PETA Uses Coronavirus To Push Meatless Vegan Agenda

Have you notice how much everyone on the left looks at the coronavirus crisis as an opportunity to push their whacko leftist agenda? All of the democrats’ “solutions” to the pandemic include transforming our country into a socialist hellhole. Democrats and gun control groups are using COVID-19 to push disarming Americans. Lefty “hate watch” groups are using the China virus to accuse America of racism. In the least surprising move ever, PETA is getting in on the game to use the Chinese bat-eating virus to force their meatless vegan agenda.

The only thing surprising here is that the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals didn’t send this tweet before a couple of days ago:

That’s completely untrue. Maybe the coronavirus wouldn’t have jumped to humans if people didn’t eat meat, but it would have got here anyways because vegans tend to have sex with animals. Does anyone remember the “Sexy Vegan?”

A  Newhall man who calls himself “Sexy Vegan” pleaded not guilty in court Friday to sexually assaulting his dog.

Sexy Vegan, a.k.a. Hansel DeBartolo III, age 37, entered the plea after being charged with one misdemeanor count each of sexual assault on an animal and posting obscene matter…

On Sept. 5, Vegan posted a video on his social media account depicting inappropriate behavior with a pit bull, prosecutors said.

The video, which was shared last week on social media, involved a man with his dog performing a sex act on him…

The man was identified in the Sheriff’s Station booking logs as Sexy Vegan, a Newhall resident who listed his occupation as 2020 presidential candidate.

The suspect has gained notoriety for his social media postings and an appearance on “Dr. Phil,” in which he was kicked off the set “for using excessive profanity while dancing the moonwalk,”…

PETA didn’t acknowledge the rampant bestiality in the vegan movement, but they did make a pretty good case against the Chinese diet:

Now, scientists have a hunch that contact with live animals or their dead flesh may be the culprit.

The virus, labeled 2019-nCoV, is similar to other infamous coronaviruses like severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS). All three spread from animals to humans.

Experts theorize that the outbreak might have originated in a wet market in Wuhan, China, where humans have direct contact with live animals as well as animal flesh. In these cramped markets, animals are slaughtered and skinned right in front of customers, aerosolizing all types of particles that could lead to infection.

…most of those who were first infected and hospitalized were “workers or customers at a local seafood wholesale market which also sold processed meats and live consumable animals including poultry, donkeys, sheep, pigs, camels, foxes, badgers, bamboo rats, hedgehogs and reptiles.”

Some have suggested that bats, birds, or even snakes are the reservoir species for the virus.

Somebody should tell PETA that it’s incredibly racist to blame the coronavirus on Chinese people eating funky stuff like bats and snakes.

Also, this is a great argument for people to eat normal meat like cows, chickens, and pigs. Thanks PETA, I think I’ll grill one of these delicious coronavirus-free critters for dinner.

The coronavirus crisis doesn’t prove that we need to stop eating meat, fund abortions, disarm Americans or anything else liberals claim. The only thing painfully evident is that leftists are shit people who exploit every tragedy and crisis to push their awful agendas.