Liberal Pastor Demands Trump Voters Apologize To His Children

A liberal pastor from North Carolina is demanding that all people who voted for President Trump apologize to his children. Why? Because he is suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome and thinks that the best president in a generation has screwed his kids out of their childhood. The reality is his hysteria and blind hatred for the will of the American people has traumatized his kids and because he’s a liberal, that is someone else’s fault.

John Pavlovitz describes himself as a pastor and activist, which is never a winning combination, from Wake Forrest, NC. He is also apparently a former head of a “mega church” but probably lost his flock for being a liberal bitch. Angry that his political sissiness ran off his flock, he is lashing out at everyone who doesn’t share in his narrow America-hating views. This is a sampling of his liberal rage from his blog:

If you voted for Donald Trump, you owe my children an apology.

I don’t owe your kids shit, asshole and neither does anyone else who excersided their right to vote for who they want.

You owe them an apology for making them grow up with a hateful, incompetent, petulant, predatory monster as their President.

My kid grew up with Obama as president and somehow he turned out great. Maybe your kids have a weak hysterical father who traumatizes them with liberal fear-mongering.

For placing their safety in the hands of an impulsive child, who trolls world leaders with nuclear weapons and wields our military like an insecure coward brandishes a gun at a party.

When has President Trump brought us anywhere near a war with another country?

For unleashing the fierce tide of bullying, racism, bigotry, and homophobia they have to see in their classrooms and ball fields and neighborhoods—because the man you chose has repeatedly encouraged and modeled and legislated it.

When has Trump legislated anything, let alone racism and homophobia? No seriously, he’s the President of the United States and doesn’t have the authority to pass laws. It’s not like he’s Obama, legislating from the White House. Trump has literally made no laws, let alone ones that are bigoted.

For making them do “shooter drills” at school, because you’ve sanctioned a man who is fully in bed with the NRA, who removes barriers to mentally ill people getting guns, and who does nothing to prevent military grade weapon proliferation into our streets.

Military grade weapons are not available to the general public and Trump hasn’t made them available to the public. If this guy is taking about non-military grade semi-automatic weapons, it should be noted that Obama also didn’t do anything to prevent people from legally owning these weapons. Why is Trump worse than Obama for not passing unconstitutional gun control laws that wouldn’t do anything to stop criminals from committing crimes?

For the terrifying images of a crowd of emboldened, violent, torch wielding Nazis terrorizing a town—and of a President who coddled them afterward.

Trump condemned all white supremacist groups by name following Charlottesville, which is the complete opposite of coddling them.

You’ve let my children down by thrusting them into an America that is far less secure, less compassionate, less decent, more fractured, and more violent than it was when he arrived—and because that truth alters children immersed in it.

What he means to say is that his preferred candidate lost the 2016 election so therefore America sucks. The only one letting his children down is him for being a butt-hurt loser who is personally offended by broad social trends.

This garbage actually goes on for what seems like a year. He accuses President Trump and his supporters of being unchristian which is insane considering he’s thrown in with the pro-abortion infanticide-loving homosexual cheerleaders of the democratic party.

I was going to say f*ck this guy and his kids, but his children bear no responsibility for their asshole dad. He’s the one who has ruined them with his self-righteous anti-America hysteria. He can seriously go f*ck himself, but hopefully his kids will grow up and realize what a piece of shit their dad is and go on to live normal lives devoid of his irrational hatred and intolerance.