Democrat Claire McCaskill Accidentally Has A Good Idea To Stop Illegal Immigration

Democrats never have a good idea on purpose but occasionally stumble upon one while being full of shit. Former Senator Clair McCaskill was fear mongering that red states are going to unleash citizen vigilantes to round up illegal aliens, which will never happen but is actually a damn good idea. We’ll give her half-credit for this brilliant plan because she wasn’t suggesting it but rather warning against it.

I don’t know what the topic of discussion was on MSNBC and I don’t care. This McCaskill quote needs absolutely no additional context:

“And I think this vigilanteism is going to catch on. I tell you what is going to happen next, Nicolle, these red states are going to do vigilanteism laws on immigration. And they’re going empower citizens to go out, and round up people they think look like foreigners. And that’s what we’re coming to in this country and it’s incredibly depressing,” said McCaskill.

McCaskill based this warning on nothing because it is so not going to happen but it says a lot about her that she’s depressed over something she made up.

That being said, it’s bang-up idea. Unfortunately, it’s not going to happen at the state level. The U.S. government has the sole responsibility for immigration enforcement and has stopped the states from wandering into their jurisdiction. This needs to be a federal program and should include incentives.

Each illegal alien in the U.S. costs taxpayers $20,833 a year. If the feds put a $10,000 bounty on capturing an illegal alien, that would be a substantial savings to the American taxpayer. It would also be a huge incentive for people to round ’em up. A person could make a nice living grabbing illegals.

The government could even add bonuses for catching anchor-baby makers and criminals since those types of illegal aliens obviously cost taxpayers more money. Let’s say they tack on an extra $5,000.

But what about the legality of citizens arresting and detaining illegal aliens? Well, in every single state people have the power to make a citizen’s arrest. Some states hold the citizen liable if they arrest someone who has not committed a crime but since being in this country without permission is a crime, any capture of an illegal alien would be lawful in all 50 states.

Making this an even greater idea is that if Americans were empowered to round up illegal aliens, they would stop coming and many would self-deport. They come now because they know there is a next to zero percent chance they will ever be deported. If you bump that up to a 100% chance, illegal immigration would disappear.

The feds would have to slightly tweak our immigration law to include no-hearing deportations. If they are here without authorization, they get sent back. Period. No asylum claims, no court hearings, just a one-way ticket home.

Of course we know this simple money-saving plan will never happen because it makes too much sense. The federal government never does things the cheap and easy way.