Nancy Pelosi Accuses President Trump Of Murder Over Coronavirus Response

We shouldn’t expect anything less from the craziest person in Congress. Nancy Pelosi, who delayed coronavirus relief for a week, is accusing President Trump of murder for what she considers his slow response to the pandemic. This is the same woman who said the President was racist for restricting travel from China to stop the spread. This is the woman who delayed relief to Americans to push for state-funded abortions and solar farms.

Pelosi was on State of the Union, trying really hard to get the focus off of the shameless delay of the coronavirus relief bill she orchestrated last week. Luckily Jake Tapper is part of the democratic party’s propaganda ministry and let her run with it.

“First of all, let me just say how sad it is that even since the President’s signing of the bill the number of deaths recorded has doubled from 1000 to 2000 in our country. This is such a very very sad time for us so we should be taking every precaution,” started Pelosi.

The last time Pelosi sad it was a sad and somber time, she was laughing and joking as she handed out souvenirs pens that she signed the articles of impeachment against President Trump with. I wonder if she’s passing out t-shirts that read: “My Congress passed a coronavirus relief package and all I got was this lousy t-shirt.”

Pelosi then pivoted to blaming those 2000 coronavirus deaths squarely on President Trump.

“His denial at the beginning was deadly, his delaying of getting equipment to where it continues is delaying getting equipment where it is needed is deadly,” Pelosi said.

And Pelosi isn’t just accusing President Trump of killing all who have already died, but of continuing his murder spree.

“As the president fiddles, people are dying. We just have to take every precaution,” said Pelosi.

That was a nice touch of her to make it seem like Trump is Emperor Nero fiddling as Rome burns, wasn’t it?

As for fiddling, Pelosi literally delayed the coronavirus relief package by almost a week because she wanted to throw in all kinds of progressive crap that had nothing to do with the pandemic. Also, Trump hasn’t delayed a damn thing. he’s been on the coronavirus from the beginning. Let’s take a look at what he has done and the democrats’ reaction:

After sitting on this pandemic for up to 2 months, China finally informed the World Health Organization of the existence of COVID-19 on January 11. Within days Trump and the CDC sprung into action setting up a task force, headed by VP Mike Pence. The entire liberal world including leading democrats laughed at this, claiming that Mike Pence doesn’t believe in science.

On January 31, the Trump administration enacted mandatory quarantines and restricted travel from China. The democrats accused the president of being a stone cold racist:

Apparently Pelosi thinks either China is in Africa or that Africans come from China. Either way, she said Trump was racist to restrict people from the epicenter of the outbreak from coming to this country.

The point is, President Trump has been on this from the beginning and the polls show that the American people support his response to the coronavirus. Meanwhile, democrats have been f*cking around and trying to use this deadly pandemic as a political tool to attack Trump with.

Pelosi having the balls to accuse President Trump of delaying action is more projection from the left. Whatever they accuse someone of, that’s what they are guilty of.