Friday Morning Breakfast For The Brain

Thank God It’s Friday.

New York Governor Cuomo Announces Northeastern Directorate Will Remain on Lockdown Through May 15th, Maybe Longer…

By sundance/The Conservative Treehouse

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo has announced the Northeastern Directorate will keep all citizens within the region on lock-down through May 15, 2020, with a possible extension depending on an agreement within the Blue State alliance members.

Six other governors from within the Northeastern Directorate form the regional alliance.

Northeast states: New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Connecticut, Massachusetts and Delaware have assembled an authoritarian alliance, without legislative approval and without legal precedent, to block any federal efforts to reopen the economy.

The Blue State leaders have determined it is in the best interests of the Northeastern citizenry for individual rights to be suspended under a post-constitutional framework. The government in this region will determine when the advancement of individual rights will be permitted and will set the parameters of permitted civic, social and economic engagement.

All citizens within the Northeastern Directorate are now captive to arbitrary rules on business ownership, property rights, contract terms, movement and assembly. Under the terms of a regional health emergency, as outlined by the command and control structure, currently citizens within the containment area are quarantined and not permitted to exit their homes, petition government or request redress for grievances.

“I need a coordinated action plan with the other states. So, one month, we’ll continue the close-down policies. What happens after then? I don’t know. We will see what the data shows,” [Comrade] Cuomo said. “I don’t want to project beyond that period.”

[Comrade] Cuomo didn’t specify if all or just some of those states will join in extending statewide quarantines. Delaware already shut down nonessential businesses to May 15, while New Jersey’s order was put in place “until further notice.” New Jersey Gov. [Comrade] Phil Murphy announced shortly after at his daily press conference that the state’s schools would be closed until at least May 15.

“That means it will not be safe to reopen our schools or start sports back up for at least another four weeks,” [comrade] Murphy said. (link)

Relax comrades, the Northeastern Directorate is sensitive to your previous rights as we initiate our new, safer, society. The COVID Compliance Ministry appreciates good citizens who voluntarily participate in the registry. Northeastern Directorate will reward good citizenship status with enhanced social credits allowing access to a safe COVID Compliant Society. A safer society; where the odds will always be in your favor.

A rogue citizen could put a compliant society at risk of infection. They may not just carry biologics they could carry a more alarming virus of wrong-thought against the interests of the state. Rogue citizens could be subversive to the interests of our new society.

Red captives within the Blue zones will have to be smart and strategic. Big Blue tech will be assisting the totalitarian Blue generals. Direct confrontation against the Blue forces should be avoided, and it will likely be a better strategy to fight stealthily as insurgents.

Any Red team member of the economic freedom alliance, trapped within a Blue region, is warned to evaluate their connection to their electronic devices. Your cell phones could be used as portable transponders expose your movement and your political views.

Read the entire article HERE.

Bill Gates Wants To Hold The World In Partial Lockdown Until Vaccine Is Approved Maybe 18 Months From Now

Via Lew

Speaking on PBS Newshour, billionaire and vaccine developer Bill Gates suggests the world threat of COVID-19 coronavirus infection will not completely subside and lockdowns of human populations will only open up “to some degree…… until we have very broad vaccination.”

Until then Gates suggests worldwide wearing masks, temperature monitoring, social distancing and tracing of individuals, probably via cell phone locators, who have been exposed to infected people.

So anti-coronavirus measures, which have closed restaurants and churches, grounded commercial aircraft and many other businesses, would be prolonged.  The financial harm appears to be worse than the disease.

If these coronavirus measures continue for a prolonged time, it is also possible the solvency of most medical practices would be threatened and most doctors would be out of business by the time a vaccine is introduced.

Such measures would seem onerous for an infectious disease that doesn’t induce symptoms for 80% of infected individuals.  This is what Bill Gates calls a “nightmare scenario.”  The “nightmare scenario” are the lockdown measures, not the virus.

While there are aggressive predictions a coronavirus vaccine could be approved and rushed to market in 6 months, other experts say such a vaccine may be 18 months away, and even then, that would “be risky.”

More would suffer from the vaccine than the disease

Vaccines are tested on healthy individuals.  But hundreds of millions of people are not healthy and are at greater risk to experience severe side effects requiring hospitalization.  The unhealthy may not develop sufficient antibodies and acquire vaccine-induced disease which would likely be confused with community-acquired coronavirus infection, not vaccination itself.

Using a large flu study for comparison, around 6/10ths of 1 percent to 1.3 percent of people vaccinated for the flu experienced a side effect requiring hospitalization.  Among those hospitalized, another study reveals 1.4% would die.

