Good morning Deplorables, hope you were able to get out during the long holiday weekend.
In The Coils Of The Red Dragon
By Ben Garrison
The Chinese communist party wants to immediately enact a new “national security” law in Hong Kong. The law would effectively end Hong Kong’s independence as well as their civil liberties. Freedom is a dire threat to the Chicoms’ so-called ’security.’
President Xi, like the rest of his comrades in power, is an atheist and as such they only worship their own power. Ethics and conscience are superfluous. The Chicoms do not hesitate to arrest and imprison those who don’t obey completely. There is no real freedom in China—especially religious freedom. The communists want complete control of their citizenry. Through mass tracking and a social credit system, they have achieved that objective.
The Chinese are used to getting their way. Until Trump came to the White House, presidents caved in to China at every turn. Clinton even gave them missile technology. Biden engaged in nepotistic corruption with Beijing. The Democrats seem to love China. So does social media–especially Google and Facebook. Mark Zuckerberg, the CEO of Facebook, admires China and their form of censorship. He even asked President Xi to name his baby. Silicon Valley wants globalism and each human tracked, chipped, and controlled. They prefer censorship over our First Amendment.
A Chinese general once declared an intention to eventually wipe out Americans and invade our country. China is a crowded country and the general considered America to be the new ‘lebensraum.’ But a future threat from China is not what this cartoon is about. China has already been busy conquering us by stealing intellectual property, then using slave labor to crank out derivative products at a lower cost. They have spies everywhere all over the world. They pressure the media to cave into their demands. For example, we’re not allowed to say a virus emerged from China. Oh no—that’s ‘racist.’
Chicom operatives also make sure Hollywood does not produce anything that puts their country in a bad light. Hollywood always caves. After all, China is a big market for their films. Same with the NBA. They caved to evil, communist thugs without a second thought.
America won’t become China due to military defeat, but rather from within. People such as Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg and the Democrat socialists would love to emulate communist China right here in the USA. It’s unfortunate that so many citizens will obey them in lockstep and without question when they should be emulating the freedom fighters in Hong Kong.
Check out all of Ben’s great cartoons and commentary HERE.
The Doctrine of Media Untruth
By Victor Davis Hanson/American Greatness
Trump’s antics simply lured the snails out of their shells and showed the public they were glorified slugs all along.
As a general rule, when the New York Times, the Washington Post, National Public Radio, Public Broadcasting Service, NBC, CBS, ABC, MSNBC, and CNN begin to parrot a narrative, the truth often is found in simply believing just the opposite.
Put another way, the media’s “truth” is a good guide to what is abjectly false. Perhaps we can call the lesson of this valuable service, the media’s inadvertent ability to convey truth by disguising it with transparent bias and falsehood, the “Doctrine of Media Untruth.”
Take the strange case of the respective records of liberal New York Governor Andrew Cuomo and Florida counterpart Ron DeSantis. Both states have roughly equal populations, with Florida slightly larger by about 2 million. Both have populations that travel daily back and forth between their respective major cities. Both are major international tourist and travel hubs. Both have widely diverse populations.
Both have large numbers of retirees and long-term-care homes. Yet, New York has suffered 14 times the number of coronavirus deaths as has Florida. Florida is now increasingly open, and on May 19 saw 54 deaths attributed to the virus. That same day, New York was completely locked down and yet saw nearly twice that number at 105 deaths.
One would never know from the media of the contrasting fates of the two states during the epidemic.DeSantis is often rendered little more than a reckless leader who exposed Floridians to needless danger. Cuomo, in contrast, increasingly is deified by the media as likely presidential timber who finesses press conferences in the lively fashion of his legendary beloved father, and iconic liberal, Mario Cuomo.
Yet on the principle of media’s commitment to untruth, the public legitimately could deduce from the hagiographic news coverage that the frenetic Cuomo has proven the most incompetent governor in the nation in dealing with the virus. He sent the infected into vulnerable long-term care homes. He neither applied social distancing to, nor cleaned, mass transit. And Cuomo exaggerated his need for some medical supplies, while neglecting shortages in others.
In contrast, the media furor at DeSantis is a good guide to his successes in both mitigating viral fatalities while charting Florida’s path back to economic normality.
Hagiography of the Unfit and Unprofessional
The media assures us that failed Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams is a statuesque heroic figure who is an experienced state politician, a successful polymath, and would be a valuable asset as Joe Biden’s vice-presidential pick, but even better—wink-and-nod—a likely next president.
That new media consensus narrative is best typified by a recent and obsequious promo piece in the Washington Post. So given the media deification and the Doctrine of Media Untruth, we might assume that Abrams never has held statewide office, in incoherent fashion could not concede her legitimate defeat in the last Georgia gubernatorial race, and until recently still had not paid off an enormous credit card, student, and tax debt well over $200,000.
In other words, read the media narrative on Abrams and without knowing much else, one could conclude that she is not a photogenic candidate; she is not gracious in defeat; and she is without much experience of victory. Her baggage and lack of even a statewide constituency would mostly hurt a Biden ticket, which explains why his opponents hope that she is the vice-presidential nominee.
