Thursday Morning Breakfast For The Brain

Good morning Deplorables!

Justice for General Flynn

By Ben Garrison/GRRR Graphics

It was a setup from the very beginning… General Flynn was framed by the corrupt Obama FBI and DOJ.

Because anyone who supports President Trump MUST be Destroyed.

General Flynn will be exonerated.

The Deep State cabal put General Flynn and his family through over four years of hell. They lost everything fighting the corrupt system. The Flynn family sacrificed so much to fight this injustice, because if it can happen to a three star general, it can happen to ordinary Americans. The two-tier justice system in action, Democrats good, all others expendable.

The Russian collusion was nothing but a witch-hunt and hoax, a false media narrative. How can anyone believe ANYTHING the FAKE NEWS Media says is beyond me.  Fake news screamed, “Flynn is a Russian agent” starting in 2016 and keep it going ruthlessly. They are now caught with another hoax red handed. Will they be held accountable?

Will McCabe, Comey, Schiff and on and on, be held accountable?

Disgraced FBI director James Comey teamed up with McCabe and framed General Flynn, they threatened to  “destroy” his son if Flynn didn’t agree to their terms and pressured Flynn to lie. They knew Flynn was innocent they purposely held back exculpatory evidence.

And they almost got away with it..

Enter Sidney Powell, the Avenger and General Flynn’s lawyer.

She is on the case and tirelessly working to defeat the swamp. We know General Flynn’s case affects us all.  Thank you Sidney Powell for standing up against the Deep State cabal.

Last Friday Sidney Powell filed a motion to dismiss the case based on new Brady information that was FINALLY released by the Justice Department.

“This morning the govt produced to Mr. Flynn stunning Brady evidence that proves Mr. Flynn’s allegations of having been deliberately set up and framed by corrupt agents at the top of the FBI,”  

“The new evidence defeats any argument that the interview of Mr. Flynn on January 24, 2017, was material to any “investigation.” The government has deliberately suppressed this evidence from the inception of this prosecution—knowing there was no crime by Mr. Flynn,” 

Here come reinforcements!

AG Barr was has received these documents from Flynn’s attorneys and has opened an investigation into this case.

Justice for General Flynn and Justice for America! Destroy the two tier Justice system because everyone is SUPPOSED to be equal under the law.

You can donate to the Flynn’s legal Defense fund here!

Check out all of Ben’s great cartoons and commentary HERE.

Police Investigating Death of Arizona Man From Chloroquine Phosphate

Via The Washington Free Beacon

Mesa City PD opens investigation into death of Gary Lenius whose wife, Wanda, said she served him a deadly cocktail to ward off coronavirus

The Mesa City Police Department’s homicide division is investigating the death of Gary Lenius, the Arizona man whose wife served him soda mixed with fish tank cleaner in what she claimed was a bid to fend off the coronavirus. A detective handling the case confirmed the investigation to the Washington Free Beacon on Tuesday after requesting a recording of the Free Beacon’s interviews with Lenius’s wife, Wanda.

Gary Lenius, 68, died on March 22. Wanda, 61, told several news outlets last month that both she and her husband had ingested a substance used to clean aquariums after hearing President Donald Trump tout one of its ingredients, chloroquine phosphate, from the White House briefing room.

Detective Teresa Van Galder, the homicide detective handling the case for the Mesa City Police Department, confirmed that the investigation is ongoing but declined to provide additional details.

“As this is an active investigation, I cannot go into any details at this time regarding the case,” Van Galder said. The Free Beacon provided a recording of its interview last month with Wanda Lenius.

News of the police probe comes after a series of Free Beacon stories raised questions about the portrayal of the couple in the initial NBC News report that vaulted the story onto the national stage.

Though that report and others suggested the couple mindlessly followed the president’s medical advice to disastrous results, friends of Gary Lenius told the Free Beacon they were skeptical he would knowingly ingest fish tank treatment.