Using these figures, even a relatively safe and effective vaccine if universally mandated among the world population of 7.8 billion could hospitalize 46.8-101.4 million and result in 655,200-1,419,600 needless deaths worldwide, far worse than the coronavirus in circulation without any vaccine.  There simply aren’t that many hospital beds in the world, let alone ventilators for patients who are on the critical list.

Over-estimated deaths being used to create demand for vaccine

Months of reported coronavirus deaths could result in public clamor for a vaccine, but in post-treatment review it appears 8 in 10 COVID-19 related deaths (Italy) were actually due to underlying conditions such as heart disease, diabetes and cancer.  According to the CDC 83.3% of  of Americans with laboratory confirmed COVID-19 coronavirus infections have underlying medical conditions.  Yet the news media keeps blasting higher death counts which is irresponsible.

Then there is a financial incentive being given to hospitals to up-code cases of seasonal pneumonia by following newly issued CDC guidelines, to indicate they died of COVID-19 ($39,000 reimbursement instead of the normal $13,000).  So, is the CDC driving the appearance of COVID-19 deaths to push public demand for a vaccine out of what amounts to unsubstantiated fear?

Maybe it’s actually another infectious disease

There is a small undercurrent that many of the worldwide cases of pneumonia from COVID-19 coronavirus are actually from tuberculosis.  It is very difficult to distinguish flu-related pneumonia from TB-induced pneumonia.  Of particular interest is that nations that mandate TB vaccination have a coronavirus death rate six times lower than other countries.

Gates has the world in a guillotine

Bill Gates is currently spending millions of dollars to build seven factories to develop a COVID-19 coronavirus vaccine.

The world would be better to spend money on increasing immunity from infectious disease with nutritional supplementation, namely vitamins C & D and zinc, and the targeted use of medicines, which includes the anti-malaria chloroquine, to treat or prevent severe COVID-19 symptoms among high-risk groups.  Such an approach would be more appropriate and less problematic than mass vaccination.

Read the entire article HERE.

#FireFauci Should be the Rallying Cry for a Generation

By Tom Luongo

I’m done mincing words. I’m done giving people the benefit of the doubt. Whenever I do that The Davos Crowd and their highly placed agents make me look like a virtue-signaling fool.

Fire Anthony Fauci now.

For weeks I’ve been careful to separate the threat of the disease, COVID-19, from the political response. I’ve felt strongly that one can respect the virus while at the same time be wary of the political response and the panic engineered over it.

But that’s come to an end. It’s clear that the plan from the beginning was to allow this virus to run wild in high profile places like New York and Italy to create fear. It is also clear that people like Dr. Anthony Fauci were activated to ensure the worst possible response to the crisis would be implemented in the U.S.

And now, after more than a month after shutting down whole swaths of our economy and locking people in their homes under effective house arrest it’s also clear that most of this response was overblown and unnecessary.

And here in the U.S. the point man on this insanity has been Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) whose ties to all the worst people you can imagine run very, very deep.

Lastly, it’s also very clear that President Trump was the target the entire time.

Read the entire article HERE.

Fresh produce goes to waste as coronavirus wrecks supply chains

Via The Hill

Fresh produce is increasingly going to waste as the coronavirus outbreak wreaks havoc on the nation’s supply chains.

Farmers are finding it difficult to sell their products and distributors are struggling to redirect food quickly with restaurants, schools and offices closed. News reports in recent days have been rife with stories about farmers leaving produce to rot in the fields, even as Americans see empty shelves at grocery stores and food banks say they are overwhelmed by requests for assistance.

Experts and industry groups say the changes brought on by the pandemic, which has shut down huge swathes of the economy and kept millions at home, can’t easily be accommodated by the complex supply chain networks already in place.

The Produce Marketing Association, an industry trade group, estimates that about $5 billion of fresh fruits and vegetables have already been wasted.

“I think what it demonstrates is that the food supply chain that we have set up now, it’s not set up to pivot … quickly to address this kind of shock to the system,” Brian Ronholm, director of food policy at Consumer Reports, told The Hill.

Produce Marketing Association CEO Cathy Burns said the wasted fruits and vegetables were planted months ago and that farmers are already starting to plan for the next harvest.

“There’s product literally wasting on the ground and then you have a whole population of people that are in dire need of nutritious foods,” Burns said.

“We have hundreds of thousands of farmers sitting on product. Because they don’t have the financial means to ship and distribute it throughout the country, there is good, nutritious food going to waste while there are thousands of people going hungry,” she added.

Read the entire article HERE.

Drinking alcohol can make the coronavirus worse, the WHO says in recommending restricting access


Drinking alcohol can increase the risk of catching Covid-19 and make it worse if you do get it, the World Health Organization said, recommending that government leaders around the world limit access to alcohol during coronavirus lockdowns.

