Maxine Waters Joins Pelosi’s Effort To Impeach President Trump Over Coronavirus

Nancy Pelosi has formed a committee to investigate President Trump’s handling of the coronavirus crisis, which means she’s fishing for another lame-ass excuse to impeach him. The House Speaker claims this is all about “oversight” and will be a bipartisan effort to hold the government accountable, mostly Trump. There are no Republicans on this committee, but Pelosi did name crazy lunatic Maxine Waters as a member. When Pelosi said “bipartisan” what she actually meant was “bipolar.”

The Hill reports:

Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) on Wednesday filled out the Democratic roster on a special committee overseeing coronavirus relief spending, naming six new members to the newly created panel, including some of President Trump’s harshest congressional critics.

The announcement is a clear signal that Democratic leaders intend to conduct aggressive oversight of the Trump administration’s coronavirus spending — a process occurring in the midst of an election year — as trillions of dollars go out the door.

The panel, created by a party-line vote last week, will be led by Rep. Jim Clyburn (D-S.C.), the Democratic whip. In a letter to Democrats Wednesday, Pelosi named six additional members: Reps. Maxine Waters (Calif.), Carolyn Maloney (N.Y.), Nydia Velázquez (N.Y.), Bill Foster (Ill.), Jamie Raskin (Md.) and Andy Kim (N.J.).

If Pelosi was hoping to give this commission some legitimacy, she failed including Maxine Waters with these other anti-Trump clowns, as even The Hill noted:

Waters, for instance, has called for Trump’s impeachment since before he was sworn into office. Raskin, a constitutional law expert, had also been on the front-lines of the impeachment push.

And Clyburn has come under fire during the coronavirus crisis after he allegedly told Democrats on a private phone call that they should use the emergency response as an “opportunity to restructure things to fit our vision.”

And while Pelosi keeps calling that abomination a “bipartisan” thing, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy has no intention of naming any Republicans to the democrats’ latest shit show.

“Kevin has been adamant not to play on that field. To make them look like it is just a hatchet job. We have something like nine oversight committees already,” said one Republican.

McCarthy also had some accurate words to describe Pelosi’s new witch-hunt.

“Instead of looking for innovative ways to help the American people, Speaker Pelosi has chosen to pursue ‘impeachment 2.0’ with a partisan and unnecessary oversight committee. The roster the Speaker has chosen makes clear that this is not an honest effort at transparency and accountability, but rather another attempt to politically damage the Trump administration,” said McCarthy.

Pelosi’s sham coronavirus impeachment committee is only half of the democrats’ equation. Coup-master General Shifty Adam Schiff also plans to get Trump for his coronavirus response. The California pencil-neck has announced plans to form a commission of “mostly democrats” to investigate the President’s handling of the COVID-19 crisis. The liberal thinking here is that two loads of bullshit are better than one.

While it is completely ridiculous that Pelosi and the democrats are putting this much effort into finding another bogus reason to impeach Trump, it is a very promising sign for the President. It proves that democrats have no faith in Joe Biden’s ability to defeat Trump in November and are desperately looking for another way to get him out of office.