Rather, they described Lenius as a levelheaded retired engineer and recounted a troubled marital relationship that included a previous domestic assault charge against his wife, of which she was ultimately found not guilty. The Free Beacon also reported that Wanda Lenius was a Democratic donor whose most recent contribution went to a “pro-science” super PAC.

“What bothers me about this is that Gary was a very intelligent man, a retired [mechanical] engineer who designed systems for John Deere in Waterloo, Iowa, and I really can’t see the scenario where Gary would say, ‘Yes, please, I would love to drink some of that Koi fish tank cleaner,'” one of his close friends told the Free Beacon. “It just doesn’t make any sense.”

Read the entire article HERE.

Bigger Brother: COVID-19 used to launch new health ‘surveillance’

Via WorldNet Daily

State wants to collect, analyze personal information of all patients

Minnesota authorities are using the coronavirus pandemic to launch a new program that collects and analyzes personal information of every patient hospitalized, regardless of whether they have been diagnosed with COVID-19.

The information includes names, addresses, birth date, symptoms, diagnosis, age, gender, race, ethnicity, city, zip code and county.

That’s an infringement of privacy rights, the Citizens’ Council for Health Freedom asserted in a letter to state Health Commissioner Jan Malcolm.

“To the extent Minnesota hospitals have felt compelled by your letter to provide MDH with anything other than data that specifically relates to COVID-19, we believe you have abused your authority and infringed upon Minnesotans’ health privacy rights,” the letter states.

Malcom has ordered hospitals to provide the information on every hospital admission with the goal of having “100% of Minnesota hospitals sending ADTs for the total population of patients receiving care in their facilities as soon as possible.”

ADT stands for Admission, Discharge and Transfer data.

The state claims the patient name, address and birth date won’t be used in its analysis, but it’s unclear how the data will be “deidentified.”

MDH uses three laws — two state and one federal — to claim authority.

But CCHF argued: “No such laws authorize the broad health data collection demanded by MDH. Furthermore, no state law allows MDH to require a permanent electronic interchange system between hospitals and MDH contractors for the ongoing collection and reporting of ‘all patient’ data.”

Twila Brase, president and co-founder of Citizens’ Council for Health Freedom, said the commissioner of health “is trying to goad Minnesota hospitals into helping them build an illegal hospital-based surveillance system under cover of the COVID-19 crisis.”

“But the commissioner’s letter itself shows its lack of authority. Despite claims of statutory power, there’s no deadline, it uses the word ‘strongly encourage’ and says its ‘goal’ is 100% compliance,” she said. “However, MDH can use its government power to try to scare hospitals into compliance, exposing these hospitals to lawsuits for failure to follow Minnesota’s strong patient consent requirement.”

Read the entire article HERE.

“Don’t Trace Me, Bro” — Just Say No to Contact Tracing

By Tom Luongo/Gold, Goats & Guns

Contact Tracing? Really? That’s the next big government program to push for total surveillance over our lives. Now the real fallout from the Coronapocalypse comes to light.

The very people who created a fake pandemic out of faulty statistics, media fear-pimping and the rankest of propaganda are now pushing the total surveillance state to protect us (them?) from the next crisis.

James Corbett from the Corbett Report just published an excellent video discussing ‘contact tracing’ as promulgated by (who else?) the Clinton Global Initiative to create an army of new Brown Shirts to assist our wise and benevolent leaders in managing us like livestock.

James is urging us not to use their Orwellian term, and I agree with him. But the best way to do that is to make fun of it and them.

I propose just looking at them and saying, “Don’t Trace Me, Bro.”

As always when they want to herd us towards a terrible idea they first have to come up with a harmless sounding euphemism for it. Either that or just call it a war that we’re going to fight and win together, you know, for kids!

But this was always the plan with this virus. We can speculate as to why this has been done, why it was directed from the commanding heights of our society but, in the end, that speculation is irrelevant.

This is happening, it’s here and they are now working to square the circle. The goal is to finish off the last vestiges of anonymity and individuality started with the destruction of financial privacy during the Clinton Adminstration, which was wrapped in the classic government phrases “Know Your Customer” and “Anti-Money Laundering”

Now those sets of rules which got ramped up after 9/11 dominate the global financial landscape.