The Doctrine of Media Untruth was a valuable guide during the serial psychodramas to abort Donald Trump’s presidency. When Yale psychiatrist Bandy X. Lee was canonized for tele-diagnosing Donald Trump as unhinged and in need of forced removal under the 25th Amendment, we knew the media glorification signaled she was unprofessional in making such a diagnosis of a patient she never met, and would never dare offer such a long-distance mental assessment of presidential candidate Joe Biden, based on his obvious cognitive impairment, memory lapses, and frequent cul-de-sac patterns of thought.
Read the entire article HERE.
The New York Times celebrates Memorial Day by equating the United States military to the Ku Klux Klan. Is anyone surprised anymore?
— James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) May 24, 2020
The New York Times Editorial Board Is a Threat to Multicultural America
By Paul Craig Roberts
New York Times Preaches Hatred of White People, Attacks US Military as White Supremacy
In a Memorial Day editorial, the ignorant, white-hating editorial board of the New York Times wrote:
“Bases named for men who sought to destroy the Union in the name of racial injustice are an insult to the ideals servicemen and women are sworn to uphold – and an embarrassing artifact of the time when the military itself embraced anti-American values.”
The ignorance in this statement is extraordinary. The South left the union because the South was being economically exploited by the North. The South fought because the North invaded the South. The North invaded the South, as President Lincoln said repeatedly, to “preserve the union,” that is, the empire. Lincoln said repeatedlly that the South could have slavery forever if only the South would stay in the union.
What the race-baiters who comprise the New York Times editorial board call “racial injustice” was the inherited labor system from colonial times, predating both the United States and the Confederate states of America. There were vast land resources and no labor force. The first slaves were whites. Then native Americans were tried. Then the British discovered the African black slave trade and learned that some blacks had immunity to malaria. The British purchased Africans supplied by the African kingdom of Dahomey, people captured in slave wars between Africans.
The black slaves that the British brought to the New World were captured by blacks in slave wars between blacks and sold on the slave market by blacks, where some were purchased and used as a labor force in the New World for about two centuries before the formation of the United States and two and three-quarter centuries prior to the formation of the Confederate States of America.
The New York Times editorial board covers up the known indisputable truth with their anti-white “1619 project,” an indoctrination program to inculcate hatred of white people in blacks and guilt in white people.
Why does the New York Times lie, brainwash blacks into hatred of whites, and attempt to brainwash whites into guilt for the creation of a New World labor force four centuries ago?
Why do Americans tolerate the New York Times fomenting of racial hatred in a mulicultural society?
The New York Times is a vile organization.
Read the entire article HERE.
Facebook Mass Censoring Any MENTION of the Word ‘Coronavirus’
— Big League Politics (@bigleaguepol) May 26, 2020
Facebook Mass Censoring Any MENTION of the Word ‘Coronavirus’
Via Big League Politics
Facebook appears to enacting a totally new level of Orwellian censorship, going so far as to mass delete any comment or post with a mere mention of the word ‘coronavirus.’ Some online conservatives brought up the remarkable and reactionary censorship on Monday, expressing surprise that the company would go so far as to silence any mere mention of the disease’s name.
Other Facebook users recounted the exact same experience. It’s unclear if the automated ban on saying ‘coronavirus’ applies throughout the entire platform, or is merely blanketed upon a subsection of users.
Curiously, the comments merely stating ‘coronavirus’ don’t appear to have been outright deleted from the platform. Instead, they’re rendered invisible to anyone but the individual that posted them, ensuring that Facebook can claim they aren’t deleted, but just as effectively silenced.
The coronavirus epidemic is one of the most significant global events since World War II. But don’t you dare as so much even think as to mention it on Facebook.
For the world’s largest social media network to so callously silence anyone who even dares to mention the name of the disease is reminiscent of some of the most authoritarian censorship practices in history, such as those practiced in the Soviet Union.
It’s hard to think of a practice that could so effectively reveal malfeasance and authoritarianism on the part of Silicon Valley tech elites, but they don’t care. So much as an actual discussion on coronavirus isn’t permitted for the unwashed masses, and is reserved as a privilege for the liberal elites.
Read the entire article HERE.
Democrats Warn That American People May Tamper With Next Election
— The Babylon Bee (@TheBabylonBee) May 23, 2020
Democrats Warn That American People May Tamper With Next Election
Via The Babylon Bee (Satire)
WASHINGTON, D.C.—In his opening statement at Trump’s impeachment trial, Rep. Adam Schiff reminded the Senate of their solemn duty and the gravity of just what it is they will be discussing at the trial.
Schiff warned that if Trump is not impeached, the American people may have a chance to tamper with the next election.
“If President Trump is not impeached, the American people might get a say in who is president,” Schiff said gravely. “We simply can’t allow that to happen. We must diligently defend our electoral process against electoral outcomes we do not like. If that means seizing power through a sham impeachment trial, so be it.”
“When the Founders wrote that founding document thing, they never imagined there would be electoral outcomes that Democrats did not agree with.”
Democrats also said they even have hard evidence that the 2016 election was compromised by Republicans voting for Trump.
“We know this horrible outcome could happen, because it’s already happened once before.”
Check out all of the Bee’s takes on politics and culture HERE.
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