Joe Biden Slams 50 Million Americans As ‘Not Very Good People’

On top of being a racist, lunatic, and liar, Joe Biden is also a noted plagiarist. He just stole Hillary Clinton’s “Basket of Deplorables” line but because he’s senile as well, he messed it up badly. While Hillary said that a large portion of the population in America are racists and sexists who belong in her basket, Crazy Joe said that 10-15% of the population are “not very good people.” This, by the way, was in the middle of a rant about how he intends to unite the country.

Biden did another lame virtual forum with black people including actor Don Cheadle. Presumably these people are actually black in Biden’s book because they seem to support him, which is the threshold. Ironically, Biden was talking about how racist this country is:

“If elected, my view is you will have to, we’ll have to address these issues straight on,” started Biden.

Biden has been a U.S. Senator since the early 1970’s and was VP of the United States for 8 years. I wonder why he never addressed those racism issues straight on when he was in a position to actually do something. Also, doesn’t it seem like Biden is telling Don Cheadle he’ll have to be the one addressing those issues?

“Words the President says matter. So when a President stands up and divides people all the time, you’re gonna get the worst of us to come out. The worst in us all to come out.” Biden continued.

And speaking of the worst of us…

“This Presidents talks constantly talks about a-quality without without lecturing. Talks about and has ministration that looks like the country and the rest it changes attitude,” said Biden.

I have no idea what point Biden was trying to make here, or if that was even English, but the other black guy, the non-Don Cheadle dude, nodded along approvingly, like Biden was being profound.

The nonsense kept coming:

“It’s about the attitude of the country. Do we want our kids, do we pee, do we really think this is goo as we can be?” Biden asked.

Yes, we do pee and also yes, this is as goo as Joe Biden can be. It only gets worse from here.

“There probably anywhere from 10 to 15% of the people who are just not very good people but that’s not who we are,” claimed Biden.

15% of 331 million (the U.S. population) is around 50 million. According to Joe Biden 50 million Americans are shitty people. The question is: who exactly is he talking about. It can’t be Trump voters because there are 63 million of them. It can’t be Republicans because there are around 100 million of them.

There are however around 50 million black people in this country. The percentage of the U.S. population that is black is 12.6, which falls right within Biden’s range of 10-15%. There is no other group of people in this country that fits Biden’s claim so perfectly as black people.

Did Biden just slip up again and admit that he thinks blacks aren’t very good people? Probably. Will anyone in the black community or liberal media give a shit? Probably not.

After saying 50 million Americans, possibly black Americans, are scumbags, this was the next thing to come out of Biden’s mouth:

“We have to unite people. Bring them together,” Biden said.

So he’s going to unite the people by insulting 50 million of them? I don’t think he knows what that word means, or any words really.

Hillary had her “Basket of Deplorables” and she lost bigly. Joe now has his “Lunch Bucket of Losers” and he’s setting himself up for a yuge defeat. It should not be lost that democrats have nothing but contempt for the people they hope to represent. Different election, same hatred.