California Gives $125 Million To Illegal Aliens In Coronavirus Payments

The only thing shocking here is that California is only giving $125 million to illegal aliens. The liberalist of all states is rewarding illegals in this time of crisis, which is a very California thing to do, but showed a little restraint by not bankrupting themselves. Honestly, I would think they would pull all funds from legal residents and direct it to law breaking foreign nationals because illegals are more important to the liberals in charge than actual Americans.

Much to the dismay of democrats, when the $2.2 trillion coronavirus relief package was passed and signed by President Trump, it included zero dollars for illegal aliens. Most of America is fine with this, but California barely qualifies as America.

Fox News reports:

California Gov. Gavin Newsom announced on Wednesday plans to give cash payments to adult immigrants living illegally in the state to help them weather the coronavirus crisis.

The plan, which would use a mix of taxpayer money and charitable donations from corporations and philanthropists, will give 150,000 adults $500 each during the coronavirus outbreak, the governor said.

“We feel a deep sense of gratitude for people that are in fear of deportations that are still addressing essential needs of tens of millions of Californians,” Newsom said.

Don’t speak for me. I’m a Californian, a legal one, and I have no gratitude for people who shouldn’t be in this country. I mow my own lawn so somehow I don’t feel these mooching law-breakers are nearly as essential as Governor smirky-face does.

On top of looking like a cheesy villain from a shitty 80’s movie, Gavin Newsom has a permanent-smirk:

There are 2 million illegal aliens in California so not only is this a stupid waste of money, it’s an empty gesture that does nothing. In other words, it’s like everything democrats have ever come up with.

So which illegals are getting this mostly-tax payer money? It actually seems pretty cruel.

Governor Newsom didn’t explain how he’s going to eliminate 1.85 million illegal aliens from this hand-out, but he did assure the state will have no idea who’s getting the money:

“Their personal information will not be required to get those support,” said Newsome.

If they don’t get any personal information, how do they know they are giving the money to the right losers? Couldn’t anyone simply claim to be an illegal and get that $500 California check?

As I said, I live in California and I’m actually doing okay during this coronavirus hysteria. I do however have several friends who are self-employed and they are not doing as well. Despite California’s claim that they were going to open up unemployment benefits to gig workers, my friends have flat-out been denied unemployment. These are real natural-born Americans who are out of work because California shut their businesses down and they can’t get a dime of relief from the state.

It is beyond f*cked up that Americans can’t work and don’t qualify for unemployment benefits but California is dropping $125 million on illegal aliens. It’s even worse because a lot of that illegal alien money comes from taxes paid by people who can’t earn a living now and won’t get any help from the system they paid into.