Seattle’s Antifa-Controlled ‘Autonomous Zone’ Has Run Out Of Food In less Than A Day

Yesterday, Def-Con News told you about Antifa seizing a big chunk of Seattle and declaring it a cop-free autonomous zone. One of the big questions we had, besides why the city let this happen, was how are these unemployed dirtbags were going to maintain a functioning society with absolutely no resources. Well, less than 24 hours later, it seems the anarchist sovereign nation has run out of food. Man, socialism sucks when there’s nobody to mooch off of.

@anarchomastia is a lesbian anarchist and presumed spokesperson for the Seattle Autonomous Zone. She has locked down her Twitter account, but luckily conservative commentator Stephen L. Miller was able to a get a screenshot of this:

“The homeless people we invited in took away all the food at the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone. We need more food to keep the area operational. Please if possible bring vegan meat substitutes, fruits, oats, soy products, etc. – Anything to help us eat,” read the desperate plea.

So can we assume this experiment in socialist stupidity is over? If you can’t eat, you can’t rage against the machine. Suddenly the Autonomous Zones is not so autonomous. Let’s add that to the list of words leftists don’t understand.

I don’t know why, but this is the funniest f*cking thing I’ve seen in a long time. They went from…

“We’re going to start a utopian socialist society with no cops.”


“Bums stole all our food. Help us. We’re starving.”

…in less than a day.

Not only does this demonstrate, in real time, the failures of socialism, it also proves how utterly stupid their “defund the police” demand is.

Out here in the police-police protected United States of America, we are eating, drinking, and not sleeping on a urine-soaked sidewalk to own the capitalists.

It would be funny if people from outside the Autonomous Zone f*cked with the Antifa thugs within. Someone should go up to the barricades with a bag of food and offer to trade sustenance for terrorist gear. Give them a lesson in capitalism.

For a black hoodie, you get a handful of kale. If you are willing to give up your concrete milkshake, you can have a bowl of quinoa. Anyone that trades their metal baton concealed in a black dress sock could have an Impossible Whopper, which is reported to grow boobs on men. Too bad it doesn’t grow balls on men.

The problem is, Antifa, Black Lives Matter, and leftists in general, only know how to make demands. Fair trading is as foreign to them as personal hygiene. It’s why they don’t have jobs as well. They can can kick and scream and demand free stuff, but when it comes to earning anything, including respect, they are lost.

In retrospect, Antifa should have taken over a part of Seattle with a Costco. At least that way they could have lasted until the weekend.

Actually, I’m kidding. Clearly the City of Seattle will airlift in supplies for these terrorist losers so they can maintain their hostile occupation. It’s probably racist to not help them out, judging by the fact that liberals think everything is racist.