Bloomberg Celebrates Coronavirus Crisis By Firing Thousands Of Employees

Billionaire Micheal Bloomberg wasted hundreds of millions of his own money to run a pathetic presidential campaign, which is fine. He can blow his own dough on whatever he wants. The problem is, he poached staffers from everyone else’s campaigns with promises of high pay and benefits to last through November no matter what. Apparently “no matter what” actually means until there’s a global pandemic. In the midst of the coronavirus crisis, Bloomberg fired all of his employees, leaving them completely f*cked.

Politico reports:

Mike Bloomberg’s defunct presidential campaign laid off hundreds more staffers Friday as he announced that that he’s folding his massive battleground operation into the Democratic National Committee.

Many of the Bloomberg aides — including those purged in an initial round of dismissals—were holding out hope he would deliver on a promise to keep them on his payroll through November, particularly with the coronavirus baring down. But those hopes were also dashed Friday when the staffers were told in frank conference calls that Bloomberg would not move ahead with his planned super PAC, and instead would cede his state operation to the DNC, including an $18 million infusion to help presumptive nominee Joe Biden.

So he f*cked over his employees to give Joe Biden a blow job?

The basic deal was, that after Bloomberg folded his sorry campaign, he was going to keep all of his staff to fight President Trump in 6 key battleground states. He gave up on this idea pretty quickly too and gifted $18 million to the DNC and then fired everybody.

It gets worse because Bloomberg made all of these staffers sign non-disclosure agreements so they can’t even publicly criticize him. Politico got some anonymous quotes however:

“I guess it’s cheaper to give the DNC $18 million than keep promises.”

“He has left us with no health insurance during this pandemic. I have a family and do not know what we will do at the end of the month.”

“I am disgusted by Mike Bloomberg and his staff.”

“Disappointed I don’t have a job. Not surprised that a billionaire is cheating scum.”

But this one is the most telling:

“If the DNC and Joe Biden choose to ignore us, they are complicit as well. How can the party claim to care about working Americans while taking money from a billionaire that does not fulfill his promises to his employees?”

That ex-employee is apparently unfamiliar with liberal hypocrisy. When democrats scream the “we” need to get big money out of politics, what they mean is Republicans shouldn’t be allowed to take donations from billionaires. When they claim to care about working Americans, what they really mean is “f*ck those guys.”

Employees were promised a job through November that paid $6,000 a month, a $5,000 relocation fee, and full health, dental and vision benefits. Politico estimated that Bloomberg had at least 2,200 employees, so that’s a lot of people to f*ck at one time.

Remember all of those Bloomberg campaign ads where he pretended to give a shit about people and promised to put them to work? None of that was remotely true.

The hard lesson here for these ex-Bloomberg employees is: never under any circumstance take a democrat on his word. They are self-serving liars and devious bullshitters.