Police Arrest Elderly White Woman For Standing Up To Psychotic Rioters

We have seen with the violent riots that have erupted across the country that police will not arrest these looting anarchists and when they do, as in the case of Los Angeles, they let them go with no charges. In the Milwaukee area however, they are cracking down on elderly white women who stand up to theses domestic terrorists. A white senior citizen was taken into custody after protesters accosted her and she stood her ground. I have no idea why these idiots are calling to defund the police, because cops are clearly on their side.

The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reports that 64-year-old Stephanie Rapkin was trying to drive to the store on Saturday when one of the many “peaceful” Black Lives Matter protests blocked her way in Shorewood, Wisconsin. Scared, the elderly woman abandoned her car in the street and tried to get away. Instead, she was swamped by protesters who were screaming at her to move her car.

Here’s a video:


As you can see, Rapkin is repeatedly confronted and threatened by scumbags losers. At one point a black guy, identified as high school student Eric Patrick Lucas III cups his hands around his mouth and screams in Rapkin’s face. After he did this couple of times, she spit in his face.

With that, all hell broke lose and several protesters grabbed Rapkin including a big doofusy white guy. The video cuts out, but presumably Rapkin was able to escape.

Based on this video in which several people accosted Rapkin, police arrested her and not any of the people that terrorized her, threatened her, and puts hands on her.

Shorewood police detained Rapkin on Saturday evening and she was booked into the Milwaukee County Jail on Sunday. Her bail has been set at $950. Rapkin faces charges of battery and disorderly conduct. Community leaders called for those charges to be taken further.

And by “taken further” they want her charged with a hate crime:

Shorewood community leaders Monday called for a white lawyer who spat on a high school student during a protest to be disbarred and charged with a hate crime.

Shorewood schools Superintendent Bryan Davis praised Lucas and the other protest organizers, while denouncing Rapkin’s behavior. The incident, Davis said, “exposed the horrific, overt racism that still exists in our community” and was an “appalling display of racial hatred.”

Davis called on the Milwaukee County District Attorney’s Office to include a hate crime penalty enhancement for any upcoming charges against Rapkin. Her behavior, Davis said, was more than just disorderly conduct — it was “racial hatred aimed at disrupting a peaceful demonstration.”

“If we, as Milwaukee County, are going to treat racism as the crisis it is, we must make sure that law enforcement and our criminal justice system look at these types of incidents through a racially motivated lens,” said Davis.

And the mob wants Rapkin, who is a lawyer, to be disbarred:

Michael Maistelman, an election law attorney, sent the Journal Sentinel a copy of a complaint he has filed with the state Office of Lawyer Regulation asking it to investigate Rapkin for possible professional misconduct. That state agency looks into complaints and makes recommendations to the state Supreme Court, which has the power to fine, suspend or disbar lawyers.

Judging by her last name, I’m going to assume that Ms. Rapkin is Jewish and definitely not a white supremacist. In the video she doesn’t use any racially-charged language and she is standing up to these thugs regardless of their race. How is this a hate crime?

A better question is, how is this a crime at all? These protesters were all over her and that has to be a very intimidating thing for a petite 64-year-old woman. If someone came up and screamed in my face like that black guy did, I’d knock him flat on his ass, not because he was black but because he was being an asshole. Nobody has a right to evade your space like that, but we all have the right to protect ourselves and our spaces.

Except in Shorewood, Wisconsin apparently. The police there won’t stop people from rioting and looting, or attacking residents, but they will arrest an elderly woman, terrified by these scumbags and defending herself the best she can.