But, let’s look at what’s happened with COVID-19 step-by-step.

First, a virus shows up in China which people in the highest levels of our government were briefed about as early as November, if Pepe Escobar’s research is to be believed.

The gold standard remains the ABC News report according to which intel collected in November 2019 by the National Center for Medical Intelligence (NCMI), a subsidiary of the Pentagon’s Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), was already warning about a new virulent contagion getting out of hand in Wuhan, based on “detailed analysis of intercepted communications and satellite imagery”.

An unnamed source told ABC, “analysts concluded it could be a cataclysmic event”, adding the intel was “briefed multiple times” to the DIA, the Pentagon’s Joint Chiefs of Staff, and even the White House.

Next China, the gold standard for the Orwellian Panopticon, proceeds to use that Panopticon to prove to the world how effective government can be in containing a deadly plague.

That model, which runs fundamentally counter to billions of years of evolution and basid immunology, is then propagated around the Western world to combat COVID-19, a disease which has a mortality rate similar to the annual flu, to shut down those economies exacerbating a financial crisis already fully underway.

This destroys the lives of hundreds of millions of people. It creates economic dislocations that make the Great Depression look like a mild recession.

In places like Italy, France and Spain where youth unemployment has been in double digits for more than a decade, the lock down was used as a way to tamp down social unrest, as they were hot beds for opposition to inept and increasingly fascistic governments.

In the U.S., a country ruled by old, ideologically-possessed and corrupt Boomers who have been in a heightened state of fear since Donald Trump was elected saw the opportunity to create the worst possible outcome in places like New York and California.

Governors in blue states seized power they didn’t legally have and cried for help they didn’t need.

And the confusion and disinformation about the virus created so much fear people willingly huddled in their homes hoping the angel of death passed them by with nothing more to do than be glued to the death counter in a desperate bid to stay informed about the science.

But there weren’t two million dead in the U.S. There’s around 50,000 and those death statistics are very speicous since the people reporting them have motive, means and opportunity to inflate them to get Federal aid, advance their political agendas now on full display and cover their asses.

So, now ‘contact tracing’ which is just a euphemism for total surveillance.

Read the entire article HERE.

Susan Rice Calls For Creation Of National ‘Health Force’ 

Via Breitbart News

Wednesday on CNN, former Obama administration National Security Adviser Susan Rice said the coronavirus pandemic was an “opportunity” to ensure every American could vote by mail.

Anchor Wolf Blitzer asked, “You’ve written an article, an opinion op-ed in The New York Times, and you say it’s not enough to just get back to normal. You also write this, ‘The coronavirus has laid bare our domestic divisions unequal economy and glaring racial and socioeconomic disparities as well as the fragility of our democracy.’ Ambassador, how should the United States use this crisis right now to address some of those problems that you mentioned fully exposed by the virus?”

Rice said, “Well, Wolf, I say that going back to normal isn’t acceptable because what we’ve seen what was normal has been extraordinarily costly and deadly for all Americans. And yet what we’ve also learned from this experience and for many of us it wasn’t learning it, it was just making it very obvious to those perhaps who didn’t see it is that we have a society that remains extremely unequal, in racial and socioeconomic terms and so many other ways. And yet as we have experienced throughout our history from frankly look at the Great Depression, look at World War II, look at the 1960s, out of every moment of crisis we have found a way to do things differently and better. The Works Progress Administration, the Civilian Conservation Corp in the Great Depression, the GI Bill after World War II, the Great Society, and the expansion and insurance of voting rights for all Americans in the 1960s.”

She added, “This is a moment not only of crisis but inherent in that crisis is opportunity. And we need to take a step to broaden our social safety net to ensure that the most vulnerable have the health care, have the education, have the housing that they need. But in the immediate term because many of those things are going to take time and be ambitious. I recommend two critical steps that Congress could take in the next legislation that it passes. One is to ensure that every American has the ability to vote safely in our November election. We saw the fiasco in Wisconsin, which has cost scores of lives. And we have a real challenge to ensure that voters are able to access the ballot by mail, by longer periods of early voting, by safer polling stations, and that is the job of Congress to ensure.

