Colin Kaepernick Threatens Race War Revolt Because A Cop Took A Knee

Ex-NFL bench QB Colin Kaepernick is famous for, not his playing ability but rather taking a knee during the National Anthem, disrespecting the country and those who died for it. He claims this “protest” was to call attention to police brutality but now he’s all butthurt that a cop in Minnesota emulated him and took a knee. Sure, this cop took a knee on a black guy’s neck, killing him, but Kaepernick didn’t give coherent instructions on how his protest is supposed to work. In any case, the out-of-work agitator is calling for an all-out race war because his chances of getting back in the NFL are as nonexistent as his talent.

On Monday, a white police officer in Minneapolis was filmed kneeling on the neck of black man George Floyd, who later died. That officer and three others involved were fired. The city and state of Minnesota instantly opened investigations, with an eye on murder charges. President Trump has sent the FBI to investigate as well.

Despite this massive outpouring of justice, black activists staged a full scale riot in Minneapolis, demanding justice. Perhaps they don’t know what that word means or maybe they just wanted some free shit because they looted local businesses, cleaned out a Target store, and set their neighborhood on fire.

Colin Kaepernick was napping all week so he didn’t get around to being outraged until today:


There it is: Kaepernick wants black people to rise up and overthrow the white oppressors. Generally speaking it is considered sedition when some tries to incite a violent overthrow of the government, but liberals have a lot of leeway when it comes to spouting dangerous nonsense.

I think most people reading this would say to Kaepernick: “bring it, fool.” You want a race war, let’s do it.

If Kaepernick is concerned for the wellbeing of black people, encouraging them to go to war with the city, state, and federal governments as well as the tens of millions of armed white people would seem counterintuitive. His team just doesn’t have the numbers or the resources.

Chances are, black people don’t look at a failed football player with a goofy afro as their leader so this race war revolt probably won’t happen. Plus rioting and looting means free TVs with very little personal risk, while a lopsided race war brings nothing but death.

A more appropriate and productive response from Kaepernick would be for him to thank the Minneapolis PD for firing the officers involved in George Floyd’s death less than a day after it happened. And them maybe sent a fruit basket to the DA and state’s attorney for swiftly investigating. And, at the very least, send President Trump a nice tweet for getting the full force of the Justice Department involved.

Colin Kaepernick should be declaring a war on himself, because he’s the one who started the whole kneeling craze. He shouldn’t be getting mad at other people for doing what he did.