U.S. Media Taking Cues From Chinese State Media To Attack President TRump’s Coronavirus Response

The coronavirus started in China and the country lied and tried to hide the outbreak, enabling it to become a global pandemic. China has also falsely claimed the the U.S. military started the coronavirus. President Trump calls it the “China virus” because that’s where it comes from. Try to guess which side the liberal media is taking in this. If you said liberals are siding with the communist Chinese government over President Trump, you’ve obviously been paying attention.

China has been trying to deflect blame for starting the global coronavirus by accusing the U.S military of attacking them with a bio-weapon. President Trump isn’t abut to let that fly so he has began calling it the “China virus.” The liberal media, who only exists to oppose the President is engaged in some serious faux outrage, accusing Trump of racism.


Then there’s Hillary Clinton:

And Susan Rice:

Interestingly enough, all of these leftist clowns sound exactly like communist China’s state-run media. Check this out:

At a critical moment when the world is united in the battle against COVID-19, some U.S. politicians, instead of stepping up epidemic containment efforts on American soil, have kept calling the coronavirus the “Chinese virus” in an attempt to scapegoat China for Washington’s lackluster epidemic response.

Going against the international consensus, Washington exploits such racist terms for cheap political gains, using the virus as a weapon to smear China. Yet such a political scheme won’t quell domestic criticism of the White House over the coronavirus crisis.

Washington is currently under fire for its slow and sloppy response to the virus, which has hit all 50 states throughout the country. Many media outlets have criticized the White House for squandering the precious time China has bought the world to fight against the virus.

In this context, Washington, instead of examining its policies, is trying to deflect attention by stigmatizing other countries. Such a move is malicious.

And you thought the liberal media only did propaganda for the democratic party.

The liberal media in the United States is now indistinguishable from China’s state news. I guess if you’re going to be fake news, steal from the best.

For the record, China just expelled American journalists for covering the coronavirus so all liberal media information now comes directly from the communist Chinese government.