And secondly, Congress can make a down payment on this effort to build a more equitable society by expanding national service. And in particular, by creating something called a health force which can begin by hiring unemployed Americans and the like to be contact tracers when 300,000 of them are going to be needed for us to trace and open up safely.”

Read the entire article HERE.

Abolish Family, Eat Bugs, Inject Female Hormones

Via Lew

Covid-19 is Christmas for liberal control-freaks

The coronavirus pandemic is already triggering a massive upheaval in the way we live. But amid the chaos, extreme liberal social engineers are plotting fresh attacks, hoping to upend even the things many of us take for granted.

In little over two months, governments across the Western world have granted themselves the power to place their entire citizenry under house arrest, all in the name of fighting the coronavirus. From the British constabulary breaking up illegal picnics, to American law enforcement seeking the power to detain indefinitely without trial, civil liberties have been assaulted in every corner of the free world.

Will the trade-off be justified? Only time will tell. However, just as governments have flexed their authoritarian muscles, the media and academia have already decided how they want the post-coronavirus world to look, and it’s a hellish dystopia.

Feminize if you want to live

Relatively little is known about the virus, and some of its characteristics – like the AIDS-like attack on the immune system it causes – have baffled scientists. However, the pathogen seems to pose a greater threat to men than women. Armed with this fact, the New York Times decided on Monday that pumping men full of female sex hormones could be a cure.

To be fair, scientists are only studying this as a potential avenue of treatment, yet the Times never once questioned the idea of chemically castrating half the population to stop the bug. Men, it says, will get used to “tenderness in the breast and hot flashes.”

While the idea of hormonally breaking the American male may excite a small subset of the Times’ cat-lady readership, the studies described are niche ones. But the mainstream media has some equally drastic plans to reshape your life, right down to the food you eat.

A bug, but also a feature

Tyson Foods, one of the US’ largest meat processing mega-corporations, announced on Sunday that “the food supply chain is breaking.” Sicknesses at its plants mean that “millions of pounds of meat will disappear from the supply chain,” Chairman John Tyson warned in a letter to the New York Times.

A simple fix for this looming crisis would be to relax USDA regulations that favor factory farmers, and allow small producers to sell to local retailers. At present, regulations essentially prohibit the slaughter of livestock in any facility that can’t afford to comply. Rep. Thomas Massie, a dissident Kentucky Republican, has already proposed a bill to resolve this, and to allow consumers to buy directly from farmers.

The media, however, have other ideas. “You should start eating bugs,” Popular Science wrote last week. “Here’s how,” it continued, before describing the “wonderful tanginess” of ants, and imploring readers to “conquer their fear” of scorpion stew. Hundreds of articles extolling the virtues of an insect-based diet are churned out every month. Insects are the food of the future,” we hear. “Beef won’t be what’s for dinner much longer,” the bugmen proclaim. There are many such cases.

Of course, if we lusted after bugs the same way we crave red meat, they wouldn’t have to try so hard. These articles always mention Westerners’ “cultural hang ups” about eating creepy-crawlies as something to be overcome, something to be engineered out of us. In short, they’ll have to break us before we start guzzling down mealworms, and they relish the thought.

Why do these schoolmarm, micromanager types care so much? Apart from their having internalized the concept of equality so deeply that in the absence of happy meals for the world’s seven billion people they’d sooner see us all eating crickets, they care because a juicy, flame-grilled steak symbolizes the red-state, masculine independence they long to snuff out.

Nuke the family

None of the last vestiges of this independence are off limits, including your family. “This pandemic has exposed the myth of the nuclear family,” the Guardian’s Zoe Williams wrote last month, before columnist Suzanne Moore exhorted“we need to disband the nuclear family for good.” The Washington Post’s Ian Corbin joined in the chorus when he prophesized“the coronavirus might break the nuclear family. That wouldn’t be a bad thing.” 