“Alcohol compromises the body’s immune system and increases the risk of adverse health outcomes,” the WHO’s regional office for Europe said on its site late Tuesday, citing heavy alcohol use throughout the continent.

Alcohol consumption is associated with a number of communicable and noncommunicable diseases that can make a person more vulnerable to contracting Covid-19. It can also exacerbate mental health issues and risk-taking behavior and stoke violence, especially in countries that have implemented social distancing measures that largely keep the population quarantined in their homes.

The WHO also published a fact sheet dispelling the “dangerous myth that consuming high-strength alcohol can kill” the coronavirus.

“It does not,” the WHO said, adding that it could result in serious health issues, including death, especially if it’s adulterated with methanol. About 3 million deaths a year are attributable to alcohol without a pandemic driving up consumption.

“Therefore, people should minimize their alcohol consumption at any time, and particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic,” the office said.

Americans are nonetheless stocking up. Alcohol sales at U.S. liquor and grocery stores were up 22% for the week ending March 28 compared with the same time last year, according to data compiled by Nielsen. And more Americans are drinking at home, according to financial services company Rabobank, as the market for on-site dining and drinking stands to miss out on $15 billion in alcohol sales over the next two months.

As millions around the world stay home to curb the spread of Covid-19, Antonio Guterres, Secretary-General of the United Nations, the WHO’s parent organization, warned earlier this month that the world is witnessing a “horrifying global surge in domestic violence.” He said the social and economic stress of the outbreak as well as restrictions on movement have all contributed to the surge in abuse.

Read the entire article HERE.

Land O Lakes Indian Maiden Bows to Political Correctness

Via PJ Media

The politically-correct crowd has claimed another scalp.

Quietly and without fanfare, the makers of Land O Lakes butter rubbed out the lovely maiden that was the centerpiece of the company’s logo for 100 years.

In the middle of the logo now is a big zero.

That stands for the amount of sense that it makes to get rid of a lovely image that offended few if any Native Americans, for whom it was supposedly removed.

“You know who loves being represented in American culture? According to a survey of 4000 Native Americans by NAGA, Native Americans do,” the red-headed libertarian tweeted. “You know who doesn’t love Native Americans being represented in American Culture? Woke suburban white women.”

“Here is a letter from NAGA in defense of a logo. Their survey is mentioned on the first page,” she added.

That letter, from Eunice (Abraham) Davidson — who described herself as a “full blood Dakota Sioux enrolled member with the Spirit Lake Sioux tribe in North Dakota” — said she’s tired of Native American imagery being expunged from the national consciousness:

[E]very independent poll or survey since 1992 (Washington Post, CBS, ESPN, Annenberg, USA, Sports Illustrated) [has] concluded 80 to 90% of American Indians support or have no problem with the use of our names and images portrayed by sports teams, whether High Schools, University/Colleges, or Professional sports.
Minnesota Lieutenant Governor Peggy Flanagan said she was in favor of the change.

Thank you to Land O’Lakes for making this important and needed change. Native people are not mascots or logos. We are very much still here.

People reacted with surprise that anyone found it objectionable.

“I grew up thinking it was a beautiful image. I thought it was a positive depiction of Native people, a reminder of their relationship with nature. Guess I was wrong,” one user tweeted.

Read the entire article HERE.

Liberal Treated With Hydroxychloroquine Hopes He Still Dies Of COVID-19 To Prove Trump Is Stupid

Via The Babylon Bee (Satire)

NEW YORK, NY—When Jeffrey Walton tested positive for COVID-19, he hoped for a speedy recovery. But since he has been treated with hydroxychloroquine, the experimental treatment President Donald Trump has been touting, he now hopes he dies quickly to help prove that Trump is an idiot.

While Trump has been giving people hope that hydroxychloroquine could save lives, his political opponents have called it false hope and claimed Trump has no idea what he’s talking about. Walton, a lifelong Democrat and progressive, had joined in calling Trump “irresponsible” and an “ignoramus” and now has an opportunity to prove it by simply dying. “It’s such an opportunity, I don’t want to pass it up,” Walton said.

Doctor Glenn Logan, Walton’s physician, says he’s been up and down. “After we gave him the hydroxychloroquine, he got really excited about the idea of dying to prove Trump is dumb, and his good mood helped his condition, and he started to improve. Because that would only help Trump, his getting healthier made him depressed, which caused his condition to deteriorate. Which made him really happy. Which helped him recover and… Well, it’s been a weird cycle.”

Dr. Logan has been warning Walton that there is a chance he could fully recover. Walton is trying to prepare himself for this — a world where everything isn’t black and white and Trump can be right about some things — but he insists he’d much rather die.

Check out all of the Bee’s takes on politics and culture HERE.

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