Antifa Has Seized Control Of Seattle Neighborhood And Expelled The Police

Remember how liberals freaked out when President Trump said he would designate Antifa as a terrorist organization? Well, Antifa just seized control of a large chunk of Seattle, setting up barricades and expelling the police. Liberals hate to hear it, but once again Trump was right. These scumbags are more than petty thugs, they are full-blown terrorists and since they now have their own territory they are a terrorist state.

There is zero coverage of this on any of the lame-stream media sites, but Antifa-target Andy Ngo is on it:

And Townhall’s Julio Rosas has confirmed that part of Seattle has fallen into the hands of Antifa:

Lucky for Antifa that they pulled this shit in Seattle where the mayor and city council totally approve. Also apparently every business owner and resident of this crap seems to be cool with it.

I know Seattle is a very liberal city, but there has to be normal people living there as well who are simply fed up with this kind of garbage. Businesses and productive people are fleeing Minneapolis because the city leaders have turned the streets over too thugs and terrorists. Can a similar exodus from Seattle be far behind?

The other question I have is, can President Trump send in the U.S. Military to crush this insurgency? Antifa has seized control of a U.S. city and then announced that they are seceding from the Union. I’m almost certain that the feds have Constitutional authority to maintain the unity of this country.

Of course Trump shouldn’t send in the military because liberals will accuse him of being a dictator and a tyrant. Also, it’s better politically for Republicans if a liberal city like Seattle is under the control of a leftist terrorist organization because liberal city leaders allow it to happen.

Now that Antifa has declared this part of Seattle an autonomous country, separate from the United States, does that mean they will be generating their own electricity and water service or will they continue to mooch that stuff off of the evil capitalist society they have seceded from?

We all know the question to that. Antifaland has no industry, no GNP, and their only export is stupidity. A quick check of the markets, and stupidity is trading a $0 so it’s unlikely they will be able to afford any kind of services for their citizen hostages.

Antifa thinks they’ve done something bold and brilliant here, but it’s pretty much a ready-made ad for Trump’s reelection campaign. With democrats in charge, the streets belong to terrorists. With Trump at the helm, the streets belong to people with jobs, consumers, and families who can enjoy public spaces without worrying about getting punched in the back of the head by a loser who reeks of patchouli oil.