The nuclear family – with all of its patriarchal overtones – has long been the mortal enemy of feminist bloggers and the wannabe lesbian commissars who write for the Guardian. However, the societal shake-up brought about by the coronavirus has given these people fresh impetus to push their ideas into the mainstream.

Single-family dwellings, the cornerstone of American life – are “racist,” liberal think tanks have declared. Homeschooling is evil and “authoritarian,” and perpetuates “white supremacy,” a Harvard professor claimed last week. Individualism itself will fade away, as “science reigns again,” a group of “thinkers” told Politico.

Read the entire article HERE.

California governor to order closure of all beaches, parks after massive crowds appear

Via The Hill

California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) will reportedly order the closure of all beaches and state parks following a weekend during which thousands of people packed public areas despite social-distancing restrictions meant to slow the spread of the coronavirus outbreak.

Newsom is expected to announce the decision on Thursday, according to a memo sent to police chiefs around the state and obtained by CNN. The memo said that state officials wanted to give police departments “a heads up” so they could plan for any situations they “might expect as a result.”

It also noted that overcrowding at some beaches in Southern California was behind the move to follow through with a statewide shutdown.

As the state experienced its first major heat wave of the year last weekend, tens of thousands of people converged on beaches in Orange and Ventura counties, which had been re-opened with modified restrictions. About 90,000 people visited Newport Beach alone over the weekend. Photos also showed huge crowds lining Huntington Beach on Saturday and Sunday.

The swarm of visitors came as beaches remained closed under stay-at-home orders in Los Angeles and San Diego counties. San Diego beaches reopened on Monday.

Newsom, who first issued the state’s stay-at-home order in mid-March, condemned the crowds during his daily news briefing on Monday, saying that “this virus doesn’t take the weekends off.”

“This virus doesn’t go home because it’s a beautiful, sunny day around our coasts,” he added. “The virus is as transmittable as it’s ever been. … It is ubiquitous, it is invisible, and it remains deadly. Ask the 45 families who lost a loved one in the last 48 hours.”

Read the entire article HERE.

California Establishes Official Fun Police

Via The Babylon Bee (Satire)

SACRAMENTO, CA—In conjunction with Governor Gavin Newsom’s “stay at home” order, the State of California will be unleashing a new state law enforcement agency tasked with carrying out the spirit of the order that no one anywhere even think of doing anything remotely fun at all and remain inside their locked homes feeling nothing but boredom and sadness.

The new agency is being called Law Advocates for Merriment Enforcement, or L.A.M.E. for short.

LAME has been given authority to wear official-looking uniforms like real big police officers and re-purposed school hall monitor sashes to really make them feel like they are doing important work.

“It’s important for the officers’ morale to wear official-looking uniforms,” said California Highway Patrol Commissioner Warren Stanley. “Otherwise they might feel like they are just harassing people or harming them with harsh fines for no good reason.”

“It’s hard work, but it’s worth it if it saves just one life,” he added.

It was necessary to create a new agency to handle the massive volume of newly criminalized behaviors in addition to all the normal voluntary behavior covered by the other laws on the books that infringe on the people’s civil liberties in California.

“Did you see all that sand that got poured into the skate park?” Commissioner Stanley asked with a grin. “Oh yeah, that was LAME.”

In a daring daytime raid of another local skate park, officers busted two teenagers who were riding around on their skateboards as if there wasn’t a state order direct from Gavin Newsom which overruled their right to the pursuit of happiness.

“It is really important that the people let the experts control their lives,” said Governor Gavin Newsom. “SCIENCE, and that is spelled in all capitals by the way, must dictate how to live our lives.”

At publishing time, officers from LAME were patrolling city streets, public parks, and beaches across the state to ensure that everyone was being safe and not experiencing any happiness at all.

Check out all of the Bee’s takes on politics and society HERE.

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