles Police Department jumped by a quarter in the first year, according to statistics the department compiled for The Associated Press.

In San Francisco, the problems from Prop. 47 have been compounded by the fact that last November voters elected Chesa Boudin to be their District Attorney. Boudin is the son of two terrorists from the 1960s group the Weather Underground, both of whom went to prison for felony murder. Boudin was therefore raised by two other Weather Underground members: William Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn. He is a revolutionary Marxist at a level most Americans cannot even comprehend.

While Boudin made a big deal about refusing to prosecute “lifestyle crimes,” such as prostitution, public urination and defecation, and public drug use, he’s quietly been pushing another revolution in criminal injustice: to the frustration of San Francisco’s police officers, he’s refusing to prosecute misdemeanors.

Read the entire article HERE.


Olive Garden fires manager who agreed to customer’s request for non-black server: report

Via The Hill

The manager of an Olive Garden in Indiana who complied with a customer’s demand for a server who was not black has been fired.

Amira Donahue, a hostess at the chain’s Evansville location, told NBC News on Wednesday that the customer complained to the manager about both her and another black hostess working on Saturday evening.

“She made comments about me to my co-workers concerning my race and saying that I should work at a strip club instead,” Donahue said. “She asked if I’m even black and if I am from here.”

Donahue added the customer, a white woman, then loudly demanded that the manager replace her table’s black server, and the manager complied.

A customer, Maxwell Robbins, described witnessing the incident in a Facebook post that has been shared more than 2,500 times, later updating it to say the manager in question had been fired.

Read the entire article HERE.

University offers ‘buyback’ on ‘racist’ old mascot gear

Via Campus Reform

The Illinois Student Government is hosting an annual t-shirt buyback geared toward reducing the number of t-shirts featuring it’s old “Chief” mascot from the campus. The Facebook post by the student government calls the shirts “outdated and racist.”

“Help remove outdated and racist imagery from campus! Exchange your former mascot clothing for brand new, official Illinois merchandise at any of the locations listed, while supplies last,” reads a post advertising the event. Students will be able to exchange their merchandise featuring the old mascot for “new, official, Illinois merch” at multiple locations on campus.

Some student employees will also be helping out with the Chief buyback program, notes the announcement, encouraging students to ” reach out to your Multicultural Advocates if you reside in University Housing to perform exchanges of the clothing as well!”

The Illinois Student Government is spending $5,250 on the buyback, according to the student government resolution to undergo the effort, obtained by Campus Reform.

“…the Illinois Student Government takes a firm stance against representations of ‘Chief Illiniwek’ because of the disrespect the symbol conveys upon the Native American community,” reads the resolution.

The buyback was also shared by the University of Illinois Gender & Women’s studies Facebook page.

Read the entire article HERE.

Warren Returns To Tribe In Shame After Failing To Take Land Back From The Pale Faces

Via The Babylon Bee (Satire)

CHEROKEE NATION—Having dropped out of the presidential race, Elizabeth Warren rode in solitude back to her reservation, having failed to take the land back from the pale faces.

“I am sorry, my people. I have failed,” she said somberly, a single tear rolling down her cheek. “The white man still holds our land, and the very trees cry out against them. May Great Spirit grant us another chance in 4 harvests.” The Cherokee people looked confused, so she clarified: “That means years according to the Indian talk book I picked up.”

The Cherokee expressed mixed emotions at seeing Warren return, from “Who are you?” to “How many times do we have to tell you that if you’re not gonna play some slots at the casino, then you’re gonna need to leave?”

Warren nodded, accepting her banishment from her once-great place among the Cherokee people. “I accept my punishment and vow never to return until the sun once again never sets on the Cherokee Nation. As I depart, let me simply ask you if you have ever heard the wolf cry to the blue corn moon? Or asked the grinning bobcat why he grins?”

“Wait, now you’re just quoting Pocahontas,” one tribal security guard said. “Alright, lady, let’s go. The buffet is having crab legs tonight but other than that you’re gonna have to scram.”

At publishing time, Warren had sought advice from Grandmother Willow as to who it is that she should endorse.

Check out all of the Bee’s great takes on politics and culture HERE.

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