Top Biden Backer Shift Is Bad News For 300 LB Asscrack Stacey Abrams

The road to the White House just got a lot longer for the self-proclaimed real governor of Georgia…

Joe Biden has been boxed in after committing to choosing a woman as his running mate and some are demanding that his pick also be a woman of color.

The idea that the Democratic party should limit the options to demonstrate how diverse they are has sent the message that some who are completely unqualified should be given preference due to their skin color and the possession of a vagina.

This is the case with Stacey Abrams, a woman with zero national experience and a failed run for the governorship of Georgia on her resume but she has been catapulted to the top of the list by an activist media that fails at every level in its crusade for ‘burn whitey at the stake’ social justice.

However, a change of heart by the man who has been credited with Biden’s political resurgence may stick a fork in the dreams of the race-baiting, conspiracy-mongering Abrams.

According to Rep. James Clyburn, he is no longer demanding that Biden choose a black woman as his vice president as a “reward” for delivering South Carolina to Biden.

Via The Hill, “Clyburn: ‘Not a must’ for Biden to pick a black woman as running mate”:

Rep. James Clyburn (D-S.C.), one of Joe Biden’s most prominent backers, said it is “not a must” for the former vice president to pick a black woman as his running mate.

“I think having a woman on the ticket is a must,” Clyburn, the No. 3 House Democrat, said in an interview with NBC News. “I’m among those who feel that it would be great for him to select a woman of color. But that is not a must.”

“I think that he should be informed in this decision by the vetting and the polling. And I think he should be guided by his head and his heart,” Clyburn added.

Clyburn has previously suggested Biden pick an African American woman to join him on the ticket as a “reward” for black women’s loyalty to the Democratic Party.

Biden vowed at a debate last month to choose a woman as his vice presidential pick. Since Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) dropped out of the race, leaving Biden as the only remaining Democratic candidate, debate has raged among his supporters over whether his running mate should be black in a nod to the way African American voters have buoyed his White House bid.

Among the contenders Biden is thought to be considering are Stacey Abrams, the former Georgia gubernatorial candidate, and Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.), both of whom are black.

Abrams has been actively campaigning for the job, saying she would be an “excellent” addition to the ticket.

Abrams has been pushing hard for the job that would all but certainly make her the nation’s first woman president once the borderline-senile Biden has been shuffled off to the old folks home, a terrifying prospect given her demagoguery and history of radical statements.

Clyburn may have once again saved Biden’s bacon by providing him with political cover to reject the ambitious Abrams in favor of a more “qualified” and well-known choice.

That choice could be Hillary Clinton who has resurfaced and in close proximity to Biden who featured her as a “special” guest at his virtual town hall earlier this week.

Could it be that the Clinton restoration is going to be forced down America’s throat through the back door?

With Clyburn’s adjustment of his stance, the decks are now cleared.