President Trump Suspends All Immigration And Democrats Melt

Democrats argue that Americans can’t leave their houses, work for a a living, or even enjoy a day at the park. Democrats also think that foreigners should be able to flood this country and do what Americans are not allowed. On Monday President Trump announced that during the coronavirus lockdown, he would be suspending all immigration which of course sent democrats into a meltdown. They want this country crawling with foreign nationals but Americans can go f*ck themselves because democrats are not interested in the wants and needs of their own constituents.

President Trump put liberals in the microwave with this:

Okay, this makes sense. If the rest of America can’t work or even go outside, it’s smart that we temporarily halt all immigration. Why would we want people coming here when there are no jobs or even freedom of movement?

Liberals however see it differently. It’s okay if Americans go broke and can’t feed their families, but they want to make sure there still a steady supply of third-world scumbags to vote for democrats.

Eric Swalwell wants to nuke American gun owners, but if you dare stop people from immigrating he loses his shit:



Muslim America-hater Ilhan Omar not only thinks we should keep letting scumbags in, but that we should be paying the ones who are here as well:

Omar appears to think that illegal aliens are heath care workers and deserve some government handouts. She’s wrong on both counts.

Joe Biden appears to have a problem with President Trump’s order…

…but then again he might be upset that social distancing rules are keeping him from letting little kids sit on his lap in the pool and rub his hairy legs.

Julian Castro thinks a temporary halt to immigration will hurt the economymbecuase he’s a literal moron:

Kamala Harris is also pissed foreigners won’t get to run wild while Americans are forced to shelter in place:

“Trump failed to take this crisis seriously from day 1. His abandonment of his role as president has cost lives. And now, he’s shamelessly politicizing this pandemic to double down on his anti-immigrant agenda. Enough, Mr. President. The American people are fed up,” said Harris.

Wow, Kamletoe really has her finger on the pulse of Americans, doesn’t she? Americans are fed up of being forced to stay in their homes and go broke. They however are not fed up that there aren’t enough non-English speaking assholes mooching off of the system.

Democrats delayed coronavirus relief to Americans in an attempt to push their whacko anti-American socialist bullshit, not once but twice. The second President Trump tries to do something that affects non-Americans, democrats freak the hell out. If there was any doubt who democrats serve, it has been removed with the coronavirus crisis. They don’t give a shit about Americans.