Worthless Rioter Shot and Wounded by Armed Citizen

Shot him, yes. But only the arm. But at least he can’t throw anymore Molotov Cocktails and such.

A violent rioter was wounded by gunfire after attacking a citizen merely trying to drive through a group off thugs that were breaking the law by barring his way, and attack him, as well as his vehicle.

Via the Seattle Times 

Just as Seattle’s mayor and police chief were wrapping up a Sunday night news conference about ongoing protests [sic RIOTS] against police brutality, a 27-year-old man at a demonstration on Capitol Hill was shot by a gunman who drove into the crowd.

The victim was taken to Harborview Medical Center, where he was listed in stable condition, and the gunman was detained.

The shooting occurred shortly before 8:30 p.m., near the intersection of 11th Avenue and Pine Street where demonstrators have gathered repeatedly in the past week to protest police killings of Black people, including George Floyd in Minneapolis last month.

The shooting apparently happened while the gunman was still in the car. Dressed in blue jeans, a black sweatshirt and a black baseball cap, he then got out of his car, gun in hand, and made his way through demonstrators toward a line of police before he was taken into custody.

“Taken into custody.” I suppose grammatically correct, but it implies he was perhaps a resiting fugitive. No, this guy turned himself in right after the incident.

B.J. (Blow Job: My Edit) Hayes was standing nearby when the black car barreled down Eleventh Avenue from Pike Street toward hundreds of protesters. As the vehicle approached Pine Street, some demonstrators shouted, ran alongside and tried to slow it down by blocking its path with a metal panel taken from a police barricade.

Yeah, they dindu nuffin! Blow Job reached into this guys car and was grabbing at him while some Pantifa sissy puts up a metal plate? Shit. If someone did that to me, I’d shoot them too. This picture will tell you why.

I see a critter laying hands on the shooter while a couple Pantifas try to block him from passsing. AND a gaggle more of them looking for trouble. THAT, my friends, is enough to be justified as fearing for ones life or protecting one’s property, and thus a justifiable shooting. So the critter went down and all the other Pantifas ran like roaches with the lights on. Now watch the video shortly after he smoked the critter and how scared Pantifas are of firearms.


“I thought he was plowing right into the crowd,” said Hayes, who has attended several of the recent protests. “I totally thought I was going to see a bunch of bodies flying through the air.”

God damn! I wish that would have happened! And no, you didn’t. You wanted to pull him out his car and beat him almost to death, like Reginald Denny in 1992.

The man who was shot appeared to be hit as he reached into the driver’s window. He fell away backward as the driver exited the car.

Fell on his bleeding black ass. We’ve been saying for a long time one of these assholes is going to run into the “wrong guy.” It just happened. I only wish he was a better shot.