Joe Biden Thinks ‘Fighting’ Is The Opposite Of ‘Fighting’

Now that Joe Biden is the presumptive democratic party nominee it’s time for him to lay out his plan to defeat President Trump. Unfortunately for Joe Biden, he’s still Joe Biden and that means utter nonsense combined with incoherence. Crazy Joe says he plans on winning the White House by doing the opposite of what Trump did to become President, which is absolute malarky. One of the ways Biden plans to be the anti-Trump is by fighting, which he thinks is the opposite of fighting.

I was going to say that a staffer probably wrote this tweet for Joe, but it is sufficiently crazy to have come from him. It doesn’t have “come on, man,” “look, Jack,” or “not a joke” but it’s still off-the-wall enough to be a Biden original:

It’s Biden’s plan to do the opposite of what Trump does, which is will be nearly impossible since he doesn’t know what opposite means.

The opposite of dividing people is uniting people. The opposite of connecting people would be to disconnect people.

Compassion is technically the opposite of cruelty, but kindness or mercy would have been a better fit. Compassion is more of a feeling while kindness and mercy are direct actions like cruelty.

The last one one however is pure Bidenesque insanity. Joe is going to do the opposite of Trump, so when the President fights, Biden is going to fight harder. He thinks fighting harder is the opposite of fighting and that’s just another example of why he is disqualified from the presidency. If Biden really wants to do the opposite of Trump, he needs to surrender when the President fights.

The guy wants to be President of the United States and he doesn’t even know that the opposite of something isn’t the same thing. The opposite of a leg isn’t a hairy leg. The opposite of extorting Ukraine isn’t extorting Ukraine and bragging about it. The opposite of rape isn’t rape but it’s okay because he’s a democrat.

If Biden had said the opposite of Trump fighting is a dog-faced pony soldier, that would have been less insane because at least it’s not the same thing. And let’s face it, nobody in the liberal media blinked an eye when Biden called a woman a “lying dog-faced pony soldier” so they certainly would have questioned this bizarre antonym.

President Trump won the White House with straight talk and America-first platforms that resonated with working class Middle Americans. If Biden is going to do the opposite in his White House bid that means he’s going to lie to coastal elites about globalist platforms they hate. Actually, I’m pretty sure that’s what he intends to do.

Joe Biden won’t win the presidency by being the anti-Trump. Hillary Clinton tried that and it obviously it doesn’t work. He needs something other than “Orange man bad” but unfortunately for him, there is little substance beyond his Trumpophobia. Most voters care about jobs and security and put very little stock in Joe Biden’s self-proclaimed moral superiority. Also, he’s f*cking nuts. For some reason people don’t want to vote for a crazy person.

With his “opposite of Trump” plan, Biden has accidentally given Trump two big thumb’s up. If Biden is a fairly insane idiot, and if he’s the opposite of Trump, that proves the President is a very stable genius.